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CDF Status and Prospects for Run 2. Tara Shears. Introduction. Accelerator / detector overview: Tevatron overview CDF overview Luminosity Physics prospects and first results: QCD, Heavy flavour, Electroweak, Searches Conclusions. Tevatron overview. _. p-p collisions at s = 1.96 TeV.
CDF Status and Prospects for Run 2 Tara Shears
Introduction • Accelerator / detector overview: • Tevatron overview • CDF overview • Luminosity • Physics prospects and first results: • QCD, Heavy flavour, Electroweak, Searches • Conclusions
_ p-p collisions at s = 1.96 TeV The Tevatron D0: 650 people 18 countries CDF: 706 people 12 countries
CDF XFT,SVT triggers
% good silicon ladders % bad silicon ladders Si performance % silicon ladders integrated % average error > 90% operational
L00 performance sd0 pT L00 improves uniformity of impact parameter res.
Level 2 hadronic B trigger s(d0) ~ 48 mm 15 ms operation online primary vertex finding, tracking trigger on displaced tracks SVT Level 2 Trigger M(hh)
TOF Performance TOF resolution within 10 –20% of design value (100 ps) Calibration ongoing eg. f S/N = 1942/4517 TOF S/N = 2354/93113
Integrated luminosity Total lumi (pb-1) Run 1 lumi Up to 180 pb-1 will be shown Mar. 2001 Sep. 2003
Physics in Run 2 # events in 1 fb-1 1014 1011 107 104
QCD Vital to understand QCD in order to perform precision/search physics Run 1 inclusive jet cross section Consistent over 7 orders of magnitude deviation at high Et BUT
SM explanation Run 2 - more high Et jets: Test QCD at high Et Discriminate between new physics and gluon PDF New bins for Run 2 Important gluon-gluon and gluon-quark contributions at high Et Gluon PDF @ high x not well known.
Jet 1 ET = 583 GeV (raw) hdet = 0.31 Jet 2 ET = 546 GeV (raw) hdet = -0.30 Had E Em E h-f view CDF Run II Preliminary Dijet mass Highest Et jets seen at the Tevatron! Consistent with SM M(jj)=1364 GeV/c2
B C s(B+): Phys Rev D65 052005 Heavy flavour production: Run 1 Nason, Cacciari UPRF-2002-4 • Discrepancy from Run 1: • B: s(data)/s(improved theory) ~ 1.7 • C: similar effects seen • Aim: test predictions at Run 2 CDF Preliminary:s(D*) Cacciari: hep-ph/9702389
Charm production: D0,D+,D*+,Ds+ • Use SVT (5.8 pb-1) to obtain • D0 K-p+ • D*+ D0p+ • D+ K- p+ p+ • Ds+f p+ • Determine prompt component (fit D impact parameter) • Compare s(D) to NLO Combinatorics Wrong K-p D0 i.p.
Charm production: D0,D+,D*+,Ds+ Nason & Cacciari hep-ph/0306212 s(D0, pT 5.5 GeV) = 13.3±0.2±1.5µb s(D*+, pT 6.0GeV) = 5.2±0.1±0.8µb s(D+, pT 6.0 GeV) = 4.3±0.1±0.7µb s(Ds, pT 8.0 GeV) = 0.75±0.05±0.22µb
Run 2 improvements: Better tracking systems TOF for K-p separation Displaced track triggers Increased lumi for rare decays Heavy flavour • Measurements in Run 2: • Production • Bs mass, lifetime, mixing • CP from Bs, B0 • B baryon lifetime, mass • Rare decays, Bc study Tevatron only place to study Bs, b baryons, Bc
B masses M(B+) = 5279.32 ± 0.68 ± 0.94 GeV (5279.0 ± 0.5) M(B0) = 5280.30 ± 0.92 ± 0.96 GeV (5279.4 ± 0.5) M(Bs) = 5365.50 ± 1.29 ± 0.94 GeV (5369.7 ± 2.4) M(LB) = 5620.4 ± 1.6 ± 1.2 GeV (5624 ± 9) PDG
