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Review. ArrayStack ( ArrayList ), [ ArrayDeque , and DualArrayDeque ] implement the List interface using one or two arrays. get(i) , set(i,x) take constant time. add(size(),x) , remove(size()-1) [ add(0,x) , remove(0) ] take constant amortized time. Can waste a lot of space
Review • ArrayStack (ArrayList), [ArrayDeque, and DualArrayDeque] implement the List interface using one or two arrays • get(i), set(i,x) take constant time • add(size(),x), remove(size()-1) [add(0,x), remove(0)] take constant amortized time • Can waste a lot of space • 2/3 of the array positions can be empty • Not suitable for real-time applications • grow(), shrink(), and balance() take O(size()) time.
Coming up • RootishArrayStack: A list implementation with • get(i) and set(i,x) in constant time • add(i,x) and remove(i) in O(1 + size()-i) time • no more than O(size()1/2) wasted space • Suitable for real-time applications • in some languages (not Java) • DualRootishArrayDeque • A 2-ended version
RootishArrayStack • Store the stack as a List of blocks (arrays) • block k has size (k+1), for k=0,1,2,...,r • at most 2 blocks not full blocks publicclassRootishArrayStack<T> extendsAbstractList<T> { List<T[]> blocks; intn; ... } 0 a 1 b c 2 3 d e f 4 g h i j k l
Space analysis • How much space is wasted? • r blocks have room for r(r+1)/2 elements • To store n elements we need • r(r+1)/2 ≥ n • r ≥ (2n)1/2blocks are sufficient • We only waste O(n1/2) space keeping track of the blocks • The size of the last 2 blocks is at most 2r + 3 • Only waste O(n1/2) space on non-full blocks • Wasted space is only O(n1/2) r r+1
RootishArrayStack – add(i,x) • As usual: • grow() if necessary • shift elements i,...,size()-1 right by one position publicvoid add(inti, T x) { int r = blocks.size(); if (r*(r+1)/2 < n + 1) grow(); n++; for (intj = n-1; j > i; j--) set(j, get(j-1)); set(i, x); }
RootishArrayStack – remove(i) • Also as usual: • shift elements i+1,...,size()-1 left by one position • shrink() if necessary public T remove(inti) { T x = get(i); for (intj = i; j < n-1; j++) set(j, get(j+1)); n--; shrink(); returnx; }
RootishArrayStack – grow() • Add another block of size r • runs in constant time in languages not requiring array initialization • otherwise, takes O(r) = O(size()1/2) time. protectedvoid grow() { blocks.add(f.newArray(blocks.size()+1)); }
RootishArrayStack – shrink() • Removeblocks until there are at most 2 partially empty blocks protectedvoid shrink() { intr = blocks.size(); while (r > 0 && (r-2)*(r-1)/2 >= n) { blocks.remove(blocks.size()-1); r--; } }
RootishArrayStack get(i) and set(i,x) • Find the block index b that contains element i(function i2b(i) ) • access element i- b(b+1)/2 within that block public T get(inti) { intb = i2b (i); intj = i - b*(b+1)/2; returnblocks.get(b)[j]; } public T set(inti, T x) { intb = i2b(i); intj = i - b*(b+1)/2; T y = blocks.get(b)[j]; blocks.get(b)[j] = x; returny; }
RootishArrayStack- i2b(i) • Converting the List index i into a block number b • 0,...,i consists of i+1 elements • Blocks 0,...,b can store (b+1)(b+2)/2 elements • We want to find minimum integer b such that • (b+1)(b+2)/2 ≥ i + 1 • Solve (b+1)(b+2)/2 = i + 1 using the quadratic equation • quadratic equation gives a non-integer solution b’ • actually two solutions, but only one is positive • set b = Γb’˥
RootishArrayStack - summary • Theorem: A RootishArrayStack • can perform get(i) and set(i,x) in constant time • can perform add(i,x) and remove(i) in O(1+size()-i) time • uses only O(size()1/2) memory in addition to what is required to store its elements • Key points: • Real-time • no amortization • Low-memory overhead • O(n1/2) versus O(n) for other array-based stacks
Optimality of RootishArrayStack • Theorem: Any data structure that allows insertions will, at some point during a sequence of n insertions be wasting at least n1/2space. • Proof: If the data structure uses more than n1/2 blocks • Real-time • n1/2pointers (references) are being wasted just keeping track of blocks • Otherwise, the data structure uses k ≤ n1/2blocks • some block B has size at least n/k ≥ n1/2 • when B was allocated, it was empty and therefore was a waste of n1/2 space
Practical Considerations • The use of many arrays to store data means that we can't do shifting with 1 call to System.arraycopy() • Slower than other implementations when i is small • The solution to the quadratic formula in i2b(i) requires the square root operation • This can be slow • This can lead to rounding errors • can be corrected by checking that • (b+1)/2 < i ≤ (b+1)(b+2)/2 • Lookup tables can speed things • we only want an integer square root
