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This session explores the concept of the Trinity and our identity in the group. It challenges the idea of individualism and emphasizes the importance of being together. It also discusses the impact of sin and the attributes of God.
SEW 2013 – Grace Christian School Session 2 From the Father to the Son – From the Son to us . . . It’s a Trinitarian Thing
In Summary . . . • It’s not about the snowflake . . . • Individualism does not equal being special any more than the empty statement that everyone is special . . . • We were meant to be together – with who? • We have full identity in the group – with who? • We cannot have life on our own – why? • My life IS NOT my own – why?
In Summary . . . • It’s not about the snowflake . . . • Individualism does not equal being special any more than the empty statement that everyone is special . . . • We were meant to be together – with who? • We have full identity in the group – with who? • We cannot have life on our own – why? • My life IS NOT my own – why?
In Summary . . . • We were meant to be together – with who? • We have full identity in the group – with who? • We cannot have life on our own – why? • My life IS NOT my own – why? • Proof in the pudding: • Even when we try and rebel and go our own way, we do it with others that want to rebel and go their own way • Worship . . .
Worship we were made to
It’s not as though we have stopped being who we were made to be . . .
It’s not as though we have stopped being who we were made to be . . . This is It
Sin is . . . TheftIdolatryAdultery
Sin . . . . . . destroys human happiness . . . defames God
1. Hippomonstrosesquippedaliophobia Possibly the longest real word in English, other than Antidisestablishmentarianmism. Defined medically as "the fear of long words.” Patient: Doctor, I think I have a fear of long words. Doctor: Ah! Yes! You have hippomonstrosesquippedaliophobia. Patient: AHH!
Who IS God? יהוה “I AM who I AM” The One WHO IS The Living One
Justin Martyr But to the Father of all, who is unbegotten there is no name given. For by whatever name He be called, He has as His elder the person who gives Him the name. But these words Father, and God, and Creator, and Lord, and Master, are not names, but appellations derived from His good deeds and functions. And His Son, who alone is properly called Son, the Word . . . is called Christ, in reference to His being anointed and God’s ordering all things through Him; this name itself also containing an unknown significance; as also the appellation “God” is not a name, but an opinion implanted in the nature of men of a thing that can hardly be explained. But “Jesus,” His name as man and Saviour, has also significance.
What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.-A. W. Tozer
“Were we able to [get] from any man a complete answer to the question, ‘What comes into your mind when you think about God?’, we might predict with certainty the spiritual future of that man” -A. W. Tozer
All the problems of heaven and earth, though they were to confront us together and at once, would be nothing compared with the overwhelming problem of God: That He is; what He is like; and what we as moral beings must do about Him. -A. W. Tozer
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. Proverbs 9:10
What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.-A. W. Tozer
Nature? God IS: Creator Sovereign Judge What about His
Attributes? God is not: A Holy God A Just God A Loving God What about His
Attributes? HE IS: Holiness Justice Love What about His
As God IS . . . So are we . . .
Hebrews 11:3 Creatio Ex Nihilo Fiat Creationism But . . .
Acts 17:27-28 “ . . . though He is not far from each one of us; for in Him we live and move and exist . . . “
Perichoresis A doctrine of the Trinity. The word is derived from the Greek “peri-choresis” which translates as, “peri” meaning around, “choresis” meaning to dance (the same root as choreography). The relationship between the Persons of the Trinity was described, by early Christians, as an eternal Holy Dance of each Person in the Trinity around and within the Others. (from wordnik)
Perichoresis • “Moreover, I realized -- experienced, even -- at long last, that "the Body of Christ" is a good deal more than a figure of speech; it is an appalling truth and mystery, uniting us beyond our knowing with one another, and uniting us with an ever greater mystery, the perichoresis("circling dance") of the Holy Trinity Who is our One God.” • Scott Cairns
John 15 Let’s look at verses 1-11 We need a guide
Some notes • “In Me” vs. “Abide” • Abide means to “Remain” • Think 1 John 2:19 – You do what you ARE • Think Romans 1:17; Hab. 2:4 – by “FAITHFULNESS” • They could be “In the Kingdom”, but not abiding with Christ • The Connection is relational and foundational for life • Verse 7 . . .WHA?!? You, akin’ Cray-Cray! • Verse 8 is our purpose and verses 9-11 the Crux!
9-11 • As the Father loved Jesus • Eternal • Perfect • Unselfish • Jesus Loves Us • Eternal • Sacrificial • Unselfish • Stay in that Love • Be Happy
1 John 1:1-4 . . . That our joy may be complete . . .
RATHER . . . It IS . . . NOT A A
When you are alone . . . You are not: safe free protected understanding happy fulfilled reconciled kept complete right
PeriChoresis (Around) (To Dance) Trinitarian Relationship F Unity: One God, Three Persons Eternal Togetherness Perfect Love Distinct, but not Divisible Diversity: Three Persons, One God Different Roles, Equal Essence Not Divisible, yet Distinct IS Is Not Is Not GOD IS IS Sp S Is Not Creation All creatures, so all Unified – alike as God’s Creation All creatures, distinct but working together – each with a place Heb. 11:3; Acts 17:25-28 Constitution/Function ImagoDei Marriage & Parenting Body of Christ