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German stereotypes in Euroregion Labe / Elbe. Czech perception. Jakub JELEN, Petr KLÉR, Romana SVOBODOVÁ, December 2013, Laubusch. INTRODUCTION.
Germanstereotypes in Euroregion Labe/Elbe Czechperception Jakub JELEN, Petr KLÉR, Romana SVOBODOVÁ, December 2013, Laubusch
INTRODUCTION OBJECT OF RESEARCH – to determine the level of stereotypes, language and general knowledge about the neighboring country, itslife and society with orientation on Czech – Saxony borderland, Euroregion Elbe/ Labe.
METHODS • Questionnairesurvey - carriedthroughout the CzechRepublic. • the researchwasconductedthrough the internet and in the fieldsurvey • the total number of respondents – n: 393 • the largestnumber of respondentswere in the Ústí nad Labem region – 282 Srtucture of respondents (sex, age, education)
METHODS THE QUESTIONNAIRE WAS FOCUSED ON 6 AREAS: KnowledgeaboutGermany Languageskills Travelling AttributesassociatedwithGermanpopulation Concepts, persons, experiences and clichésconnectedwithGermany / Germans Sources of informationaboutGermany
RESULTS KnowledgeaboutGermany
RESULTS Languageskills What are yourGermanlanguageskills?
RESULTS Haveyouknowledgeotherforeginlanguages ?
RESULTS LearningGermanishelpfulforme.
RESULTS I do not have to know German language to be understood in a foreign country
RESULTS Travelling Haveyoueverbeen in Germany ?
RESULTS Whatwas the reason of yourjourney to Germany ?
RESULTS QualitiesthatyouassociatewithGermanpopulation
RESULTS QualitiesthatyouassociatewithCzechpopulation
RESULTS Concepts, persons, experiences and clichésthat are withGermany / Germansjoined
RESULTS Sources of information Whichinformationssources do you use to getinformationsaboutGermany
RESULTS Are youinterested in situation in Germany
RESULTS WhattopiscinterestyouaboutGermany ?
DISCUSSION • Above average knowledge about Germany • Knowledge of German language considered usefull • The range of information about Germany is sufficient • Typical German is rich, educated, diligent and careful • Germany is associated with the Second World War, tourism andautomobile industry
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