DualRootishArrayDeque • Using a RootishArrayStack for the internal stacks within a DualArrayDeque we obtain: • Theorem: A DualRootishArrayDeque • can perform get(i), set(i,x) in constant time • can perform add(i,x) remove(i) in • O(1 + min{i,size()-i}) amortized time • uses only O(size()1/2) memory in addition to what is required to store its elements • A real-time version is possible, see • Brodnik, Carlsson, Demaine, Munro, and Sedgewick. Resizeable arrays in optimal time and space. Proceedings of WADS 1999
Review • Array-based implementations of Lists, Queues, Stacks, and Deques have many advantages • Constant-time access by position [get(i), set(i,x)] • Constant-amortized time addition and removal at the ends • Space-efficient versions use only O(n1/2) extra space • Big disadvantage • Additions and removals in the interior are slow • Running time is at least Ω(min{i, size()-i})
Coming up… • Lists and queues based on (singly and doubly) linked lists • It might use an array of length 2n to store n elements of data • get(i), set(i,x) are slow • add(), remove() with an iterator take constant time • Space-efficient linked lists
Coming up… • Singly-linked lists • Efficient stacks and queues • Doubly-linked lists • Efficient deques • Space-efficient doubly-linked lists • Time/space tradeoff
Singly-linked lists • A list is a sequence of Node: • Node contains • a data value x • a pointer next to the next node in the list protectedclass Node { T x; Node next; } null a b c d e
Singly-linked lists (cont'd) • We keep track of the first node in the list (head) • We might also keep track of the last node (tail) publicclassSLList<T> extendsAbstractQueue<T> { Node head; Node tail; intn; ... } tail ... null a b y z head
Queues as singly-linked lists • A singly-linked list can implement a queue • enqueue at the tail • dequeue at the head • Requires special care to manage head and tail correctly • when adding to empty queue • when removing last element from queue tail ... null a b y z head back of the line front of the line
Dequeuing (removing) an element tail ... null a b y z head public T poll() { T x = head.x; head = head.next; if (--n == 0) tail = null; returnx; } tail e null head
publicboolean offer(T x) { Node u = new Node(); u.x = x; if (n == 0) { head = u; tail = u; } else { tail.next = u; tail = u; } n++; returntrue; } Enqueuing x tail null head tail x null head a b
Delicateness publicboolean offer(T x) { Node u = new Node(); u.x = x; if (n == 0) { head = u; tail = u; } else { tail = u; tail.next = u; } n++; returntrue; } • This code is wrong • can you see why?
Stacks as singly-linked lists • A singly-linked list can also be used as a stack • push and pop are done by manipulating head tail ... null a b y z head bottom of the stack top of the stack
Stack - push tail a null b c d e head public T push(T x) { Node u = new Node(); u.x = x; u.next = head; head = u; if (n == 0) tail = u; n++; return x; } e tail null head
Arbitrary insertion and deletions • In a singly-linked list, we can even do arbitrary insertions/deletions • if we are given a pointer to the preceding element • Getting a pointer to the ith node takes O(i+1) time protected Node getNode(inti) { Node u = head; for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) u = u.next; return u; } u tail ... null a b y z head
Deleting a node • Does not work for first node • no preceding node u! u d e protectedvoiddeleteNext(Node u) { if (u.next == tail) tail = u; u.next = u.next.next; }
Adding a node • Does not work for first node • no preceding node u! v u e protectedvoidaddAfter(Node u, Node v) { v.next = u.next; u.next = v; if (u == tail) tail = v; }
In-Class Exercise • Write code for • add(i,x) • remove(i) • Code should run in O(1+i) time 29
Singly-linked list summary • Singly-linked lists support: • push(x), pop(), enqueue(x), dequeue() in constant time (in the worst case) • add(i,x), remove(i) in O(1+i) time • One Node is created per list item • Memory allocation overhead • Node contains data + 1 pointer/reference (next) • At least n pointers for a list of size n
Doubly-linked lists • Singly-linked lists fall just short of being able to implement a deque • No way to remove elements from the tail tail ... null a b y z head can't access this node except through head
Doubly-linked lists • Doubly-linked lists maintain two pointers (references) per node • next - points to next node in the list • prev - points to previous node in the list protectedclass Node { Node next, prev; T x; } tail head ... null null a b y z
