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Anomalies of low multipoles of WMAP and Planck missions: what are they ? Oleg Verkhodanov

Anomalies of low multipoles of WMAP and Planck missions: what are they ? Oleg Verkhodanov Special astrophysical observatory of Russian Academy of Sciences. Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP, NASA). 2001-2011. 5 frequencies: 23, 33, 41, 61, 94 GHz.

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Anomalies of low multipoles of WMAP and Planck missions: what are they ? Oleg Verkhodanov

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  1. Anomalies of low multipoles of WMAP and Planck missions: what are they ? Oleg Verkhodanov Special astrophysical observatory of Russian Academy of Sciences

  2. Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP, NASA) 2001-2011 5 frequencies: 23, 33, 41, 61, 94 GHz Best determination of cosmological parameters in 2011 !

  3. Planck mission, ESA Low Frequency Instrument: 30,44,70 HFI: 100, 143, 217, 353, 545, 857 GHz 2010-2013 1) 2) Zeldovich-Sunyaev effect 3) Gravitational waves in the B-mode of polarization ?

  4. Observations

  5. Data analysis of CMB • Registration: time odered data: T(t)=T(l,b) • Pixelization: map-making and restoration data in pixels • Component separation • Multipole analysis • Pixel statistics of the CMB map • Angular power spectrum analysis and determination of cosmological parameters

  6. Component separation

  7. WMAP observational bands

  8. Component separation: Signal = (CMB + Synchrotron+dust+FreeFree+radiosouces)*Beam + Noise

  9. Two basic properties of CMB: 1) Black body emission — same temperature at all wavelengthes; 2) Correlation of CMB and foregrounds should be close to zero: because CMB is a random gaussian process

  10. The maps WMAP 9, Lmax=150 (Hinshaw et al., 2012) Planck collaboration, 2013 Planck, Lmax=150 Lmax = 150

  11. Masks

  12. Angular power spectrum of CMB

  13. The spectra WMAP 9, 2012 Planck 2013

  14. Let us go to data

  15. Legacy Planck Archive (LPA) http://www.sciops.esa.int/index.php?page=Planck_Legacy_Archive&project=planck 1) 4 CMB maps 2) maps at observational bands (30, 44, 70, 100, 143, 217, 353,545, 857 GHz) 3) CO emission maps 4) Maps of dust 5) Maps of galactic low frequency emission (synchrotron + free-free) 6) Zodiac light maps 7) Maps of gravitational lensing 8) y-comptonization maps 9) Masks

  16. Planck maps 30GHz 70GHz 44GHz 100GHz 143GHz 217GHz 353GHz 545GHz 857GHz Observational frequency maps

  17. Planck maps: component separation

  18. Legacy Planck Archive (LPA) http://www.sciops.esa.int/index.php?page=Planck_Legacy_Archive&project=planck

  19. Maps WMAP9 of Planck mission

  20. Power spectrum

  21. Cosmological results: WMAP9 and Planck data http://lambda.gsfc.nasa.gov No revolution...

  22. CMB for neutrino parameters 1) 2) 3) 4)

  23. «Bad» spots...

  24. WMAP CMB anomalies 1) Cold Spot 2) Axis of Evil 3) Primirdial non-gaussinity (low limit by Planck data) 4) Violation of the power spectrum parity 5) Asymmetry 'North — South' in galactic coordinate system 6) New anomaly: too low amplitude of low harmonics

  25. Let us look at some anomalies...

  26. Cold Spot NVSS Radio sources CMB Cold Spot < -5sigma (Rudnick et al., 2007) Part of octupole 1) Huge Sachs-Wolfe effect (Rudnick et al, 2007) 2) Anistropic expansion (Jaffe et al., 2005) 3) Topological defect [texture] (Cruz et al., 2007,2008, Planck 2013 ?) 4) Artifact ? 5) Galactic phenomena (M.Hansen et al., 2012)

  27. Axis of Evil

  28. Problems of WMAP quadrupole Axis of Evil: planarity + alignment (Land & Magueijo, 2005) Amplitude

  29. What is the reason ? 1) Component separation (Doroshkevich, Verkhodanov, 2010) 2) Kouper Belt (Hansen et al. 2011) 3) Moving in Local Group of galaxies? (Tegmark et al., 2004) 4) Something else... 5) It is absent...

  30. Axis of Evil (Planck data) Copi et al., arXiv:1311.4562: direction of our motion exists

  31. Primordial non-gaussianity ?

  32. Primordial non-gaussianity ? 1) Obtained with bispectrum 2) Low multimoples anomalies exist

  33. Low multipoles in Planck L=3 L=4 L=2 L=6 L=7 L=5 L=8 L=9 L=10

  34. Low multipoles in WMAP L=3 L=4 L=2 L=6 L=7 L=5 L=8 L=9 L=10

  35. Asimmetry North-South CMB and Bianchi 7h anisotropy model ? Planck CMB

  36. Violation of power spectrum parity

  37. Power spectrum and separate multipoles

  38. Maps, L<=100 SMICA NILC SEVEM WMAP9

  39. Power spectrum C(l), l<=50 Planck,WMAP

  40. L=5 - WMAP Planck, SMICA =

  41. L=7 - WMAP Planck, SMICA =

  42. L=11 - WMAP Planck, SMICA =

  43. L=70 Planck, SMICA NILC WMAP SEVEM

  44. Cosmology with Suynaev-Zeldovich effect ? Problem with cluster parameters ? Planck: optic and mm/submm centers differ from X-ray.

  45. Missed sources in the Planck data: radio sources at sigma level < 3 sigma Awaited source of the secondary anistropy: >20000 radio galaxies ? 0015+0501 0226+0512 0311+0507, z=4.514 1113+0436 RG in cluster ? 0427+0457 0225+0506 0302+0456

  46. SZ-effect

  47. 30 44 CMB 70 143 217 100 353 545 0702+0440 0748+0452 0756+0506 0924+0508 1022+0450

  48. Observational channel of 217 GHz: what is unusual ?

  49. Data of 217 GHz: what is unusual ? 1) Very close to CMB map outside the Galactic plane, but let us remember WMAP bands:

  50. Data of 217 GHz: what is unusual ? 1) Close to the CMB map 2) Calibration problem ? (Spergel et al., arXiv:1312.3313) If remove the 217 GHz channel, then it can be obtained accurate restoration of the WMAP cosmology

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