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Vittoria International School , Torino Chemistry course Biological molecules and food

Vittoria International School , Torino Chemistry course Biological molecules and food The chemistry of macromolecules Professor Elena V. Tibaldi. When we buy food we find a table called “nutrition facts”  what are those names listed?. lipids. carbohydrates. proteins. vitamins.

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Vittoria International School , Torino Chemistry course Biological molecules and food

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  1. Vittoria International School, Torino Chemistry course Biological molecules and food The chemistryofmacromolecules Professor Elena V. Tibaldi

  2. When we buy food we find a table called “nutrition facts”  what are those names listed? lipids carbohydrates proteins vitamins

  3. Plants are able to produce glucose through photosynthesis CO2 + H2O + solar energy  Glucose + O2 Animals need to eat food to get glucose for the cells Carbohydrates are the most important molecules for energy production

  4. Energy is produced in the cells through a process called cell respiration Glucose + O2 CO2 + H2O + ATP Muscle cells are plenty of mitochondria  they need a lot of energy! Carbohydrates and energy production

  5. maltose glucose lactose galactose disaccharides monosaccharides sucrose fructose cellulose starch glycogen polisaccharides Carbohydrates

  6. Eccess glucose in bloodstream  diabetes Glucose test www.nlm.nih.gov/.../ency/fullsize/19825.jpg www.nlm.nih.gov/.../ency/fullsize/18029.jpg High levels of glucose in blood  danger

  7. triglycerides phospholipids steroids types cholesterol energy storage waxes structural hormone precursor functions thermal insulation mechanical protection vitamine precursor impermeabilization Lipids • long chains of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen • insoluble in water

  8. made of glycerol and three fatty acids • insoluble in water • energy storage and impermeabilization • oil if liquid at RT (ie olive oil) and fat is solid at RT (ie butter) myoptumhealth.com Triglycerides

  9. Formed by a hydrophilic head (glycerol and phosphate group) and two hydrophobic tails (fatty acids) • Main constituent of cell membrane •  lipid bilayer Phospholipids • Produced in liver

  10. 1) Insoluble in water  protection and impermeabilization Upper surface of leaves Bird feathers 2) Fruit impermeabilization (apples, pear, cherries) 3) Bees use them to build the hive Waxes

  11. in animal cell membrane • vitamin D precursor (bones and teeth) • produced by liver Cholesterol www.lowercholesterolldl.com

  12. In blood: atherosclerotic plaques build up in artery walls medicalimages.allrefer.com In liver: gallstone formation hubpages.com High cholesterol levels  danger!

  13. Chain of aminoacids • Found in eggs, meat, fish, milk and derivatives, vegetables and cereals immune defense transport structural functions membrane receptor regulatory muscle contraction enzymatic Proteins

  14. In vegetables, fruit, fish, meat, cereals phentermine.bz/tag/natural-vitamins Vitamins • Many different types: • vit A (retinol) • vit B complex • vit C (ascorbic acid) • vit D (important for bones and teeth) • vit K (produced by bacterial flora)

  15. Breakfast is a very important meal During breakfast we need to get at least 20% of daily values Breakfast should be abondant, but easy to digest Cereals, rusks, milk and coffee and fruits should be preferable to butter, croissants and cakes! Have a good and healthy day!

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