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This article discusses the legal instruments in Poland that aim to protect children from violence, including the constitutional prohibition of torture and cruel treatment, the family and guardianship code that prohibits corporal punishment, and the prevention of family violence act. It also explains the Blue Cards Procedure and the criminal measures for dealing with violence in families.
prawne instrumenty ochrony dzieci przed przemocą w Polscelegal instruments to protect children from violence in Poland Aneta Mikołajczyk specjalistka BRPD 29.11.2017, Warszawa
ARTICLE 40 OF THE CONSTITUTION Nikt nie może być poddany torturom ani okrutnemu, nieludzkiemu lub poniżającemu traktowaniu i karaniu. Zakazuje się stosowania kar cielesnych. No one may be subjected to torture or cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment. The application of corporal punishment shall be prohibited.
ARTICLE 961 OF THEFAMILY AND GUARDIANSHIP CODE (KODEKS RODZINNY I OPIEKUŃCZY) Osobom wykonującym władzę rodzicielską oraz sprawującym opiekę lub pieczę nad małoletnim zakazuje się stosowania kar cielesnych. Persons who exercise parental authority and who provide care of or custody over a minor may not apply corporal punishment.
PREVENTION OF THE FAMILY VIOLENCE (USTAWA O PRZECIWDZIAŁANIU PRZEMOCY W RODZINIE) • DefinitIon of „family violence” (definicja przemocy w rodzinie): single or repeated intentional activity or nonfeasance that violates the rights or personal goods of family members (the closest person as defined by Article 115 § 11 of the Penal Code, a person who lives in the same place of residence or maintains the same household), particularly exposing those persons to the threat of life or health loss, violating their dignity, physical inviolability, freedom, including sexual freedom, causing harm to their physical and mental health and causingsuffering and moral damage in persons affected by violence
Blue Cards Procedure(procedura NK): • Article 11a of the PFV Act - the removal of the abuser(art. 11a uppr - usuniecie) • Article 12a of the PFV Act – procedure of protection of a childagainst family violence(art.12a uppr -zabezpieczenie dziecka) Violence in family - maybearall the hallmarks of crimesthatis as defined in Article 207, Article 190, Article 157 and Article 156 of the PenalCode. Przemoc w rodzinie – może wyczerpywać znamiona przestępstw tj. art. 207 kk, art. 190 kk, art.157 kk, art. 156 kk
CRIME LAW, CRIMINAL PROCEDURE • preventive measures (środki zabezpieczające)- as the case is in course; • criminal measures (środki karne) - after the case is closed; judgement of conviction; • probation period conditions (obwiązki probacyjne) - after the case is closed, in the probation period;