Charm: M(Ds+)-m(D+) Submitted to PRD! Cross-check of lattice QCD, HQET charm mass Use large SVT triggered charm sample m(D+s)-m(D+) = 99.41 0.38 0.21 MeV/c2 PDG 02: 99.2 0.5MeV/c2
B lifetimes ct(B+) = 1.63 ± 0.05 ± 0.04 ps (1.671 ± 0.018) ct(B0) = 1.51 ± 0.06 ± 0.02 ps (1.537 ± 0.015) ct(Bs) = 1.33 ± 0.14 ± 0.02 ps (1.461 ± 0.057) ct(LB) = 1.25 ± 0.26 ± 0.10 ps (1.229 ± 0.080) More stats with SVT s.l. decays…
Heavy flavour using SVT(+TOF) Allows exclusive hadronic decay mode reconstruction:
xs = Dm/G (>14.4 ps-1@95%) Bs oscillation much faster than Bd because of coupling to top quark: Re(Vts)0.040 >Re(Vtd)0.007 Use SVT to trigger Bs Tag charge at production Tag charge at decay Measure lifetime e-t/t t s b B0 B0 W W+ b s t Vtb~1 Re(Vts)0.04 Pmix(t) = 0.5*(1-cos(Dm t)) Bs mixing
Current (future) performance: No. events: 1600 (2000) /fb-1 D2 = 4 (5) % t = 67 (50) fs Improvements: More Bs channels Better tracking, tagging Sensitivity: Current performance: ms=15 ps-1 / 500 pb-1 (2s) Future performance: ms = 18 ps-1 / 1.7 fb-1 ms = 24 ps-1 / 3.2 fb-1 (both 5s) Predicted Dms reach
Bs mixing complementary method • Dm DG = f (tH, tL ) • Separate eigenstates and measure each lifetime • BS DS+ DS- (CP even) Work continuing in triggering on these difficult hadronic modes (track/vertex/reconstuct) • BS J/y f(CP even&odd) Different angular distribution for mm allow separation of CP even and odd states • BS J/y h(CP odd)
Run 2 benefits: s(W), s(Z) 12 % s(WW), s(ZZ) 13 - 22% Measurements in 2fb-1: m(W) measured to 40 MeV (sys. dominated - theory) G(W) measured to 30 MeV couplings measured to ~0.3 Electroweak:W,Z W,Z essential calibration signals for high Et physics
W,Z results Wmn Z ee
Run 2 benefits: s(tt) 40% More luminosity Increased b tagging efficiency + lepton acceptance Electroweak: top lq q nqq ll q • Measurements in 2 fb-1: • m(top) ~ 1.2% (cf. 2.9%) • s(tt) ~ 10% (cf. 25%) • s(single top) ~ 20% (1st!) • |Vtb| ~ 12% (1st!) nnq 12% 44% 44 % Tevatron only place to study top until LHC startup
Top Results M(top) (run1) = 176.1 ± 6.6 GeV/c2 M(top) = 177.5 +12.7/-9.4stat 7.1sys GeV/c2
Top mass motivation Run 2 expected precision
s(t) ~ 0.9 ±0.1 pb (W*) s(t) ~ 2.0 ±0.2 pb (Wg) s(t) |Vtb|2 Tag by 1 high Pt e,m + 2 jets ( 1 b) + Et Expect 18.5 ± 2.9 events, see 19 Electroweak: single top / st(combined)<17.5pb @95% C.L.
Production and Decay of Higgs 2 fb-1 data: ~ 2,000 Higgs (200 H+ W,Z) Backgrounds much larger than at LEP
8.6 fb-1 4.4 fb-1 LEP mH>114.4 GeV @95% CL Discover at m(H) ~ 115 GeV Exclude m(H) ~130 GeV
SUSY: stop • stop decays: • (eg.) t b c1+ • c1+ l nc0 • (or) t b W c0 • W l n • tag with b jet + lepton + Etmiss ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Stop results Long lived stop analysis: High pt track, large TOF deposit Expect 2.9 0.7 ± 3.1 events See 7 in data M(stop) > 107 GeV
/ SUSY: eeggEt / eeggEt event in Run 1: radiative decay of neutralino to gravitino? (gravitino lsp) pp ci +cj- c01c01 + X g g G G + X Look for more events, + gg channel in Run 2 _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Diphoton: GMSB: radiative decay to LSP (gravitino) If neutralino NLSP: Searches: diphoton / ggEt MC > 113 GeV/c2 @ 95% C.L.
SUSY: projected limits Expected limits for Run 2: (taken from Savoy-Navarra, EPS 99)