Removing a node (incorrect) • This code is incorrect – Why? u d e p.next p.prev p protectedvoid remove(Node p) { p.prev.next = p.next; p.next.prev = p.prev; n--; }
Removing a node (incorrect) • Doesn't correctly handle boundary cases • p == head (so p.prev == null) • p == tail (so p.prev == tail) • p == head and p == tail • (sp p.prev == p.tail == null) head d e u d tail head d tail protectedvoid remove(Node p) { p.prev.next = p.next; p.next.prev = p.prev; n--; }
protected void remove(Node p) { if (p == head && p == tail) { head = null; tail = null; } elseif (p == head) { head = p.next; p.next.prev = null; } elseif (p == tail) { tail = p.prev; p.prev.next = null; } else { p.prev.next = p.next; p.next.prev = p.prev; } n--; } Versus protectedvoid remove(Node p) { p.prev.next = p.next; p.next.prev = p.prev; n--; }
Code is error prone • Code for boundary cases is troublesome • hard to write correctly • lots of cases • slow to execute (on some architectures) • We would like to get rid of boundary cases • need to get rid of head and tail protectedvoid remove(Node p) { p.prev.next = p.next; p.next.prev = p.prev; n--; }
The dummy node technique • Replace head and tail with a dummy Node • dummy.next replaces head • dummy.prev replaces tail • dummy is always present; even in an empty list ... a b y z dummy publicclassDLList<T> extendsAbstractSequentialList<T> { protected Node dummy; protected intn; ... }
Creating a new (empty) list publicDLList() { dummy = new Node(); dummy.next = dummy; dummy.prev = dummy; n = 0; } dummy
Removing a node • Now removing a node is easy u d e p.next p.prev p protectedvoid remove(Node p) { p.prev.next = p.next; p.next.prev = p.prev; n--; }
Removing a node • The same code works even when removing the last node p protectedvoid remove(Node p) { p.prev.next = p.next; p.next.prev = p.prev; n--; } p dummy p.prev == p.next == dummy
Adding a node • Add the new Node u just before Node p protected Node add(Node u, Node p) { u.next = p; u.prev = p.prev; u.next.prev = u; u.prev.next = u; n++; return u; } u u d p p.prev p
Exercise • This code is not correct. Why? protected Node add(Node u, Node p) { u.next = p; u.next.prev = u; u.prev = p.prev; u.prev.next = u; n++; return u; } u u d p p.prev p
Finding a node protected Node getNode(inti) { Node p = null; if (i < n/2) { p = dummy.next; for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) p = p.next; } else { p = dummy; for (int j = n; j > i; j--) p = p.prev; } return(p); } • To find the ith node search • from the front if • i < size()/2 • from the back otherwise • O(1+min{i, size()-i}) time • Fast • when i~0 (head) • when i~size() (tail)
Removing and Adding • add(i,x) and remove(i) are now easy • Find the appropriate node p • Add x before p (or remove p) • Takes O(1 + min{i, size()-i}) time publicvoid add(inti, T x) { add(getNode(i), x); } public T remove(inti) { Node p = getNode(i); remove(p); returnp.x; }
Getting and setting • get(i) and set(i,x) are easy too • and take O(1 + min{i, size()-i}) time public T get(inti) { returngetNode(i).x; } public T set(inti, T x) { Node u = getNode(i); T y = u.x; u.x = x; return y; }
Doubly-linked lists - summary • Doubly-linked lists support • add(i,x), remove(i) in O(1 + min{i,size()-i}) time • deque operations run in constant time per operation • get(i), set(i,x) in O(1+min{i,size()-i}) time • insertion/removal of any node in constant time • given a reference to the node being deleted or • a reference to the node after the insertion
Memory-efficient linked lists • Linked lists are great, except • Each value is stored in its own list node • Each insertion requires allocating a new node • Each node stores 2 pointers • Wasted space is at least • 2 × size() × sizeof(pointer) • If data values are small (e.g., Integer) then wasted space can exceed the space for data
Memory-efficient linked lists • Idea: • group list elements into blocks (arrays) • blocks have size b+1 • each block stores b-1, b, or b+1 values • except the last block, which can be more empty • store the blocks in a linked list a b c d e f g h i j b = 3 last block - partly full
Space analysis • The number of blocks is at most • 1 + size()/(b-1) • each block wastes a constant [O(1)] amount of space • wasted space is O(b+n/(b-1)) • By making b larger we can reduce the wasted space • limit is b ~ n1/2 a b c d e f g h i j
Block data structure • We represent each block as a BoundedArrayDeque • ArrayDeque with size of backing array a set fixed • a.length = b+1 • no grow() or shrink() operations • Sometimes we will want to • move the last element in node u to the front u.next • move the first element in block i to the back of block i-1 • These operations take constant time in a BoundedArrayDeque