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INTRODUCTION Football referees who aspire to become National or International FIFA referees must fulfill the following requirements: a. Below 45 years of age. b. Must pass the medical examination. c. Must pass the FIFA Fitness Test When all the requirements are fulfilled, registration for the year will be accepted. They would then be appointed to officiate in tournaments organized by National, AFF, AFC or FIFA. Prior to the start of every tournament, they would be tested again and if they failed the fitness test, they would not be allowed to officiate in the tournament.
TOURNAMENTS & FITNESS TEST RESULTS World Youth Tournament in Netherlands (2006). Out of 48 selected referees, 13 failed and had to be replaced. Two Malaysian referees were sent back. Liberian referee who was supposed to officiate African Youth Championship (2007) was sent back. World Cup South Africa (2010). Two referees were replaced as they failed the fitness test. Guyana (2010). Seventeen referees out of a total 37 failed FIFA Fitness Test.
SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY Football referees are often left on their own to develop their physical fitness efficiency. If they fail the FIFA Fitness Test, they are not allowed to register as National referees or officiate football matches at national or international level. There has been no specific training programme designed to improve the fitness of football referees in Malaysia. Therefore, in order to ensure football referees can attain an optimal level of match fitness, emphasis within their fitness preparation programmes has to be firmly placed upon quality structured training sessions that provide an appropriate training stimulus to enable the attainment of such fitness.
THE OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY To investigate the performances of the three groups in repeated high intensity intermittent runs after participating in a Ten Week Training Programme.
HYPOTHESIS OF THE STUDY The following null hypothesis was tested at .05 level of significance: There will be no significant difference in repeated high intensity intermittent runs after participating in a ten week training programme.
THE DESIGN OF THE STUDY This investigation was an experimental design which involved the performance of football referees in repeated high intensity intermittent runs using the FIFA Fitness Test. Sixty football referees were involved. They were randomly assigned into three groups. Each group consisted of 20 participants. The design of the study focused upon pre-test results providing training for ten weeks and post-test to determine the effectiveness of the training provided.
STATISTICAL PROCEDURE FOR DATA ANALYSIS To determine whether the different training programmes significantly contributed to the results, a mixed between-within subject analysis known as split-plot ANOVA (SPANOVA) was conducted. Alpha level was set at .05 To further confirm the results of SPANOVA, the results of Pillai’s Trace and Tukey Pair Wise Multiple Comparison was used. To determine whether there was a significant difference between pre-test and post-test scores as a whole and to determine if there was a significant effect on the treatment for the three groups, multivariate test using Pillai’s Trace was administered. In order to investigate significant difference between groups, Tukey Pair-Wise Comparison Test Analysis was conducted.
Table 1: Comparison of Pre-Test and Post-Test Means and Standard Deviation of Three Groups in Repeated High Intensity Intermittent Runs
Figure 1: Estimated Marginal Means of Measure 1. One Way Pre Test and Post Test by Group
Table 2: SPANOVA Tests of Between Groups for Pre-Test and Post-Test
MULTIVARIATE TESTS USING PILLAI’S TRACE 1. To further determine whether there was a significant difference between pre-test and post-test scores as a whole. 2. To determine if there was a significant effect on the treatment for the three groups, multivariate tests using Pillai’s Trace was administered.
a. Design: Intercept + group Within Subjects Design: measure b. Exact statistic
THE RESULTS OF ANALYSIS • Pillai’s Trace [F (1, 57) = 429.15, p<0.05] indicated that there was a significant difference between pre-test and post-test scores as a whole. • It showed that the programme had significant effect on repeated high intensity intermittent runs after treatment. • There was also a significant interaction effect of the treatment for the three groups [F (2, 57) = 131.63, p<0.05].
TUKEY POST HOC MULTIPLE COMPARISON TEST In order to investigate significant difference between groups, Tukey post hoc multiple comparison test analysis was conducted.
Based on estimated marginal means * The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level.b. Adjustment for multiple comparisons: Least significant Difference (Equivalent to no adjustment
RESULTS OF TUKEY PAIR WISE COMPARISON • The results indicated that there existed a significant difference in the performance of the three groups in repeated high intensity intermittent runs after ten weeks or training [F (2, 57) =75.86, p<0.05]. • Statistically significant differences were noted between experimental group one and experimental group two, experimental group one and control group and experimental group two and control group. • The results of multiple comparisons among groups indicated that the performance of all the three groups in repeated high intensity intermittent runs differ from one another with experimental group one showing the best performance and the control group the poorest and the training method used by experimental group two.
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION Thus, from the findings of this study, it could be concluded that there were three general reasons for the improved performance in repeated high intensity intermittent runs of the football referees in Malaysia. Firstly, training programme of this nature provided the football referees with an opportunity to train for four days in a week under the guidance of a trained physical education instructor. The instructor, playing a direct and ever-present role was recognized, as a result served as a strong motivating factor to the participants. Secondly, during the present investigation there was an intense curiosity and interest regarding the training programme. Finally, the football referees in Malaysia never had an opportunity to participate in a group training programme. This study which offered a setting to train in a group could have motivated them to train harder as they were eager to know the training effects.
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