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Romanesque Art. Keywords. Crusades : cruzadas, campañas militares para recuperar tierra santa. Barrel vault : bóveda de cañón, en la techumbre traslación longitudinal de un arco de medio punto. Dome: cúpula, bóveda de media esfera para cubrir el edificio.
Keywords • Crusades: cruzadas, campañas militares para recuperar tierra santa. • Barrelvault: bóveda de cañón, en la techumbre traslación longitudinal de un arco de medio punto. • Dome: cúpula, bóveda de media esfera para cubrir el edificio. • Round arches: arcos de medio punto, fundamental en Románico. • Blindarches: arcos ciegos, decorativos en Románico. • Thickwalls: muros anchos sin vanos, función de soporte. • Buttresses: contrafuertes, soportes exteriores para soportar el edificio. • Latincrossplant: planta de cruz latina, característica del Románico. • Naves: naves, espacio comprendido entre muros o columnas. • Transept: transepto, crucero, también se refiere a la nave horizontal o del crucero. • Ambulatory: deambulatorio, nave que recorre todo el templo hasta rodear el altar en catedrales • Reliefs: relieves, escultura adosada al muro. • Free-standing sculptures: escultura de bulto redondo, no están adosadas al muro como los relieves. • Capitals: capiteles, parte superior de la columna. • Tympanum: tímpano, imagen principal en la fachada del templo. • Murals: frescos, pintura mural, se prepara la pared con cal y se pinta mientras esté húmeda. • Black outlines: líneas negras que dibujan la silueta de los personajes en Románico. • Background landscapes: paisajes, refiere al fondo de las pinturas. • Altarpieces: retablos, paneles de madera utilizados para decorar el altar. • Miniatures: miniaturas, pequeñas ilustraciones para libros o textos religiosos conservados por estar hechos en vitela.
Historicalcontext • TheRomanesquestylebeganfromthe late 10 thcentury in northernItaly and itwaswidespreadallacrossEuropeveryfast. ItbecamethefirstinternationalstylesincetheAncientAgealthoughwehaveimportant regional differences. • Being a style influenced by the Church, most of the buildings were small churches or monasteries in the pilgrimages routes although there were also important cathedrals such as Santiago or Jaca.
EarlyMiddleAges; Romanesqueis a rural style. • Feudal Europe and estamental society (nobility, clergy and peasants). • The spread of Christianity (Crusades, militaryorders, pilgrimages). • Key role of theChurchover culture and art, itmust be emphasized in Romanesque. • TheChurchistheonlyclientfor art and most of thetopicswill be religious;symbolism and educationalpurposeswerealsoveryimportant.
Romanesquearchitecture • ThisstylewascalledRomanesquebecauseitwasinfluencedbythe cultural heritage of theRomanEmpire. • Key characteristics: • Romanesquechurcheswerestonebuildingswith heavy stoneroofs. • Themostimportanttechniqueswere: thickwalls, dome, barrelvault, buttresses, pilars and columns, round arches, Latincross plan. • Simple decorationwithblindarches and lombardbands. • Sculpturereliefs in theentrances (tympanum) and paintingmurals in the interior.
San Martín de Fromistá (Palencia), mid 11th century Exterior Interior
Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela, late 11th century, at the end of the pilgrimage route (Camino de Santiago) A big cathedral for pilgrimage with three naves, deambulatory and small apses for pilgrims
EuropeanRomanesque, Italy • Basilica of Saint Abbondio of Como (Lombardy), late 10th century • Pisa Cathedral, mid 11th century (Italian: Cattedrale Metropolitana Primaziale di Santa Maria Assunta; Duomo di Pisa)
EuropeanRomanesque, France • Notre Dame de Poitiers, late 11th century • Saint Pierre Angouleme Cathedral, early 12th century
EuropeanRomanesque, Germany • Abbey of Saint MariaLaach, Germany • Abbey of Saint Michael Hildesheim, Germany
Romanesquesculpture • Religious and educationalpurpose. Religiousscenesmadepeople familiar withbiblicalnarrativeseveniftheywereilliterate. Importantsymbolism. • Themostimportantcharasteristics: sculpturewereadaptedtofitthespaceavailable in anexistingbuilding and the figures wererigid and unrealistic. • Most of thesculptures are reliefs (in capitalsortympanum), and a few are free-standing (Christonthe Cross ortheVirgin and Child).
Free-standing sculptures Virgen de Ger, 12th century Majestad Batlló, 12th century
Romanesquepainting • Religious and educationalpurpose. Religiousscenesmadepeople familiar withbiblicalnarrativeseveniftheywereilliterate. Importantsymbolism. • Themostimportantcharasteristics: paintingwereadaptedtofitthespaceavailable in anexistingbuilding and the figures wererigid and unrealistic. Paintings are painted in brightcolourswithblackoutlines. • Most of thepaintings are murals (onwallsclosetothe altar), and a few are altarpieces (paintedonwoodenpanels and usedtodecoratealtars). Alsominiatures in books are highlyappreciated.
Bible scenes, San Isidoro de León, mural painting The Virgin with the Child, Santa María de Tahull, mural painting
Miniature. Bible of Winchester, 12th century, Cathedral of Winchester
Made by Francisco Javier AbadesAnsián History teacher at Castilla y León (Spain)Feel free to use, study or share this presentation