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The Inspiration. The 5 W’s. What? Why? Who? Where? When?. The 5 W’s. ~ What?: PARABLES is a worship service led by the special needs community as a ministry of love, acceptance and empowerment.
The 5 W’s What? Why? Who? Where? When?
The 5 W’s ~What?: PARABLES is a worship service led by the special needs community as a ministry of love, acceptance and empowerment. ~ Named PARABLES because we believe the special needs community IS a parable. Like Jesus’ parables they offer challenging lessons. They are wise teachers in our midst.
The 5 W’s ~ Why?: WWJD? Scripture shows us that an inclusive service like PARABLES is the right thing to do AND societal trends tell us it is the smart thing to do. Mainline Protestant church attendance is down while diagnosis of autism in children is at an all time high( 1/68). There is a desperate spiritual need just waiting to be filled. ~ Important that service be about empowerment, not charity.
The 5 W’s ~Who?: PARABLES is a worship service that offers a radical welcome to anyone and everyone with special needs, their family and friends and the “red fish” in all of us that likes to swim against the tide. (Notice our Logo!). Everyone is welcome.
The 5 W’s ~ Where?: We believe it is imperative that a PARABLES service be held in a sacred space within the church. As an empowerment ministry, it is important that this community be recognized as a valued part of the congregation. ~After the service, a short time of fellowship with refreshments is recommended for connection and community building.
The 5 W’s • When?: In addition to being held in a sacred space at the church, it is imperative that a PARABLES service be held on Sunday morning during “prime worship time”. This ensures that the larger congregation will have access to and interaction with the lessons this community can teach. ~ It is also important that this service be held weekly. Routine is often important to this community and meeting each week makes church an important and familiar part of their life.
How to Begin? ~ It is recommended that you start this ministry first as a support group to develop a trusted “core group” of families to help launch the worship service. ~ It is important to do some dry run rehearsals of this service with your “core group” of families to ensure that everyone is comfortable with the routine before inviting others.
What Will I Need to get Started? ~ Music is key. A piano and pianist are a must! Small portable instruments for the children to play as they “march, dance or roll” in and out of the space, encourages involvement of all to share their unique gifts. ~ Recommended “starter kit” material includes Parables- designed brochures, monthly bulletins, music sheets, name tags, t-shirts, outdoor banner, poster, friendship pad, “How-To” Booklet available to order on the Wayzata Community Church Website. ~ Senior Minister backing on this is vital to ensure success.
Order Of Worship • As much as possible, this service is led by the PARABLES community. ~Gathering Music and Greeting ~Processional / “Saints Go Marching In” ~ Opening Prayer ~ Announcements ~Responsive Prayer ~Passing of the Peace ~Offering Our Gifts
Order Of Worship (Continued) ~ Singing! ~Scripture Reading ~ 5- 7 Minute Meditation ~Singing! ~Prayers of Concern ~Holy Communion
Order Of Worship (Continued) ~ The Lord’s Prayer ~ Singing! ~ Benediction ~ Sending Music * Average worship time 40 minutes.
How Should We Market This? ~ Phase I : Generate awareness in your church community through brochures explaining the mission and vision of the ministry, posters to hang in the church, a newsletter, inclusion on church website and regular encouragement to come to the service from the pulpit.
How Should We Market This? ~ Phase II: Connect with special needs organizations in your local area. (ARC, Special Olympics, Local Adaptive Sports Organizations, Therapy Centers, etc). Tie in with them for Forum/ Workshop Opportunities. ~Phase III: Develop and distribute press releases to generate media interest.
What Should the Meditation Message Be? ~ Consider basing the message on “Biblical Texts of Empowerment.” For example: -The Parables of Jesus (The Great Banquet, Luke 14, The Mustard Seed, Matthew 17) - Matthew 18: “Come to Me Like the Little Children.” - First Corinthians 12: “The Body of Christ” - Psalm 139
What Should the Meditation Message Be? ~ ~Utilize examples and stories from Adam and The Journey to Daybreak, by Henri Nouwen and Becoming Human, by Jean Vanier. Draw wisdom from The vast resource of books offered by the Institute on Theology and Disability.