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This supplement to the article "Large near-surface block rotations at normal faults of the Iceland rift: evolution of tectonic caves and dilatancy" by Kettermann et al., 2019 contains cross-plots and histograms of measured tilted block dimensions derived from field data in Iceland.
This document is a supplement to the article ‘Large near-surface block rotations at normal faults of the Iceland rift: evolution of tectonic caves and dilatancy’ by Kettermann et al., 2019. It contains cross-plots and histograms of measured tilted block dimensions derived from field data in Iceland. Cross-Plots Length vs. Throw Length vs. True Width TB Dip vs. Throw TB Offset vs Throw True Width vs TB Dip TB Dip vs. True Aperture Throw vs. True Aperture Length vs. True Aperture True Width vs. True Aperture Fault Dip vs Hinge Depth True Width vs Hinge Depth True Aperture vs. Hinge Depth Apparent vsCorrectedAperture Width/Throw vsAperture Error Displacement vsAperture Error Dip vsAperture Error Length vsAperture Error Width vsAperture Error Histograms Fault Dip TB Width True Aperture Depth of Hinge TB Length Fault Throw TB Dip Aperture Error
Fig. 12: Crossplot of Corrected TB Width vs. Corrected Aperture
Fault dip [°] Fig. 19: Histogram of calculated fault dips
TB Width [m] Fig. 20: Histogram of TB widths
True aperture [m] Fig. 21: Histogram of corrected aperture
Depth of hinge [m] Fig. 22: Histogram of hinge depths
TB length [m] Fig. 23: Histogram of TB lengths
Fault throw [m] Fig. 24: Histogram of fault throws
TB dip [°] Fig. 25: Histogram of TB surface dips
Aperture error [m] Fig. 26: Histogram of aperture errors