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The Christian School Movement in the Digital World. Greg Bitgood Superintendent, Heritage Christian Schools. The Challenge. Why 2025?. This date gives us a target to point towards. It gives us a benchmark for Christian Schools and Associations to begin to implement change in meaningful bites.
The Christian School Movementin theDigital World Greg Bitgood Superintendent, Heritage Christian Schools
Why 2025? • This date gives us a target to point towards. It gives us a benchmark for Christian Schools and Associations to begin to implement change in meaningful bites. • This will be the year that the Kindergarten students who start school in 2013 will finish their Grade 12.
Urgency and Faith • 2025 is sufficiently far off enough to be well beyond our scope of vision without the help of God and it is sufficiently close enough to be directly affected by decisions we are making today. • Innovation is no longer just for those who are creative. Innovation is now the necessity.
The Innovation Imperative “If we don’t innovate – in the private sector and in government – if we don’t find new ways to maximize efficiency and meet our strategic goals, we risk letting big opportunities pass us by – and the cost to our global competitiveness could be severe.” USA FCC Chairman Julius Genachowksi made this statement in response to a CISCO report predicting 60 fold increase in mobile broadband usage by 2015.
Moore’s Law Gordon Moore, founder of Intel, based this “law” on the amount of transistors that can be put on a computer chip at relatively the same size and cost. It has continued to hold true to this day. Every two years, computer power has continued to double and this pace doesn’t seem to be slowing any time soon. He made this prediction in 1965.
1956 1976 1985 1995 1962 The Doubling 2005 2009
The Doubling "The number of transistors incorporated in a chip will approximately double every 24 months."—Gordon Moore, Intel Co-Founder
The Smaller the Better Carver Meade, a fellow engineer and contemporary of Gordon Moore discovered: Microchip Efficiency = (Scale of Reduction)2 “By making things smaller everything gets better simultaneously there is little need for trade offs. The speed of our products goes up the power consumption goes down, system reliably improves by leaps and bounds but especially in the cost of doing things drops as a result of technology.” Gordon Moore
The Doubling An Osborne Executive portable computer, from 1982, and an iPhone, released 2007 (iPhone 3G in picture). The Executive weighs 100 times as much, is nearly 500 times as large by volume, costs 10 times as much, and has 100th the clock frequency of the iPhone.
Doubling Times of Various Technological Performance in Months Moore’s Law Grows all Tech Doubling Times of Various Technological Performance in Months
Comparing Moore to Flight In 1978, a commercial flight between New York and Paris cost around $900 and took seven hours. With same exponential growth of Moore’s Law being applied to the airline industry since 1978, that flight would now cost about a penny and take less than one second.
Comparing Moore to a Switch Because electricity travels a shorter distance in a smaller transistor, smaller transistors mean faster chips. It would take you about 50,000 years to turn a light switch on and off 3 trillion times, but today’s microchip transistors switch on and off that many times each second.
The Future “Technological progress is like an axe in the hands of a pathological criminal.” Albert Einstein Letter to a friend 1917
CommunicationRevolution Gutenberg's Press made the Protestant Reformation possible.
Communication Revolution = Social Networks This revolution has given way to a new digital forum for relationships. Youtube video on Social Media
CommunicationRevolution We need to be discipling a generation of communication literate young people. The HCOS story:
Communication Competencies Our digital students are communicating in ways we never dreamed of, this will require a new set of competencies:
Informationalism With the advent of Google we have some of the most powerful tools ever available to mankind!
Informationalism “Google's mission is to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful.” Google’s Corporate Information Webpage
The Wiki Generation Our students relationship to information is completely changing. How is this changing our educational approach?
Globalization The world is a much smaller place today because technology has extended our humanity.
Global Citizens How do we prepare our students for a world that has minimal boarders, global competition for jobs, instant communication to any point on the globe, and a new political reality: Heritage Global Citizenship Program
The Pedagogical Manifesto • We are suggesting a document emerges from three conferences to provide: • A Vision for 21st Century Education in the Christian School movement. • Suggested strategies for schools to navigate the disruptive change cascading upon culture. • A set of outcomes that will guide our schools and students into the shifting landscape of the Digital World. • Purposeful direction that gives reasonable targets of change and innovation.
PTC Report: Skills needed for the 21st Century • Functional Numeracy and Literacy • Critical Thinking and Problem Solving • Creativity and Innovation • Technological Literacy • Communications and Media Literacy • Collaboration and Teamwork • Personal Organisation • Motivation, Self-Regulation and Adaptability • Ethics, Civic Responsibility, Cross-Cultural AwarenessSkills
PTC Report: Pedagogical Vision for the 21st Century • From Learning Information to Learning to Learn • From Data to Discovery • From One Size Fits All to Tailored Learning • From Testing to Assess to Assessing to Learn • From Classroom Learning to Lifelong Learning Transformation
PTC Report: Components of a 21st Century System • A flexible educational path with project-based or integrated learning. • A blended system that uses classrooms and technology • Technology to access learning objects and teaching tools. • Open access to information systems for content and decision making • Constant feedback and assessment to allow students, parents and teachers to adjust to meet challenges or accommodate progress.
PTC Report: Shifting Roles for 21st Century Education • From Passive Student to Active Learner • From Parent as Supporter to Parent as Participant • From Teacher as Lecturer to Teacher as Guide Shifting
The Futurist Outlook: Education 2011 • Class time vs. non-class time interlaced: self-directed learning becomes most important taught skill of the future.
The Futurist: Education 2011 • China may be the first country to succeed in educating most of its population through the Internet. • From 2003-2007, China spent about $1 billion to implement online learning projects in the rural country-side.
The Futurist Outlook: Education 2011 • Social networking will facilitate a more collaborative form of learning.
The Futurist Outlook: Education 2011 • The next generation of students will be living wherever they want and taking many if not all of their courses online. They will graduate online, earn degrees online and work online