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Explore the world of carbohydrates, the most abundant organic molecules in nature. Learn about their functions, classifications, and structures, from monosaccharides to polysaccharides. Understand isomerism, enantiomers, and cyclization of monosaccharides. Discover how monosaccharides are joined to form disaccharides, oligosaccharides, and polysaccharides.
Introduction • Carbohydratesare the most abundant organic molecules in nature. • They have a wide range of functions, including • Providing a significant fraction of the energy in the diet of most organisms, • Acting as a storageform of energy in the body, • Serving as cell membrane components that mediate some forms of intercellular communication. • Carbohydrates also serve as a structural component of many organisms, including the cell walls of bacteria, the exoskeleton of many insects, and the fibrous cellulose of plants. • The general formula for many of the simpler carbohydrates is(CH2O)n, hence the name "hydrate of carbon."
Classification and structure ofcarbohydrates • Monosaccharides(simple sugars) can be classified according to the number of carbon atoms they contain.
Classification and structure ofcarbohydrates • Carbohydrateswith an aldehyde as their most oxidized functional group are called aldoses. • whereas those with a keto group as their most oxidizedfunctional group are called ketoses. • For example, glyceraldehyde is an aldose, whereas dihydroxyacetone is a ketose
Classification and structure ofcarbohydrates • Monosaccharidescan be linked by glycosidic bondsto create larger structures. • Disaccharidescontain two monosaccharide units. • Oligosaccharidescontain from three to about twelvemonosaccharide units. • whereas polysaccharidescontain more than twelvemonosaccharide units, and can be hundreds of sugar units in length.
A. Isomers and epimers • Compounds that have the same chemical formula but have differentstructuresare called isomers. • Forexample, fructose, glucose, mannose, and galactose are all isomers of each other, having the same chemical formula C6H12O6 • If two monosaccharidesdifferin configuration around only one specific carbon atom (with the exception of the carbonyl carbon) they are defined as epimersofeach other. (they are also isomers!) • For example, glucose and galactose are C-4 epimers—their structures differ only in the position of the -OHgroup at carbon4.
A. Isomers and epimers • Glucose and mannose are C-2 epimers. • However, galactose and mannose are NOTepimers—they differ in the position of –OH groups at two carbons (2 and 4) and are, therefore, defined only as isomers . • [Note: The carbons in sugars are numbered beginning at the end that contains the carbonyl carbon—that is, the aldehyde or keto group]
B. Enantiomers • A special type of isomerism is found in the pairs of structures that are mirrorimages of each other. • These mirror images are called enantiomers, andthetwo members of the pair are designated as a D-and an L-sugar. • The vast majority of the sugars in humans are D-sugars
Cyclization of monosaccharides • Less than 1% of each of the monosaccharides with five or more carbons exists in the open-chain (acyclic) form. • Rather, they are predominantly found in a ring form, in which the aldehyde(or ketone) group has reacted with an alcoholgroup on the same sugar.
Cyclization of monosaccharides 1. Anomeric carbon • Formation of a ring results in the creation of an anomericcarbonat carbon1 of an aldose or at carbon2 of a ketose. • These structures are designated the α or βconfigureations of the sugar, for example α-D-glucose, andβ-D-glucose
Cyclization of monosaccharides 2. Reducing sugars • If the hydroxylgroup on the anomericcarbonof a cyclized sugar is notlinked to another compound by a glycosidicbond, the ring can open. • The sugar can act as a reducingagent, and is termed a reducingsugar. • A reducing sugar can react with chemical reagents (for example, Benedict's solution) and reduce the reactive component, with the anomeric carbonbecoming oxidized. • [Note: Only the state of the oxygenon the anomericcarbondetermines if the sugar is reducingor nonreducing-the other hydroxylgroups on the molecule are not involved.]
Joining of monosaccharides • Monosaccharidescan be joined to form disaccharides, oligosaccharides, and polysaccharides. • Important disaccharides include • Lactose (glucose + galactose) • Sucrose (glucose + fructose) • Maltose (glucose + glucose) • Important polysaccharides include branched glycogen(from animal source) and starch(plant source) and unbranched cellulose(plant source), each is a polymer of glucose. • The bonds that link sugars are called glycosidic bonds • These are formed by enzymes known as glycosyltransferases
1. Naming glycosidic bonds • Glycosidicbondsbetween sugarsare named according to the numbers of the connected carbons, and with regard to the position of the anomerichydroxylgroup of the sugar involved in the bond. • If this anomerichydroxylis in the α-configuration, the linkage is an α-bond. • If it is in the β-configuration, the linkage is a β-bond. • Lactose, for example, is synthesized by forming a glycosidicbondbetween carbon 1 of β-galactoseand carbon 4 of glucose. • The linkage is, therefore, a β (1→4) glycosidicbond.
D. Complex carbohydrates • Carbohydratescan be attached by glycosidic bondsto non-carbohydratestructures, including; • Purines and pyrimidines (found in nucleic acids), • Aromaticrings (such as those found in steroids and bilirubin), • Proteins (found in glycoproteins and glycosaminoglycans), • Lipids (found in glycolipids).
