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The Power of the Apostles in the Face of Persecution and Opposition

Explore the great power of the apostles within and beyond the community, their unwavering witness amidst persecution, and the contrasting effects of their ministry. Discover the complex dynamics between the apostles and religious authorities, emphasizing obedience to God over human expectations. Delve into acts of deception, hypocrisy, and the purgative judgment within the community. Unveil the ultimate reliance on God's power and the fearless courage of the apostles in the midst of threats and intimidation.

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The Power of the Apostles in the Face of Persecution and Opposition

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  1. Acts 4:32-5:42 Great Power of the Apostles inside the Community Great Power of the Apostles beyond the Community Apostles gave their testimony (4:33) [Apostles] did not cease teaching and preaching Jesus as the Christ (5:42) Power amidst persecution Community Blessed (4:32-37) Community Judged (5:1-11) Power among the people Imprisonmentand Escape Inquisition and Release Teaching Temple (20,24-26) Teaching Temple (42) 4:32 5:11 5:12 16 5:17 26 5:27 42 Council Barnabas Gamaliel (Positive-Exception) Ananias, Sapphira (Negative-Exception)

  2. vs. Structural Relationships: 1 Causal Contrast with Causation CausePowerful Ministry of the Apostles (5:12-16;[4:32-5:11]) Contrasting Effects Crowds- Fear, Affirmation, Honor, Openness-Message Religious Leaders Jealousy, Rejection, Persecution (5:12-42) Effect Cause In terms of opposition Apostles vs. Religious authorities 1 Recurrence of Contrast *Note: There are two subordinate contrasts in this segment, relating to each of the two major groups presented: in the church, between Barnabas vs. Ananias and Sapphira (4:32-5:11); and among the religious authorities, between council as whole vs. Gamaliel (5:33-39). In terms of effectiveness God (Way of God/Power of God) vs. Humans (Way of Humans/Power of Humans)

  3. 3 Climax Climactic description of the continuing, indomitable witness of the apostles in the wake of terrible harassment (5:40-42) Effective ministry amidst internal and external hindrances/opposition (4:32-5:39)

  4. Acts 4:32-5:42 Sin: Deception/Lying -> Church/Apostles -> God/Holy Spirit (vv.3,4) (Note connection) (Hypocrisy/ (vv.3,4,8) (Rebellious, dishonest self-will) (Fundamental violation of unity - 4:32-37) Causn Love of Praise- Community (cf.4:36) Love of Money (Both self-centered vs. others-centered) Tension Note how the positive aspects of community life and the doing of good (4:32-37) provide an opportunity for evil. vs. Love for Community/God Also - Spiritual dullness - Unaware of divine plane: not men-but God (v.3,4)-Same problem as rel. authorities- Insisted on human level Presumption-God-Tempted/tested H.S. (v.9). Misinterpret divine goodness for divine indulgence Disdaining-Blessings of xn fellowship & unity-Ingratitude Repudiation of salvation-existence Coercive (see recurrence of feet language): God will have his submission Judgment: Death - Note color of story-death painted all over story Note nature of this judgment Purgative - Purity of church (sanctifying,gracious) Causn Warning-Church (5:5,11;cf.5:12-16) Note again: Close connection Effect:Fear (Healthy/God-induced) (Climax) Witness-Outside Between internal life and external witness

  5. Acts 4:32-5:42 Analysis of Contrast - Apostles vs. Religious Leaders a Reason - Opposition - Full of jealousy (5:17) vs. Full-Holy Spirit (cf.4:31) (evplh,sqhsan zh,lou)(evplh,sqhsan a[pantej tou/ a`gi,ou pneu,matoj) [Obsessed/Consumed w/ jealousy; driving force] Note causation here - Jealous at the apostles’ popularity w/ the people- the personal awe/reverence of people toward them (including honor, praise, & control- cf. 5:12-16) Self-centered Honor for themselves Human-centered Praise from humans Power-centered Power over the people (Contra-Apostles, who rejoice in dishonor for sake of Christ-5:44) b Reason - Opposition - Bring people/situation vs. Apostles - are bringing the (5:20,26,28,40) under control of people under divine control their authority (care nothing about their own authority, which is established by God) Note- Pettiness of this behavior (as well as other dimensions of the leaders’ behavior here): the world is experiencing the radical revolution of the inbreaking of God’s kingdom (e.g. 2:14-36), and they are obsessed w/ their honor, power, and control --- In this context, their behavior is ridiculous (consequently - later, by divine orchestration of events, they are made to look ridiculous)

  6. Acts 4:32-5:42 c Reason-Opposition - Condemnation of Xn vs. Apostles - Proclaim the gospel not to condemn, but to lead to repentance and forgiveness -> Restoration/Salvation (5:30-32;cf.3:19) d Character-Opposition-Reliance upon vs. Apostles- Lack of (human) authority status and status e Character-Opposition-Threat/Intimidation vs. Apostles-Armed only (5:18,40) Violence w/ the name of X. (5:20,27-32,42) Note relationship. (Reject violent response- 5:26) Proclamation- Bring this man’s blood upon us vs. Appropriate response- Repentance (5:28) (5:17-18,27-28,40)

  7. Acts 4:32-5:42 f Character-Opposition-Fearful/Intimidated/ vs. Apostles-Fearless/Courageous Cowardly to proclaim gospel in face (5:26,28;cf. of great threat (5:21,27-32, 5:33 w/ 5:40) 40,42) g Character-Opposition-Disobedient to God vs. Apostles - Obedient to God vs. Expectation re. leaders of the people of God Irony: They abstain from violence only when they fear it will result in violence toward them (5:26) Disobedient to Humans (Have no concern to orient behavior around opinions & responses of significant [powerful] persons [5:29;5:20-21,32,41-42]) Obedient to Humans (Orient behavior around concern for opinions & responses of significant [powerful] persons [5:26,33,40;cf.5:24])

  8. Acts 4:32-5:42 h Result-Opposition - Failure/Futility vs. Apostles-Victory/Effectiveness Note- The comic/absurd character of the leaders’ attempt to quiet the Apostles in 5:21-26. Note- Contrast between initial pompous behavior (5:21b) and final perplexity (5:24). Note- The finality of this failure indicated by direct involvement of angel of Lord (5:19): w/ these cosmic forces working vs. them, the opposition never has a chance. In spite of their dullness and denials, these leaders are up against the very power of God itself. They may live in a world of fantasy if they like, but reality is even now crashing in upon them. Purpose thwarted-Impotent! In their ultimate goal- To bring everything under their control- they fail miserably. They are losing control of the people (see 5:12- 16,26 [where the people are close to stoning them for blasphemy- cf.6:11;7:58]), and they are even losing control of themselves (5:33). Nothing can stop the Apostles- either external forces (5:17-20), or internal fears (5:40-42). Purpose fulfilled! At end- 5:40-42- victory over opponents- not even spirits daunted. Indeed- rejoice at opposition; the radial newness of the Xn existence is indicated by the fact that dishonor becomes honor- total reversal. Reason- everything seen in Christological vs. self-centered perspective. Note- Role of Gamaliel- and contrast between Gamaliel & rel. leaders in general - The beginning of the end of the old order-the rejection of the old leadership in favor of the new (apostles) points to the shift from racial Israel as people of God to repenting ones as the true Israel of God.

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