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Course Overview Math 1107. Kennesaw State University Department of Mathematics C.J. Alverson. Administrative Overview. Real-time learning, web-based materials No text-book No assigned homework No lecture No graded group-work No curves Minimal administrative structure.
Course OverviewMath 1107 Kennesaw State University Department of Mathematics C.J. Alverson
Administrative Overview • Real-time learning, web-based materials • No text-book • No assigned homework • No lecture • No graded group-work • No curves • Minimal administrative structure
Pedagogical Overview • Active, case-based learning • In-class, group-based work • Individual in-class testing • Non-overlapping coverage of topics • Carefully planned class sessions • Comprehensive final examination • Complete web-based support
Case-based Learning Model • Course topics broken down into pieces. • Each piece is illustrated by a case. • A case is a set of learning steps. • Student groups work together through the case learning steps. • We de-brief afterwards, and a summary for each worked case is posted on the course page.
Group-based Learning • Student groups consist of approximately four to six students. • These groups work cases during class sessions. • No group work is graded. • Small groups allow peer-based learning in an active setting.
Student Characteristics • Moderate mathematics phobia • This course is usually required • Mathematics may be weak and/or old • Day schedule usually involves work/family • Robust mix of traditional/non-traditional students
Instructor Characteristics • Degrees from Georgia Inst. of Technology (B.Sc., M.Sc.) and U.N.C. (M.Sc.) • Teaching since 1988 • Consulting since 1996 • Designed this course and its supporting web page • Teaching at KSU since 1991
Nice Things • Web-based case-work and supporting documentation eases burden of note-taking. • Careful planning and pacing of course aids student success and balancing other work. • Active learning/teaching style, coupled with non-graded group work allows efficient learning and retention.
Scary Things • Pre-existing mathematics issues can confound success in this class. • Writing is an integral part of graded work in this course. • I am rough around the edges and can be a bit scary at times. • The latter part of the course can be a bit intense.
Course Topic List: Fall/Spring Semester • Part One • Basic Probability • Part Two • Clinical Trials • Sample Surveys • Descriptive Statistics • Part Three • Confidence Estimation of Means and Proportions • Hypothesis Tests for Median and Category
Assessment Three In-class Tests Best of Three @ 40% of Total Course Score Next Best of Three @ 20% of Total Course Score Worst of Three Drops Comprehensive In-class Final Exam @ 40% of Total Course Score
Assessment The Total Course Score (TCS) is converted to a Course Letter Grade (CLG) as follows: CLG=“A” if TCS 90 CLG=“B” if 90 > TCS 80 CLG=“C” if 80 > TCS 70 CLG=“D” if 70 > TCS 60 CLG=“F” if TCS < 60
Nota bene • You must be proficient at a basic arithmetic and algebraic level. We do not have time to repair lapses in prerequisite skills and knowledge. • Case work proceeds from session to session – there is very little overlap. • Regular attendance is highly recommended, but not tracked for course credit. • The entire course is carefully documented and planned. • Lapses in time management, planning, work ethic and attendance are potentially lethal in summer term.
Prerequisites • I have designed this course to require a minimum of mathematics. However, the remaining mathematics is essential. • I assume and require proficiency in the prerequisite mathematics for this course. • What is required is the basics in arithmetic, algebraic substitution and basic algebraic operations. • You must either currently have, or acquire on your own initiative these basics.
The Calculator • I have minimized the use of the calculator in this course. • You alone are responsible for acquiring and operating an appropriate calculator. • Some on-line resources are hyper-linked in the course page. • The default calculator is the TI-83.
Writing • This course requires a modicum of precise, technical writing. • Summaries and sample tests are provided to allow you to learn this writing style. • Writing will be a large part of the coursework.
Grades • I require proficiency in this class. • No curves are employed in the scoring of tests and finals. • The only letter grade earned in this course is based on the total performance over all tests and the final. • Do not interpret individual scores on tests and finals as letter grades.
Why Students Fail this Course • There are a number of failure modes, but a common mode of failure is a weak grasp of remedial mathematics. You must be able to perform basic arithmetic, algebraic substitution and the like. I do not have the time to review these concepts or to tutor you in them. If your basic mathematics is severely lacking, then get it fixed before you take classes that require said mathematics. • A number of students under-perform due to a lack of detail. I am generally merciless about these things. • A number of students simply take too many courses, or fall behind.
Be an Adult Learner • I have designed the course in response to the distinct needs and concerns of students who typically take night courses. • The course is therefore conducted in a simple, efficient manner with a minimum of required work. • I provide guidance and the material to be learned. • You must aggressively learn the material as an adult.
Case Studies • In general, I constructed the case studies in order to illustrate examples of statistical computing and thinking. • The correct thinking and work lead naturally to the correct conclusions. The point of the cases is the thinking required to attain them, the final results follow from the process. • Material is divided into case studies. The idea is to learn a few new things in each session, with a minimum of overlap and repetition. • I will keep the course moving forward, with a minimum (that is no…) drill. Stay focused on the current material, and keep up.
Show Your Work • It is essential that you show your complete work, including intermediate computational steps and a complete discussion. • Failure to provide such will surely result in loss of credit.
Work Smarter • Use your groups, but do not burden them with your absences, lack of work and other bad things. Contribute to your group. Do enough of your own preparation in order to be a healthy member of your group. • Plan ahead. Keep current in your work. If you stay current, your workload will be steady, but won't pile up. If you fall behind; don't expect me or your group to magically catch you up. You are an adult, and I expect you to take care of yourself. • We're adults here. You work in good faith, and I refrain from any un-necessary academic nonsense. But in exchange, you do your end of the work. And in the end, your letter grade reflects your demonstrated proficiency in the concepts of the course.
Hyperlinks • Main Course Index:http://www.mindspring.com/~cjalverson/