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Explore a transformative journey beyond postmodernism towards an integrated humanity. Join a discussion session on family therapy and future perspectives, featuring insights on ethics, interpretation, and systemic interactions.
Inspiration Interaction Interpretation Let´s leave postmodernism behind – Building bridges into a future of A new and integrated Humanity Family Therapy&The Future Turku,Finland, 14.august 2014 Einar Egenæs cand. San. - sosionom social worker, family therapist, faciltator of networkmeetings Ambulant intensiv Enhet, BUP Oslo Syd
All along the Watchtower … • “ - So let us not talk falsely now, the hour is getting late ” • Bob Dylan ,1967
Inspiration • ”The human being is Spirit, but what is spirit ? The spirit is the Self, but what is the Self ? The Self is a Relation that relates to itself, or is it in The Relation….?” Søren Kierkegaard • ”Oneself as Another” – ”we exists in the stories the others tells about us” – ”who speaks? Who acts? Who tells his or her story ? Who is responsible ?” Paul Ricæur
Responsibility Ability to answer the other ; Moomin; ”You can feel pretty foolish when you talk to someone that don´t give you an answer.”
Modernism When Evidence becomes non-sense
Postmodernism Reality is SociallyConstructed How ? and So What ? - Didwe fall in love with it, forgetting to listen to ourpatients ?
Ethics • ” Kanskje tiden har kommet til å la det etiske og estetiske i oss forme forholdet til andre, og så i neste omgang la disse forholdene bestemme de mulige aktiviteter… • - Det synes som om det er lettere å leve i forhold hvor en gjør noe sammen med andreenn i forhold hvor en gjør noe for andre, til andre, om andre eller over andre.” • Tom Andersen, 1992
Ethics • ” May be time has come to let ethics and aestethics form our relation to the other… • - It seems to be more easy to live in relations where you do things togehther with othersrather than for, to, about or over the others.» • Tom Andersen, 1992
CONTEXT Systemic - Contextually
Interaction • Existential Psychotherapy • ”Snapp”: • Family System; MRI, The Milano Team • Reflecting Processes • Narrative Practices • Apperiacetive Inquiry • Reflective Language Philosophy
Socratic Dialogues • ” On becoming a Person – to be that Self wich one truly Is.” • ”I have come to trust the capacity of persons to explore and understand themselves and their troubles, and to resolve those problems, in any close, continuing relationship where I can provide a climate of real change and understanding.” Carl Rogers
PCOMS • Hei Einar! • Thanks for your complimentary discussion of PCOMS, CDOI, and me. I have certainly been strongly influenced by Rogers and existential views as well as the systems/language systems perspectives. I believe that PCOMS is a way to operationalize the values you depicted regarding the irreducible nature of human beings, our individualized journeys for meaning. • Best Regards,Barry • Barry Duncan, Psy.D., Director
The Reflecting Process Ethics ; Virtues and Recognition ?
The Reflecting Team • ”The team must remain positive, discreet, respectful, sensitive, imaginative and creatively free.”TA, 1987 • ”But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.” Paul in letter to the Galatians, 5.22-23
Ansvar - Response Open Dialogue: Absolute Recognition ?
not - Knowing Willing to stay together in the struggle
Snapp ? • S ystemic • N arrative • A ppreciative • P sychotherapy • P ractices
Interpretation • - the model of the text; meaningful action concidered as text/practices. • - the shattered cogito is trying to interpret reality through concrete reflection, changing between the poetic and the rational language, hoping to reach an understanding of life.
Mimesis M1; The complex reality of Life.The material. M2; the Telling of a Story, the Plot. M3; The listening, reading, imagination, Interpretation and Adaption. Aristoteles Socrates/Kierkegaard Freud Gadamer Geertz Schafer May/Yalom Ricæur Hermeneutics of Therapy
Interpreting Oneself as Another
Existential Mimesis Therapy ? • Percieving the Other • The threefold Mimesis • Loving Struggle Realism ? • Contextual – ”Snapp” • Socratic not-knowing • Hermeneutics of the Self
En fars evaluering; • ”Litt godt å få lest opp litt av historien, egentlig; Få bitterheten litt bort. Det var en prosess å skrive det ned, Først en bitter versjon, - jeg skrev om et par-tre ganger.Kjente litt mer på historien sjøl da. Forsøkte å legge til side en del ting, finne en versjon som er lettere å leve med for begge. Det fungerer bedre nå, er blitt en grei tone. Har en følelse av at en undertone er blitt borte. Før ble jeg møtt med at jeg ikke var en bra nok far, det er borte nå, hverdagen er blitt mer trivelig. Bitterheten vokser av at jeg hører undertonen, i det siste har jeg følt meg mer som Konge i eget hjem. Hun har latt meg få lov til å være det…”
- one father : • ” I was writing it down at home before this session… several times I wrote it…. it was important to me to do that… I left my anger and frustration there… the last version became a little bit less angry than those from before…I think we had better talks this last week…”
Interpretationlaboratory • Mimesis- structure in • Education • Supervision • Research
LateModernity: • Personal • Dialogic • Critical Realism ? • Dialogical Ethics
A new and integrated Humanity • Existential interpretation of being • Phenomenology&Hermeneutics • Critical Realism • «Snap» • Reflecting Processes, «EMT» • ODIN • Feed back systems; (cdoi,stic etc.) • Dialogical Ethics as loving struggle
”Grammar” 1. Person - Subjectivity Phenomenoloy 2. Person- Inter-Subjectivity Hermeneutics 3. Person - Objectivity ? Positivism ? www.tesis-itn.eu ”Towards an Embodied Science of InterSubjectivity.” Thomas Fuchs Dan Zahavi Heidelberg København
The Idea of Solidarity Virtues of Compassion, Hope and Practical Wisdom .
Paulo Freire, 1972 • Dialogue; • ”Dialog kan imidlertid ikke eksistere hvis man ikke har grunnleggende kjærlighet til verden og mennesket. Benevningen av verden, som er en skapende og nyskapende handling, er uimulig om den ikke er gjennomsyret av kjærlighet. Kjærlighet er samtidig grunnlaget for dialogen og dialogen selv.” • Pedagogikk for undertrykte, s 91
Accountability…. ”The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love….” Paul in letter to Galatians 5.6b