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Discover Botswana, a landlocked African nation with a rich history and vibrant culture. Learn about its diverse population, abundance of diamonds, and unique languages. Explore the stunning landscapes and rock art while experiencing warm hospitality and engaging with the local community.

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  1. Botswana Landlocked African Nation

  2. Botswana • 600, 000 square kilometres • about the size of France or Kenya • bordered by Namibia on west, South Africa to the south, Zimbabwe to the east with Zambia and Angola to the north • highest points are the Tsodillo Hills at 1,489 m. and Mount Otse at 1,491 m.

  3. History • 30,000 to 60,000 years ago southern Africa was inhabited by Khosian people today known as San, Bushmen or Basarwa • these were nomadic hunter gatherers • about 1,000 years ago black tribes began to move into the Kalahari region setting up cattle domains with rock enclosures • at the time of the Zulu wars more African people moved north from South Africa

  4. Botswana: • discovered diamonds one year after independence (1966) to go from being a poor country to one with a low National Debt • has nearly one quarter of the world’s diamonds • now has 1.5 million people • half the population under the age of 20 • Tswana (79%), Kalanga (11%), Basarwa (3%) Kgalagadi and white (7%)

  5. Botswana pop. map

  6. Communications • 142,000 telephones • 435,000 cell phones Transportation • 888 km of railway • 10 paved runways; 75 unpaved • airstrips are important for emergencies • 10,200 km of highways, 5,600 paved

  7. Welcome to the Bus Tour (1982)

  8. barren landscape

  9. abandoned dwellings

  10. remote village

  11. welcoming committee

  12. waiting for the kgotla meeting

  13. cattle drive

  14. outdoor butcherery

  15. watching a sporting event

  16. Rock Art • Tsodillo Hills

  17. Rock Art • thousands of paintings

  18. eland

  19. eland close-up with hand prints

  20. end of tour part I

  21. Setswana Language • Most Batswana speak Setswana (the language) • Another four million Setswana speakers live in South Africa and • Sesotho (language of Lesotho, surrounded by South Africa) is much like Setswana • Setswana is similar to Zulu • For example: • Ha kena madi (I have no money) is • Ha sena mali in Zulu

  22. Languages The San tongues: Nharo, !Kung & Mau/kau kau are as different as Chinese is from Portuguese

  23. San Language has five clicks: O kiss click / run tongue down front of teeth ! popping sound // like telling horse to giddy up but out of both sides of mouth = back of throat glottal but no san language has all five

  24. Greetings • In Setswana the morning greeting is: • O’tsigile jaan? Meaning “how did you get up? • The afternoon greeting is: O’thlokste jaan? Meaning “how did you spend your day? • In Sekgaladi the greeting is: “Wazoga?” • The Answer is “Gazoga.” • In Nharo “Kgasai k/o?”

  25. pronounciation • H’s are silent & G’s sound like H’s • So Ghanzi is prounounced Hantzi because of the G, not the H • Gabarone, the capital, is pronounced “Habaro –knee” or “Habarones” • W are prounounced like V’s • Windhoek is pronounced Vindhook

  26. People of West Hanahai

  27. Nharo children

  28. Mokala and Topias

  29. Tortoise in the Kalahari

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