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A place of carrying out of practice, equipment .

This individual work focuses on serological tests, covering the concept of antigens and antibodies, serological reactions, agglutination tests, and their application in diagnosing, treating, and preventing infectious diseases.

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A place of carrying out of practice, equipment .

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  1. Theme: Serological tests. The mechanism of antibody production. Individual work- Serological tests.

  2. A place of carrying out of practice, equipment. • - Dept. of Microbiology -to conduct practical exercises: a set of dyes used in staining bacteria -microscopes, pipettes, test tubes, spirit lamps, slides, tripods. culture of microbes grown on nutrient medium,-gun new information technology, equipment demonstrations, slides, videos. • -TCB: Projector, slide, television, video.

  3. Duration of employment • - 4 hours (class periods) 180 minutes

  4. The employment purpose • Familiarize students with the knowledge of the concept of antigen, antibody, explain serological tests, the order setting the agglutination test and its application to the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of infectious diseases.

  5. Task of teaching • Familiarize students with the knowledge of the concept of antigen, antibody, explain serological tests, the order setting the agglutination test and its application to the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of infectious diseases.

  6. Tasks • Student should know: • 1        - Concept "antigene", classification. • 2        - Concept "antibody", its chemical nature. • 3        - Statement of serological reactions. • 4        - To be able to read and analyze result of serological reactions. • 5         - To Know kinds of serological reactions.

  7. Tasks • The student should make: • - To Put agglutination reaction. • - To Put reaction of the expanded agglutination to a test tube to define microscopic титр on subject glass. • - To Put agglutination reaction to whey of blood of the sick suspect on presence of an intestinal infection.

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