N- and O-glycosides: • If the group on the non-carbohydrate molecule to which the sugar is attached is an –NH2 group, the structure is an N-glycoside and the bond is called an N—glycosidiclink. • If the group is an –OH, the structure is an O-glycoside, and the bond is an O-glycosidic link.
Digestion of carbohydrates • The principal sites of dietary carbohydratedigestion are the mouth and intestinallumen. • There is little monosaccharidepresent in diets of mixed animal and plant origin. • Therefore, the enzymesneeded for degradation of most dietary carbohydratesare primarily disaccharidasesand endoglycosidases(that break oligosaccharides and polysaccharides).
Digestion of carbohydrates • Hydrolysis of glycosidicbondsis catalyzed by a family of (glycoside hydrolases) glycosidasesthat degrade carbohydratesinto their reducingsugar components.
A. Digestion of carbohydrates begins in the mouth • The major dietary polysaccharides are of animal (glycogen) and plant origin (starch, composed of amylose and amylopectin). • During mastication, salivary α-amylaseacts briefly on dietary starch in a random manner, breaking some α (14) bonds. • Because branched amylopectin and glycogenalso contain α (16) bonds, the digest resulting from the action of α-amylasecontainsamixture of smaller, branched oligosaccharide molecules (dextrins) .
Digestion of carbohydrates • Carbohydratedigestion halts temporarily in the stomach, because the high acidity inactivates the salivary α-amylase. • There are both α(14) andβ(14)-endoglucosidasesin nature, but humans do not produce and secrete the latter in digestive juices. • Therefore, they are unable to digest cellulose—acarbohydrateof plant origin containingβ(14)glycosidic bonds between glucoseresidues.
B. Further digestion of carbohydrates by pancreatic enzymes occurs in the small intestine • When the acidicstomach contents reach the smallintestine, they are neutralizedby bicarbonate secreted by the pancreas, and pancreatic α-amylase continues the process of starch digestion.
C. Final carbohydrate digestion by enzymes synthesized by the intestinal mucosal cells • The final digestive processes occur at the mucosal lining of the upper jejunum • For example,isomaltasecleaves the α(16) bond in isomaltose and maltasecleaves maltose, both producing glucose. • sucrasecleaves sucroseproducing glucose and fructose, • lactase(β-galactosidase) cleaves lactoseproducinggalactoseand glucose. • These enzymes are secreted through, and remain associated with, the luminal side of the brush border membranes of the intestinalmucosalcells.
D. Absorption of monosaccharides by intestinal mucosal cells • The duodenum and upper jejunum absorb the bulk of the dietary sugars. • Insulinis not required for the uptake of glucose by intestinal cells. However, different sugars have different mechanisms of absorption. • For example, galactoseand glucoseare transported into the mucosal cells by an active, energy-requiring process that involves a specific transport protein and requires a concurrent uptake of sodium ions.
D. Absorption of monosaccharides by intestinal mucosal cells • Fructoseuptake requires a sodium-independent monosaccharide transporter (GLUT-5) for its absorption. • All three monosaccharidesare transported from the intestinal mucosal cell into the portal circulation by yet another transporter, GLUT-2.
Abnormal degradation of disaccharides • Any defect in a specific disaccharidaseactivity of the intestinalmucosa causes the passage of undigested carbohydrateinto the largeintestine. • As a consequence of the presence of this osmotically active material, water is drawn from the mucosa into the largeintestine, causing osmotic diarrhea. • This is reinforced by the bacterial fermentation of the remaining carbohydrateto two- and three-carbon compounds (which are also osmotically active) plus large volumes of CO2 and H2 gas, causing abdominalcramps, diarrhea, and flatulence.
1. Digestive enzyme deficiencies • Genetic deficiencies of the individual disaccharidasesresult in disaccharideintolerance. • Alterations in disaccharidedegradation can also be caused by a variety of intestinaldiseases, malnutrition, or drugs that injure the mucosa of the small intestine. • For example, brush border enzymes are rapidly lost in normal individuals with severediarrhea, causing a temporary, acquired enzyme deficiency.
Lactose intolerance Lactase-deficient • It is thought to be caused by small variations in the DNA sequence of a region on chromosome2 that controls expression of the gene for lactase. • Treatment for this disorder is to reduce consumption of milk while eating yogurts and cheeses, as well as green vegetables such as broccoli, to ensure adequate calcium intake; to use lactase-treated products; or to take lactasein pill form prior to eating.
Sucrase-isomaltase complex deficiency • This deficiency results in an intolerance of ingested sucrose. • Treatment includes the dietary restriction of sucrose, and enzyme replacement therapy.
Diagnosis • Identification of a specific enzyme deficiency can be obtained by performing oral tolerance tests with the individual di -saccharides. • Measurement of hydrogen gas in the breath is a reliable test for determining the amount of ingested carbohydrate not absorbed by the body, but which is metabolized instead by the intestinal flora