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Felix Dodds felixdodds

This article discusses the progress and challenges since the Rio+20 Conference, focusing on the themes of Green Economy and Institutional Framework for Sustainable Development. It explores the Sustainable Development Goals, means of implementation, and the integrating approach. The article concludes with the need for a global partnership for sustainable development.

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Felix Dodds felixdodds

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Post Rio+20: Where Do We Stand 21 Months Later Felix Doddswww.felixdodds.net

  2. From Rio+20 to a New Development Agenda The run-up to Rio+20 My take on the outcome Where we are now The challenges What could be achieved

  3. The run-up to Rio+20 Election of President Bush 9/11 impacts on the World Summit on Sustainable Development UN Commission on Sustainable Development failures 2007 and 2011 President Mbeki's speech (2006) President Lula to the rescue (2007)

  4. From Rio+20 to a New Development Agenda Financial crisis 2008 mid September 2008 Lehman Brothers G20 v G192 G77 tables resolution for Rio+20 (November 4th 2008) United Nations Review Conference on Financing for Development –Qatar starts November 29th 2008 Conference on the World Financial and Economic Crisis and its Impact on Development 2009 Copenhagen Climate Conference (December 2009) Rio+20 resolution December 24th 2009 July 2011 Solo Indonesia – SDGs put on the table

  5. Where we are now • The objective of the Conference is to • secure renewed political commitment for sustainable development, • assess the progress to date and the remaining gaps in the implementation of the outcomes of the major summits on sustainable development, and address • new and emerging challenges • The Conference will focus on two themes • Green Economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication • Institutional Framework for Sustainable Development

  6. Set up processes for • Institutional Framework for Sustainable Development • High Level Political Forum • Reform of UNEP • Intergovernmental Committee of Experts on Sustainable Development Financing • Green Economy • 10-year framework of programmes on sustainable consumption and production patterns • taking steps to go beyond gross domestic product to assess the well-being of a country; - Natural capital accounting • Sustainable Development Goals

  7. SDGs---19 focus areas into 8 goals areas? • Poverty eradication – promote equality • Gender equality and women's empowerment, education, employment and decent work for all, health and population dynamics • Water and sanitation, agriculture, food security and nutrition • Economic growth, industrialization, infrastructure, energy 5. Sustainable cities and human settlements, promote SCP, Climate 6. Conservation and sustainable use of marine resources, oceans and seas, ecosystems and biodiversity 7. Peaceful and non-violent societies, rule of law and capable institutions 8. Means of Implementation, Global partnership for sustainable development

  8. Challenges Means of Implementations Nexus eg water-energy-food-climate Financing – beyond traditional resources eg capital markets – sovereign wealth funds 20 Trillion Corporate accountability – report on ESG

  9. The IntegratingApproach • Foodsecurity Inclusive economic growth Water Health

  10. Reduce by x% stunting, wastingby y% and anemia by z% forallchildrenunder 5. • Interlinkages: health and foodsecurity Increase agricultural productivity by x%, with a focus on sustainably increasing smallholder yields and access to irrigation. Interlinkages: employment, water,foodsecurity • Bring freshwater withdrawals in line with supply and increase water efficiency in agriculture by x%, industry by y% and urban areas by z%. • Interlinkages: Water and food security

  11. What can be achieved? An agreed vision of what we are trying to achieve 10 Goals to guide the world to a new form of development Integrated targets that change the way we live on this planet A REAL commitment to the Means of Implementation to do the work above A further reform of governance at all levels A Global Partnership for Sustainable Development

  12. Einstein "We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” or "Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.“ Nexus Conference outcome: https://nexusconference.web.unc.edu/ Blog: http://earthsummit2012.blogspot.com/

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