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TRANSITION OF YOUTH W ITH DISABILITIES FROM SCHOOL TO EMPLOYMENT IN SLOVENIA. Tatjana Dolinšek, M.Sc. , Racio Social Institute for D evelopment of S ocial and E mployment P rograms Aleksandra Tabaj, M.Sc. and Črtomir Bitenc , University Rehabilitation Institute Republic of Slovenia ,.
TRANSITION OF YOUTHWITH DISABILITIES FROM SCHOOL TO EMPLOYMENT IN SLOVENIA Tatjana Dolinšek, M.Sc., Racio Social Institute for Development of Social and Employment Programs Aleksandra Tabaj, M.Sc.andČrtomir Bitenc, University Rehabilitation Institute Republic of Slovenia ,
BACKGROUND Transition of young PwD from school to the labour market in Slovenia is not integrally and adequately organised. A support system should be introduced to monitor young PwD while they are still at school and prepare them for entering the labour market.
Project is co-financed by EuropeanSocial Fund and Slovenian Ministry of Labour, Familiy, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities. Partners: Racio Social, URI RS and Auris Kranj Associated partners: Education and Training Institutions Providers of Employment/Vocational Rehabilitation Employers' Associations of Craft and Small Business of Slovenia – GIZ Municipality Celje Transnationality: Austrian partners
CONCRETE OBJECTIVE To train 10 professional workers that will offer assistance and support for 50 young PwD. To ensure that the professional workers perform their work successfully, they must be properly trained.
Training programme Comprehensive training programmefor proffesional workers:80 hours of theoreticalwork in 5 modules: Legislation Evaluation and assessment of competencies Learning and planning for future Partnership: schools - employers, good practices Management of transition process 100 hours of practical work with target group.
TARGET GROUPS In the training programe proffesional workers practically work with 59 youth PwD: Physically disabled, Hearing, blind and visually impaired, Learning disabilities, Individuals withmental health problems, behavioralor emotionaldisorders, autism and other special needs.
Analysis – state of the art Data analysis: targetpopulation in Slovenia was within 2005-2012: 900-1000 personsper year. YoungPwD are not registered at Employment Service of Slovenia (e.g. 36 in data for December 2012). Case studies showed long term unemployment for youth with disabilities (no working age at age 30-35).
STAGES AND TIME SCHEDULE 1. Analysis of the stateof the problemof transition and presentationof examples of good practices December 2010 – May 2011 2. Adjusting the results of the project “Trainsition”,training programme for transition trainers June 2011 – October 2011
STAGES AND TIME SCHEDULE 3. Motivating institutions and individuals to enter thetraining programme for transition trainers September 2011 – December 2011 4. Preparation of the implementation of the training programme for transition trainers January2011 – June 2011
STAGES AND TIME SCHEDULE 5. Transnationality - visiting the Caritas in Vienna December 2012 & March 2013 6. Practicalimplementation of the process oftransition of young persons from school to the labour market September 2012 – June 2013
STAGES AND TIME SCHEDULE 7. Dissemination of results, expansion, mainstreaming June 2013-December 2013 Evaluation – interim & final Coordination & management
What kind of vocational preparation is offered before leaving school? Treatment and counselling in elementary and secondary schoolfrom school counsellors (social worker, spec. ped., psych., etc.). Possibility of medical assessment – within the framework ofvocational counselling and guidance in 7th grade of elementaryschool). Inclusion into technical or practical training during elementaryschool education.
What kind of vocational preparation is offered before leaving school? • Prolongation of the pupil status (prolonged training). • Vocational guidance (orientation) and counselling in theVocational Rehabilitation Centre. • Larger fund of hours in the last trimester (the adaptedprogramme with lower education standard). • Larger fundof hours (the expandedprogramme for “technical days”). • Apprenticeship for secondary lower education-dual system.
Opportunities for youngdisabled persons after leaving school 1. Direct Employment or 2. Registration of unemployment at the EmploymentService ALMP programmes: Education (retraining, courses, National vocational qualification, etc.),On-the-job training, Public works, etc. Employment rehabilitation: enabled by the Employment and Rehabilitationof Disabled Persons Act, passed in 2004: employmentrehabilitation services
RESULTS • 15 trained proffesional workers for transition • 59 young PwD included in the programme • Better cooperation of proffesional and other institutions that deal with transition of young PwD • Prepared activities for continuation of the project • Suggestions of solutions for policy makers on national level
National Committee The purpose of the National Committee is: To enable the discussion on the project on national level, To support the implementation of new approach on national level and To help national and other structures in achievement for sustainable development.
THANK YOU! This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.