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Wildflowers of Ohio

Wildflowers of Ohio. Your Final Exam. Skunk cabbage Symplocarpus foetidus. Harbinger of spring Erigenia bulbosa. Snow trillium Trillium nivale. Pink Lady’s slippers Cypripedium acaule. Wild columbine Aquilegia canadensis. Dwarf larkspur Delphinium tricorne. May apple Podophyllum peltatum.

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Wildflowers of Ohio

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Wildflowers of Ohio Your Final Exam

  2. Skunk cabbage Symplocarpus foetidus

  3. Harbinger of springErigenia bulbosa

  4. Snow trilliumTrillium nivale

  5. Pink Lady’s slippersCypripedium acaule

  6. Wild columbineAquilegia canadensis

  7. Dwarf larkspurDelphinium tricorne

  8. May applePodophyllum peltatum

  9. Indian PaintbrushCastilleja coccinea

  10. Solomon’s plumeSmilacina racemosa

  11. Dutchman’s breechesDicentra cucullaria

  12. Wild blue phloxPhlox divaricata

  13. Bishop’s capMitella diphylla

  14. Purple wood sorrelOxalis violacea

  15. Fire pinkSilene virginica

  16. Early saxifrageSaxifraga virginiensis

  17. Ill-scented trilliumTrillium erectum

  18. Wood betonyPedicularis canadensis

  19. Toad trilliumTrillium sessile

  20. White baneberryActaea pachypoda

  21. DandelionTaraxacum officinale

  22. Yellow wood violetViola biflora

  23. Yellow trout lilyErythronium americanum

  24. Philadelphia fleabaneErigeron philadelphicus

  25. Yellow rocketBarbarea vulgaris

  26. Blue cohoshCaulophyllum thalictroides

  27. Common blue violetViola sororia

  28. Foam flowerTiarella cordiflora

  29. Spring beautyClaytonia virginica

  30. Wild gingerAsarum canadensis

  31. BloodrootSanguinaria canadensis

  32. BluetsHoustonia caerulea

  33. Cut-leaved toothwortCardamine concatenata

  34. Showy orchidGalearis spectabilis

  35. Long spurred violetViola rostrata

  36. Large-flowered trilliumTrillium grandiflorum

  37. HepaticaHepatica americana

  38. Dwarf ginsengPanax trifolius

  39. Golden sealHydrastis canadensis

  40. Painted trilliumTrillium undulatum

  41. Virginia bluebellsMertensia virginica

  42. Jack in the PulpitArisaema triphyllum

  43. Shooting starDodecatheon meadia

  44. White trout lilyErythronium albidum

  45. Dwarf dandelionKrigia virginica

  46. Rue anemoneAnemonella thalictroides

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