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Naturopathy is a broad term of which homeopathy is just a subset. Homeopathic treatments are based on homeopathic remedies, while a naturopath may also suggest the use of herbs, diet change, etc as a remedy measure.<br><br>Healthcare focused especially on an individual naturopathy considers the patient as a congregation of mind, body, and soul. All the treatments and healing work are done by studying these three planes for healing deep-rooted causes that manifest a disease.<br><br>Natural treatment by a naturopath invigorates the bodyu2019s self-healing vital force restoring the body to its natural functional levels.<br><br>An analysis by a naturopathic doctor may include your personal and family history, major traumas of the past, sleep patterns, levels of stress, diet, your bowel health, hormonal disturbances, relationship traumas or any other concern which a naturopath may deem worthy of concern while making your analysis.<br><br>Naturopaths utilize a wide variety of natural medicines including nutritional supplements, healthy foods, medicines derived from herbs and homeopathic remedies to heal and restore the body to its natural state of balance.<br><br>Formulated treatments for an individual are supplemented with an effective dietary program and lifestyle prescription. The intrinsic role of naturopathic medicines is to treat your health issues by regulating your sleep cycle, improving vitality and developing strong resistance to infections.<br><br>In naturopathy, a proactive approach is taken to prevent ill health without the use of any drugs. Chronic and acute conditions among people of all ages can be treated effectively with naturopathy.<br><br>Naturopathic medicines can be used quite safely with the western medicines as well.<br><br>Our team of holistic homeopaths at our clinic in Sydney, Australia are highly skilled in their vocation. Under the Guidance of Homeopath Ramya Billa, this team is making success stories.
RC Homeopathy Homeopathy Sydney www.rchomeopathy.com.au
Dehydration Treatment In Sydney • Even during summer, we can see the adults and especially children spending so much of their time in outdoor activities like camping, surfing, swimming, etc. Everything works fine if one’s body is hydrated. • But, it’s very easy to get engrossed in these fun activities so much that you may sideline the water requirements of your body. • On a superficial level, you may feel everything is fine but it is only after the symptoms start triggering themselves up that you are brought back to realize that “Really, can dehydration cause this?” • What is Dehydration? • Do you know why you sweat? As a child, you may have thought that what purpose does sweat serve or sometimes even deemed it to be unnecessary. • But now as you are still reading this, you must have realized by now that it does serve some healthful purpose. • When your body gets dehydrated, it means that it needs more fluids and water to retain a normal body temperature. • Considering Aussie temperature, where we face mostly high temperatures throughout the year, we should keep a track of the amount of water consumed daily. • As sweat produced increases so do the body requirement of even more water to regulate the body temperature. • On the contrary, during humid weather, sweat is unable to evaporate which again causes the body temperature to rise. If not supplanted with enough water and fluids, the consequences can be dire.
Dehydration Symptoms Thirst Headache Dizziness Nausea Skin dryness
Causes of Dehydration Not taking fluids in required quantity Vomiting Diarrhoea Dieting Sun exposure Medical conditions: diabetes, ulcerative colitis, cholera, heat stroke, kidney failure, digestive tract infection, etc Homeopathy for Dehydration Homeopathy for dehydration works through the theory of individualization and symptom similarity. By treating the underlying cause a state of overall well being is brought about. Homeopathy offers a wide range of remedies to choose from for your individual susceptibility.
Top Homeopathic Remedies for Dehydration Camphora Lachesis CarboVeg Cuprum Met Aethusa Arsenic album Veratrum album China Note: The medicines list given above is indicative. For you individual case, consult a qualified homeopath. Dehydration Prevention Wear lightweight and light-colored clothes during summer Avoid caffeinated and alcoholic drinks Never allow your kids to play outdoor unless they carry a water bottle. Consume fruits and vegetable that contain high water content like strawberries, lettuce, celery, watermelon, etc Try to avoid doing exercise outdoors. Even if you do, make sure to take several breaks for water intake. Practice yoga as it prevents sweat production
If you don’t like the plain taste of water, you can add flavors such as lime, citrus, lavender, etc. Try to avoid spicy foods as they raise the body’s internal temperature and hence results in the loss of body fluids. Avoid high protein diet Try water tracker and reminder smartphone apps But still, if you can’t get rid of the symptoms yourself, you can take the help of natural treatments like homeopathy. Homeopathy, one of the most popular natural healing treatments works to remove the disease from the very cause by making an individual case study of the patient. This study allows a homeopath to prescribe you with the best possible remedy linked to your individual symptoms and patterns, thereby creating a complete health balance. The best homeopathic remedy for dehydration is China Officinalis which can provide relief from dehydration within minutes and can be taken subject to consultation with a homeopath. If you still have any doubt or concerns, please feel free to drop me a message at info@RChomeopathy.com.au and I will get back to you soon. Note: Do not self-medicate any of the remedies listed above . Consult a qualified homeopath
Contact Us Our Clinic Locations Call Us 3 Antill Road, Edmondson Park, NSW 2174 46 Wall Park Ave, Seven Hills, NSW, 2147 17/47-53, Hampstead Rd, Homebush West, NSW 2140 34 East St, Five Dock, 2046 (02) 9920 4006 info@RChomeopathy.com.au ramya@RChomeopathy.com.au rchomeopathy@gmail.com Gtalk : RChomeopathy Skype: RChomeopathy www.rchomeopathy.com.au