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How can I become better at searching the internet for information I need?

“Getting information off the Internet is like taking a drink from a fire hydrant.” Mitchell Kapor. How can I become better at searching the internet for information I need?

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How can I become better at searching the internet for information I need?

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  1. “Getting information off the Internet is like taking a drink from a fire hydrant.” Mitchell Kapor How can I become better at searching the internet for information I need? #1 Become familiar with Boolean and Search Math methods to refine your search phrase. Boolean and Search Math are the language that the search engine understands, not the search engines themselves. Here are some tips to save time on your search. Subject: Cavalier dog size Type: dogs = about 661.000.000 hits Type: “cavalier dog” = about 31,400 hits Type: cavalier dogs = about 7,670,000 hits Type: “cavalier dogs” – cars = about 10,500 hits Type: “cavalier dogs” = about 50,800 hits Type: “cavalier dogs” NOT cars = about 5,300 hits Type: “cavalier dog size” = exactly 2 hits Quotation marks around specific words or phrases AND to separate terms that must both appear OR to separate terms that either must appear NOT or (-) symbol before words that are to not appear #2 Go beyond Google for more search engine options. For students: Ask Jeeves for Kids http://ajkids.com KidsClick! http://kidsclick.com Yahoo Kids http://kids.yahoo.com For teachers: Ask.com ask.com Duck Duck Go duckduckgo.com/Bingwww.bing.com/Yippy yippy.com/ Yahoowww.yahoo.com/Dogpilewww.dogpile.com/Googlewww.google.com/ Other sites: The Internet Archive www.archive.org/Mahalohttp://www.mahalo.com/Webopediawww.webopedia.com

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