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Maurice Strong, Al Gore and Dr. Pachauri. Following the Money from some key environmental Insiders to some fabulous profiteering en route to world government. Maurice Strong, the U.N. globalist/environmentalist.
Maurice Strong, Al Gore and Dr. Pachauri Following the Money from some key environmental Insiders to some fabulous profiteering en route to world government
Maurice Strong, the U.N. globalist/environmentalist Organizer of 1972 first world (United Nations) conference on the environment (Earth Summit I), Stockholm Sweden UN Secretary General of 1992 UN Conference on Environment and Development or UNCED (“Rio Earth Summit II”) Undersecretary General of the United Nations Founder and first executive director of United Nations Energy Program (UNEP) (1973-75), UN Commission on Environment and Development President, World Federation of United Nations Associations (WFUNA) Author, United Nations Agenda 21 (Agenda for the 21st century) Organizer and Chair, UN Business Council for Sustainable Development “Senior Advisor” to U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan “Senior Advisor” to World Bank President James Wolfensohn Board member, United Nations Foundation Major architect of the Kyoto Protocol, which set up for-profit Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), a worldwide “carbon trading” market in buying and selling the right to emit carbon dioxide. Wrote “terms of reference” for UN Convention on Climate Change, specifying that research dollars will go to researching human influences on climate change From Elaine Dewar’s book “Cloak of Green”
Maurice Strong- the globalist/environmentalist President, Earth Council Board of Directors, International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), President and Director, World Wildlife Fund (WWF) of Switzerland Director, World Resources Institute Co-authored Earth Charter with Mikhail Gorbachev Director, World Future Society Chair, International Development Research Centre (INRC) Founding Endorser, Planetary Citizens Convener, Fourth World Wilderness Conference UN Commission on Global Governance Co-Chair, World Economic Forum Member, The Brundtland Commission (The World Commission on Environment and Development)
Strong, continued Founder and creator, Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) Chair, Canada’s International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Chair, Canadian Development Investment Corporation Member, Privy Council of Canada President, YMCA of Canada Member, Yale Club Member, Century Club Co-founder, North America Institute
Maurice Strong, the capitalist/industrialist Founder and head, Petro-Canada (Canada’s national petroleum company), VP, Dome Petroleum, President, Ontario Hydro (largest public water utility in Canada) President, Power Corporation of Canada Ajax Petroleum, Ltd. Alberta Gas Company Founder, International Energy Development Corporation (IEDC) Owner, American Water Development, Inc. (AWDI) Founding Director, Chicago Climate Exchange Business Council for Sustainable Development President,Canada Development Investment Corporation, President, Canadian International Development Agency Chairman, Executive Committee, Arizona-Colorado Land and Cattle Company (AZL) Vice Chairman, Tosco (California-based oil company) Founder, First Colorado Corporation Director, Molten Metals Technology, Inc.
Maurice Strong, the insider Trustee, Rockefeller Foundation Member, Club of Rome Trustee, Aspen Institute Financial Director, Lindisfarne Institute Member, Royal Society of Great Britain Royal Society of Canada U.N. Environmental Program’s Global 500 in 1987 Founder and Treasurer, the Manitou Foundation
Strong, the criminal Strong and UN Secretary General were both kicked out of the United Nations when they were found guilty of accepting bribes in the now infamous “Oil for Food” policy toward Iraq. Strong is currently living in China, where he is reportedly working with billionaire George Soros to build and export small cars to the U.S.
Maurice Strong and the Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) Strong is a board member of Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX); “the world’s first and North America’s only legally binding greenhouse gas emission registry reduction system for emission sources and offset projects in North America and Brazil.” CCX aspires to be the New York Stock Exchange or NASDAQ of carbon emissions trading. CCX has about 80 members that are self-confessed emitters of carbon dioxide, including Ford Motor Co., Amtrak, Du Pont, Dow Corning, American Electric Power, Motorola, Waste Management, International Paper and Illinois, New Mexico, as well as Aspen, Berkeley, Boulder, Chicago, and Portland, the World Resources Institute, the World Bank.
