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War on the Home Front. 647-662. Mobilizing Industry and Economy. US became a creditor Provided capital for investment in world market when British financial reserves started to be diverted to the war effort. Mobilizing Industry and Economy. Federal Reserve System: est. 1913
War on the Home Front 647-662
Mobilizing Industry and Economy • US became a creditor • Provided capital for investment in world market when British financial reserves started to be diverted to the war effort
Mobilizing Industry and Economy • Federal Reserve System: est. 1913 • Made it easier to borrow money • 2/3 of funds came from loans • Taxes increased
Wartime Economic Regulation • War Industries Board: the central agency for mobilizing wartime industry • War profits produced an economic boom that continued until 1920
Food Administration • Created in 1917 and led by Herbert Hoover • He encouraged farmers to expand production of wheat and other grains from 45 million acres in 1917 to 75 million in 1919 • Encouraged conservation, did not do rationing
Legacy of Economic Mobilization • Bureaucracy! • Entire industries mobilized as never before • Modern system of income tax • Collaboration between business and government, benefitting both sides
See p. 650-651 • Organized labor • Black and Mexican American Workers • Women and the War Effort
Suffrage • National American Woman Suffrage Association lobbied for a suffrage amendment to the Constitution • Alice Paul and the National Woman’s Party were more militant • August, 1920: 19th Amendment passed: took 18 months from start to finish to get through Senate
Moral Reform, Family Welfare, and Prohibition • See p. 653-654, sorry: no time to discuss!
National Unity • War led to decline in tolerance • Wartime Propaganda, George Creel: patriotic literature: put out negative information on certain ethnic groups to encourage support for war • 100% Americanism
Espionage Act of 1917Sedition Act of 1918 • EA: stiff penalties for antiwar activities • Allowed feds to ban treasonous materials from the mail • Convicted over 1,000 people, mainly socialists • Eugene Debs sentenced to 10 years in prison • Schenckv. US: speech uttered under circumstances that would “create a clear and present danger to the safety of the country” could be constitutionally restricted
Treaty of Versailles • http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/FWWwilsonP.htm • Wilson’s blueprint for postwar world • League of Nations • Met in Versailles, France: Russia and Germany not there • Most wanted Germany to pay severe reparations • LON defeated (658-659)
Racial Strife, Labor Unrest • Race Riots in Chicago, late 1910’s and early 1920’s (660) • Workers on strike: cost of living up 77% in 1919 from 1917 • 4 million workers on strike: 20% of workforce • Coolidge elected president for his stand against strikers
Red Scare, Palmer Raids, Sacco and Vanzetti • Red Scare: • http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/USAredscare.htm • Palmer Raids: • http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/USApalmerR.htm • Sacco and Vanzetti • http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/USAsacco.htm