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Community College Completion Corps: Empowering Students for Success

Join the Community College Completion Corps to address low completion rates, foster a culture of completion, and equip students for success in school and the workforce. Learn more about the benefits of completing your degree or certificate.

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Community College Completion Corps: Empowering Students for Success

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  3. BACKGROUND THE PROBLEM: • ONLY 25% of 8 million community college students actually complete their degrees or certifications. • The USA has fallen to 12th place among industrialized nations concerning citizens holding higher education credentials. • While 65% of students who drop out plan to return, only about 38% do return.

  4. BACKGROUND THE CHALLENGE: • The President has challenged community colleges to produce an additional 5 million degrees or certificates by 2020. • essentially doublingthe current number

  5. BACKGROUND THE RESPONSE: • 6 leading national organizations that serve community colleges - including Phi Theta Kappa - signed the CALL TO ACTION • Then formed The Community College Completion Challenge • And formed its action arm: The Community College Completion Corps


  7. BACKGROUND THE PURPOSE: • To foster a culture of completion • To address soaring drop-out rates • To renovate the processof higher education • To cultivate life-long learning • To prepare studentsfor the work force and/or for transferring to senior institutions • To equip studentsw/the tools to succeed in school, in life, in all they do


  9. PHI THETA KAPPANS = The Completion Corps spreading the word

  10. GOING SOMEWHERE? Transferring to a senior institution? • You’ll encounter fewer barriers to transfer! • Many state college systems have articulation agreements that guarantee transfer of community college credits when associate degree students enter state universities. • You’ll save time & money by not having to repeat courses or take courses you did not know you needed.

  11. COMPLETE to COMPETE You’ll be prepared! • It’s a tough job market out there, especially in today’s economy. • Having a college degree will give you a leg up on the competition. • Plus, people change jobs up to 10 timesin their working lives, and when you are job-hunting, a college credential will always give you a competitive edge.

  12. LEARN MORE, EARN MORE You’ll earn more! • Students who complete their associate degree or certificate can expect to earn as much as • $8,000 more per year • and about $400,000 more in a lifetime • than a high school graduate =

  13. 10 REASONS to COMPLETE YOU WILL • earn more money over a lifetime! • be better prepared for the workforce! • have less likelihood of unemployment! • be ready to begin a path to a university! • increase your chances for a transfer scholarship!

  14. 10 REASONS to COMPLETE YOU WILL • feel good about reaching your goal and having a degree to show for it! • have children who will be more likely to graduate from college! • have a family who has a healthier lifestyle. • be a better citizen! • be more mindful of environmental concerns!


  16. SIGNING DAY • November 5, 2012

  17. SIGNING DAY • March 22, 2013

  18. SIGNING DAY • November 14, 2013

  19. SIGNING DAY November 13, 2014 19

  20. SIGNING DAY November 13, 2014 20

  21. SIGNING DAY April 7&9, 2015 21

  22. SIGNING DAY October 22-23, 2015 22


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