Strong, the globalist visionary “I am a capitalist in methodology and a communist in ideology” (Translation: fascism and wealth for the few rich and communist enslavement for the masses.) In a 1992 interview, Strong stated: “It is not feasible for sovereignty to be exercised unilaterally by individual nation states, however powerful.” In 1994, Strong stated: “The 50th anniversary of the United Nations provides a unique opportunity to restructure and revitalize the UN to prepare its role as the primary multilateral organization in the New world Order.”
Elaine Dewar (Cloak of Green): “By 1991, I had come to believe cross-border pollution was being used as a marketing device to sell doubters on the need for regional and global levels of governance. Think globally, act locally was just another marketing slogan. The public was being persuaded to accept environmental protection based on a market model: regulations would be replaced by laws permitting the trading of pollution debits and credits. If Strong’s associates had their way pollution credits and debits would soon be globally traded just like pork bellies and financial derivatives. By the year 2000 there would be few independent national entities let capable of defending local communities from international leviathans. Local communities would compete with each other for the favours of large interests. Those of us living on the brutal margins of these new world powers would find ourselves grateful to trade with anyone at any price.”
Al Gore, politician/environmentalist/businessman Chairman and c0-founder, General Investment Management (GIM) (“GIM is an independent, private, owner-managed partnership established in 2004 with offices in London and Washington, D.C., GIM purchases carbon dioxide offset.” (The other co-founder of GIM is former Goldman Sachs CEO and U.S. Secretary of the Treasury, Henry Paulson.) In 2006, Gore founded his own global warming nonprofit, the Alliance for Climate Protection which lobbies for laws that mandate taxing or trading carbon dioxide credits
Gore, “the environmentalist?” The Tennessee Centre for Policy Research revealed that Gore’s Nashville mansion used more than twice as much electricity in one month as the typical American household uses in one year. His average monthly electric bill is $1,359.
Dr. RajendraPachauri, Chairman of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change(IPCC) The world’s leading “climate official,” Dr. Pachauri holds a Ph.D. in economics, not climate science Pachauri masterminded IPCC 2007 report and was the strongest advocate for sweeping changes at the Copenhagen conference on global warming
Pachauri’s portfolio Pachauri has a portfolio of business interests with bodies which have been investing billions in organizations dependent on IPCC policy recommendations. These include banks, oil and energy companies, and investment funds heavily involved in “carbon trading” and “sustainable technologies,” which together make up the fastest growing commodities market in the world, estimated to soon be worth trillions of dollars. Pachauri is Director-General of Delhi-based Tata Energy Research Institute (Now Energy Research Institute or TERI) Director, National Thermal Power Generating Corporation Founder, GloriOil, Texas firm 2007, advisory board of Siderian, San Francisco-based venture capital firm specializing in “sustainable technologies”
Pachauri’s portfolio (continued) 2008, adviser on renewable and sustainable energy to the Credit Suisse bank and the Rockefeller Foundation. Nordic Glitnir Bank, Sustainable Future Fund, Chairman, Indochina Sustainable Infrastructure Fund (soon to raise $100 billion) Director, International Risk Governance Council in Geneva “Strategic Adviser,” New York investment fund Pegasus Chairman, Advisory Board, Asian Development Bank Head, Yale University’s Climate and Energy Institute Climate Change Advisory Board, Deutsche Bank Director, Japanese Institute for Global Environmental Strategies Adviser, Toyota Motors
Dr. Pachauri was challenged with a letter including these facts in December, 2009, after giving a lecture at Copenhagen University, by two leading “climate skeptics,” Australian Senator Stephen Fielding and Britain’s Lord Monckton.
“Those who manipulate the organized habits and opinions of the masses constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.” Edward Bernays, Propaganda
Some References Barnes, D. C., Al Gore’s Carbon Crusade: The Money and Connections Behind It, Foundation Watch, August, 2007. Dewar, E., 1995, Cloak of Green: The Links Between Key Environmental Groups, Government, and Big Business, James Lorimer and Co., Toronto, 497 pp. McLeod, J. March 13, 2007, Creators of carbon credit scheme cashing in on it http://windfarms.wordpress.com/2008/07/20/al-groe-and-maurice-strong-con-artists-extraordinaire/ Telegraph.co.uk, 20 Dec., 2009, Questions over business deals of UN climate change guru Dr. RajendraPachauri