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Decision Making in Non Profit Sector (NPO)

Explore the rich history of non-profit organizations in Pakistan, tracing back to religious and cultural practices driving social welfare initiatives, from pre-colonial times to the present day. Understand the significant role of philanthropy, voluntarism, and community-driven efforts shaping the socio-economic landscape.

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Decision Making in Non Profit Sector (NPO)

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  1. Decision Making in Non Profit Sector (NPO) MPA 505 MPA Program Course Instructor: Riffat Abbas Rizvi

  2. NPO (History)-Lecture-1 • Voluntary and Philanthropic initiatives and practices date back in the history in the region now Pakistan before recorded history and are mentioned in regional folklore.

  3. NPO (History) • In recent times, these activities were manifested through the creation of trusts to supplement the state’s provision in the fields of • Education • Health • Social Welfare • Cultural Activities

  4. NPO (History) • Following independence, in 1947: The role of non profit organizations gained momentum. • Initially, the state was unable to provide emergency relief to the large influx of refugees that resulted from Pakistan’s Creation. • So non profit sector stepped in to fill the gap.

  5. NPO (History) • Most recently, as a result of the erosion of good governance practices and lack of confidence in the governmental capabilities and capacity, International Donor organizations, Multilateral, Bilateral and Private Philanthropists have resorted to funding non-government organizations directly (SPDC, 1998)

  6. NPO (History) • Government of Pakistan itself is committed: -to deliver a substantial part of Social Action Program(SAP) and the programs under poverty reduction strategy through Non-government organizations. • Thus, Rapid growth is witnessed in non profit organizations involved in social service delivery.

  7. NPO (History) • In addition to the individual voluntary activities, there have been significant organized efforts of Pakistan’s “Non profit sector”. • Most NGOs and Community base organizations are supported by: • Community Donors, • Local and International Donors • Government Funds

  8. NPO (History) • In recent years, non profit organizations(NPOs) have become increasingly involved in community based initiatives for social and economic development in order to improve quality of life and help Alleviate poverty.

  9. NPO (History) • The spirit of voluntarism and philanthropy in the people of Pakistan stems from religious impulses. • The system of “Zakat” and other mechanisms outlined in Islamic teachings to help the poor by devoting resources to them.

  10. NPO (History) • In the year (2000), Agha khan Development network recorded that people of Pakistan contributed 41 billion rupees(1.5% of GDP) in 1998 and volunteered 1.6 billion hours of time to philanthropic activities in 1998.

  11. NPO (History) • History of philanthropy and voluntary activities goes back to the early-recorded history with the geographical boundaries now called “Pakistan”. • Religion has been the foremost driving force behind this phenomenon.

  12. NPO (History) • Hinduism • Buddhist • Islam • Christianity • Sikhism Has provided strong basis and spiritual motivation to cater the needs of the poor, sick and underprivileged in society.

  13. NPO (History) • Social cultural practices, such as joint family system and community living has been condusive to philanthropic activities.

  14. NPO (History) • Some early examples of philanthropic organizations Pre-dominantely religious institution such as ; • Stupas • Temples • Monasteries • Ashram • Khanqahs • Gurdwaras

  15. NPO (History) • In 711 A.D, Muslims established their rule in the region & institution such as, • Madrasahs (Islamic religious schools) • Mosques • Began their role to play in community development and social welfare activities

  16. NPO (History) • In the 15th century, large numbers of Christian missionaries came to sub-continent. • These missionaries introduced western education system and provided health care facilities to the peoples.

  17. COLONIAL PERIOD (1947) • Colonial period was categorized by the institutionalization of philanthropic and voluntary activates in the south Asia. • Activates were based “on service delivery “ • In Pre-colonial period the philanthropic and voluntary sector was categorized mostly by the initiatives of individual philanthropists E.g.; Raja Ramohan Roy.

  18. BRAHMO SABHA (1830) • The first association of its kind worked on Social reform (NGO RC,1999) • British rule initiated institutionalization of voluntary organization

  19. NPO (History) • Various laws were introduced: • Societies registration act (1860) • Religious endowment act(1863) • Trust act (1882) “In recognition of philanthropic nature in south Asia “

  20. ORGANIZATION STARTED EMERGED • Anyiuman-i-Himayat Islam. • National Muhammadan association. • Dayal Singh Trust. Were formed to provide education to masses on modern secular lines

  21. NPO (History) • NadershahEduligeeDinshawajee established the NED engineering college through Parsi funding has now become NED University of engineering and technology . • Some medical hospitals and college were established by Ganga Ram trust.

  22. NPO (History) • 1956: National council foe social welfare has been formed to finance /fund non-profit organization. • 1961:Voluntary social welfare agencies registration and control ordinance was passed. • 1970:Democratic years(1970s) witnessed conflicting development regarding the scope and prospect of non-profit sector in Pakistan.

  23. NPO (History) • According to NGO resource center in 1999,trade unions emerged in 1970. • Many others advocacy organization also appeared on scene.

  24. 1980 & 1990s • AKRSP (Agha khan rural support program) working on rural development in northern areas of Pakistan. • Orangipilot project (water and sanitation facility in urban slums of Karachi).

  25. EDHI TRUST (1951) • Biggest ambulance system (non-profit ambulance system ). • Edhi foundation emerged as legendary social welfare organization , • Health care • Destitute Homes • Graveyard services • Prisoner aid and refuge sciences

  26. NPO (History) • Following the model of AKRSP, government established rural support program and provided endowment fund to these programs through small networks and community based organization . • After the Afghanistan war, many NGO setups headquarters in Pakistan (NGORC,1999), • Human right commission of Pakistan • Women action forum • Pakistan institute of labor, education and research

  27. 1990’s • Social action program . • Establishment of trust for voluntary organization. • Poverty alleviation fund.

  28. NPO activities /objectives are diversified • Social welfare. • Rehabilitation. • Social service provision. • Social Development.

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