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Stingrays. Made by Christopher Bough 7 th Grader. What are Stingrays.

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  1. Stingrays Made by Christopher Bough 7th Grader

  2. What are Stingrays Stingrays are fresh water fish that live in the shallow coastal waters of temperate seas. They stay mostly in the sand buried underneath, moving with the tides. It also stays camouflaged to protect it from sharks or larger stingrays. The stingrays have organs behind the eyes called spiracles which are used to help them  breath underwater. Rays are carnivores that feed on fish or smaller prey   Stingrays come in many different shapes and sizes to as small as your palm. They can grow as large as six feet in length across including tail which is 14 feet. They can live up to 15 -25 years in the wild and weigh up to 790lbs. or more.

  3. Stingrays are outfitted with eletrical sensors called ampullae of lorensini located by the stingrays mouth, it is used to sense the natural electrical charges of potential prey. Some rays have a jaw to crush things they commonly eat like clams, oysters, mussels, shrimp and crab. depending how large the ray is. Coral reefs are favorite feeding grounds the stingrays tail or spine is made with serrated edges and a sharp point. The underside may produce venom which can kill a human. A stingrays venom has Enzyme 5- Nucleotide and Phosphodieterase and the        how they hunt and kill

  4.                     Giant Stingrays Giant Stingrays are one of the largest freshwater but are hard to find because no one knows how many there are and where they stay. These ancient fish reach 5 meters in length and weigh up to 1,320 pounds. They are known to be brown and gray in color. Giant stingrays are known to be in the river systems in Thailand, Borneo, New Guinea and Northern Australia. These large rays are able to pull boats upstream and underwater. when its threaten its tail is powerful enough to break a bone and pierce through skin like a arrow. Scientists are still trying to find out more about them.

  5. At 2:00 pm a fishing boat near Hanan Sanea in China caught one of the largest Stingrays. It weighed 3,300 lbs. While trying to pull it in the boat for three hours it died unfortunately when they tied it to the boat and drove to shore they sold it for $1500.00. The largest Stingray I seen.

  6. Resources http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stingray http://animals.nationalgeographic.com/animals/fish/stingray.html http://animal.discovery.com/fish/stingray/ http://animals.howstuffworks.com/fish/stingray.html http://www.sciencenewsforkids.org/articles/20030917/Feature1.asp

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