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to SEMESTER 2. FINAL EXAM results left me with mixed feelings and anxiety about SEM 2. What did I learn from the FINAL EXAM?. GROUP A Students who studied hard and their FINAL EXAM score is much higher than their SEM 1 Test average!. GROUP B

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  1. to SEMESTER 2

  2. FINAL EXAM results left me with mixed feelings and anxiety about SEM 2

  3. What did I learn from the FINAL EXAM? • GROUP A Students who studied hard and their FINAL EXAM score is much higher than their SEM 1 Test average! • GROUP B Students who studied very little or not at all and their FINAL EXAM ruined their chances to get a better grade

  4. Sadly, there were no winners in either group!

  5. QUESTION(s) • What is the weight of Tests in this class? • How many tests did we take in SEM 1? • So, how much of your grade is effected by each test we took in SEM 1? • What is the weight of the final exam again????

  6. Lesson learned: • If you were able to earn at least 75% on the final exam, you can earn even a higher score on EVERY test we take during the SEMESTER! All you have to do is study JUST ONE TOPIC! • If you consistently prepare for tests, you will not have to worry as much about the final exam – it’s just one more test to confirm your grade.

  7. Where do we go from here? • We MUST prepare for each Test and Quiz the same way we did for our final exam. • We MUST complete ALL OTL assignments to practice our skills throughout the SEMESTER ??

  8. GRRR, We MUST do our OTL now?? Hm, Who’s gonna make me?

  9. My mommy will !

  10. NEW OTL POLICY for SEM 2 • OTL completion is MANDATORY • Intention is not to penalize anyone for wrong answers; • However, you MUST be ready to justify your answer (correct or wrong!) • At the end of the semester your OTL completion will be + 3% or -3% from your class average score.

  11. How will this work? • OTL will be assigned in each class (no change here!) • During warm-up  completion is checked. ALL problems MUST BE completed to receive a check!!! (Receive or ) • During OTL review, students with a check are asked to explain answers. If explanation can not be provided, the check turns into a zero!

  12. At the end of the Quarter: • There will be 17 OTL’s assigned in Q1 of SEM 2. -3% -2% -1% 0% +1% +2% +3% <5 6-7 8-9 10-11 12-13 14-15 16-17 If you are absent EXCUSED!!! , it is your responsibility to see Mrs. G to have your OTL checked during lunch or after school.

  13. I see much higher scores in SEM 2 and a I see Mrs. G smile more when she grades tests and Quizzes. However, fortune telling is not an exact science, sometimes I am wrong 

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