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Vitiligo is a color fading disorder which can happen due to reasons related to immunity in any person. In present condition the adulterated food products which we use in day to day life can also be a reason behind vitiligo and other autoimmune diseases. Actually it all depends on how better immunity you have and through which it gets disturbed. In some people immunity gets suppressed due to regular stress also. In few cases sudden trauma can be seen as sudden suppression of immunity. The disturbed immunity gives rise to a condition in which body cells and tissues starts destroying cells and tissues which is called “autoimmunity”. It is considered the most prominent reason of Vitiligo.<br><br>Ayurveda also emphasized theory of food combinations which are odd and repeated intake of such food can disturb immunity and can give rise to diseases like vitiligo. Ayurveda also focuses on hygiene as a vital factor behind maintaining the immunity. Hygiene maintenance is compared to food adulteration in modern lifestyle.
Vitiligo Treatment Vitiligois a color fading disorder which can happen due to reasons related to immunity in any person. In present condition the adulterated food products which we use in day to day life can also be a reason behind vitiligo and other autoimmune diseases. Actually it all depends on how better immunity you have and through which it gets disturbed. In some people immunity gets suppressed due to regular stress also. In few cases sudden trauma can be seen as sudden suppression of immunity. The disturbed immunity gives rise to a condition in which body cells and tissues starts destroying cells and tissues which is called “autoimmunity”. It is considered the most prominent reason of Vitiligo.
Ayurvedaalso emphasized theory of food combinations which are odd and repeated intake of such food can disturb immunity and can give rise to diseases like vitiligo. Ayurveda also focuses on hygiene as a vital factor behind maintaining the immunity. Hygiene maintenance is compared to food adulteration in modern lifestyle. Melanin is the pigment responsible behind maintains the skin color. Complete or partial loss of melanin starts de-pigmentation over a skin area giving rise to a vitiligo spot.
Vitiligo treatment options are much available in society. The choice of correct treatment can completely cure vitiligo. Treatment of vitiligo should not be done with the help of steroids as it only suppresses the problem for limited time. And after that limited time it aggravate vitiligo with double pace actually making it complicated. Some other treatments like Ultraviolet Ray etc have the same theory of complicating Vitiligo. Homeopathy aggravates it rapidly and it's well known. So taking risk by choosing homeopathy is not advisable in vitiligo treatment.
The most acclaimed and safest vitiligo treatment is governed by Ayurveda only under guidance of a vitiligo specialist only. Ayurvedicvitiligo treatment uses herbs which helps in promoting pigmentation over faded white spots. It also improves and stabilises disturbed immunity to check spread control. Ayurvedic treatment for vitiligo is safe and has no side effects which are the best part and can be done in cases of small kids also for their vitiligo treatment. Vitiligotreatment in Ayurveda is the most acclaimed safe treatment available for vitiligo and leucoderma. The reason based rectification make it perfect for vitiligo treatment.
Dr. Ravish kamal who is a BAMS Doctor and An AyurvedicVitiligo Specialist at Ayurhealthline, the vitiligo clinic and has long experience in treating only vitiligo and leucoderma since past 10 years. See More Info:- https://www.ayurhealthline.com/