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Learn about the Internet, its history, and basic terms in simple terms. Explore how to connect to the Internet and common terminology explained. Begin your journey of understanding the online world today!
Introduction To Internet • What is the Internet? • The internet in simple terms is a network of the interlinked computer networking worldwide, which is accessible to the general public. These interconnected computers work by transmitting data through a special type of packet switching which is known as the IP or the internet protocol.
History of INTERNET • ARPANET was the network that became the basis for the Internet. Based on a concept first published in 1967, ARPANET was developed under the direction of the U.S. Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA). • In 1969, the idea became a modest reality with the interconnection of four university computers. The initial purpose was to communicate with and share computer resources among mainly scientific users at the connected institutions.
Some Basic Internet Definition • ARPANet - The precursor to the Internet. • ASCII - American Standard Code for Information Interchange. The de facto world wide standard code for alphanumeric characters. • Blacklist - Describes inappropriate advertisers on Usenet newsgroups and via junk E-mail. • Browser - A program that is specifically used to look at various WWW resources. • Client - Any computer that makes use of services available from other computers.
Some Basic Internet Definition • Domain Name - A unique name that identifies an Internet site. The name always has two or more parts separated by a dot. The last part of the name identifies the site ( i.e. gov for government, edu for education, com for commercial, or net for network). An electronic street address. • E-mail - Messages, usually text, sent from one person to another via a computer. • Fire Wall - A combination of hardware and software that separates a LAN into two or more parts for security purposes.
Some Basic Internet Definition • Host - A computer or software package which provides a specific kind of service to other computers. One that is seen by other computers on the Internet.LAN - Local Area Network. Several computers located in the same physical location which are connected together in order to share information and services. • Modem - A device that allows a computer to use a phone line to communicate with another computer. • Protocol - The rules of conduct which enables a computer to communicate with another computer.PPP - A protocol that allows a computer to use a telephone line and a modem to make TCP/IP connections.
Some Basic Internet Definition • Server - Any computer that makes services available to other computers. • TCP/IP - Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. This is the protocol which defines the Internet. • URL - Uniform Resource Locator. A unique name that identifies an Internet site. • WWW - World Wide Web. The universe of hypertext servers.
Cont. • A group of Web pages that follow the same theme and are connected together with hyperlinks is called a "Web site." Web sites and Web pages are written in a coding language that makes it possible to add pictures, sound and interactivity to plain old text, making people's reading experience more exciting.
How to Connect Internet? To connect with Internet You must have a internet connection, Connection may be • Modem • Wifi router with internet connection • Broadband connection • Smartphone
Some Common Terms • The Internet is a network of computers spanning the globe. It is also called the WorldWideWeb. • An Internet Browser is a software program that enables you to view Web pages on your computer. Browsers connect computers to the Internet, and allow people to “surf the Web.” • InternetExplorer is one of the browsers most commonly used. There are other browsers available as well, including Netscape.
A site or area on the World Wide Web that is accessed by its own Internet address is called a Web site. • A Web Pageis like a page in a book. Websites often have several pages that you can access by clicking on links. A Web site can be a collection of related Web pages. • Each Web site contains a home page (this is the original starting page) and may also contain additional pages. • Different computers will have differenthome pages. You can set your own webpage.
Layout of a Web Page • Title bar – tells you the name of the web page • Menu bar – has commands for moving around the webpage, printing, etc • Tool bar – short cuts to commands. Each picture represents a command • Address bar – webpage address. If you want to go directly to a web page, you will need to know the address.
Parts of a Web Address • A web address is typically composed of four parts: • For example, the address http://www.google.ca is made up of the following areas: • http://This Web server uses Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). This is the most common protocol on the Internet. • wwwThis site is on the World Wide Web. • googleThe Web server and site maintainer. • caThis tells us it is a site in Canada.
Endings of web pages tells us a bit about the page. Some common endings to web addresses are: • com (commercial) • edu (educational institution) • gov (government) • net (network) • org (organization) • You might also see addresses that add a country code as the last part of the address such as: • ca (Canada) • uk (United Kingdom) • fr (France) • us (United States of America) • au (Australia)
How to Search the Internet Two basic ways • if you know the address of the web page (example: www.ictd.gov.bd) 2. Using a search engine like Google to find the address. This is called a keyword search
3. Now click on the Google box. You should see a flashing cursor. Type in the topic. Hit enter.
Web Browsers • Web browsers are programs used to explore the Internet. There are many Web browser programs available including Netscape Navigator, Internet Explorer and Opera. Internet Explorer is the Internet browser made by Microsoft and comes with Windows operating system.
Examples of web Browser • Internet Explorer • Mozilla Firefox • Google Chrome • Opera mini • Safari
Web pages, URL, websites • Webpage: A web page (or webpage) is a web document that is suitable for the World Wide Web and the web browser. • URL: An abbreviation for Universal Resource Locator, a title that refers to the formal address of a document on the Internet. • Website: a connected group of pages on the World Wide Webregarded as a single entity, usually maintained by one person or organization and devoted to a single topic or several closely related topics.
Search Engine • A Web Search Engine is designed to search for information on the World Wide Web. • The search results are generally presented in a line of results often referred to as search engine results pages (SERPs). • The information may be a specialist in web pages, images, information and other types of files.
Search Engines • Google • is the most popular search engine in the world, and a multinational, publicly-traded organization built around the company's hugely popular search engine. • User can search for any information by writing what he is looking for in the search text box. • Google can view the searched information as a web pages, pictures and there is a part for Maps, YouTube, and news. • Google have it’s own E-Mail Application called “Gmail”.
Cont’d Here are some popular search engines URL • www.google.com • www.yahoo.com • www.bing.com
Local Websites Here are some Local websites • বাংলাদেশ জাতীয় তথ্য বাতায়ন | গণপ্রজাতন্ত্রী বাংলাদেশ সরকারwww.bangladesh.gov.bd • তথ্য ও যোগাযোগ প্রযুক্তি বিভাগ-গণপ্রজাতন্ত্রী বাংলাদেশ সরকারwww.ictd.gov.bd • বাংলাদেশ ফরম | সকল সেবার ফরম এক ঠিকানায়www.forms.gov.bd/ • Welcome to Ministry of Information www.moi.gov.bd/
E-Mail • Email, sometimes written as e-mail, is simply the shortened form of “electronic mail,” a system for receiving, sending, and storing electronic messages. • It has gained nearly universal popularity around the world with the spread of the Internet. In many cases, email has become the preferred method for both personal and business communication
What is Email and Why is it Popular? • An electronic message sent from one computer to another. • Email saves money and time compared to regular mail. • An email message takes seconds to reach destination.
How does Email Work? • Email travels via the Internet from one computer to another. • Computers known as mail servers direct outgoing mail and store incoming the mail. • Once email reaches your mail server, it waits in an electronic mail box, the "Inbox” for you to collect it.
Things You Can Do with Email • Compose and Send: write an email and send it to others. • Reply: reply to an email that you received. • Forward: pass on an email that you received to others. • Attachment: You can send files with your email such as: pictures, music, software and documents
Introduction An email address consists of 3 parts: jackandjill@gmail.com Unique User Name chosen by the email account owner Domain Name company/organization providing the email service “At” sign
Two Ways to Get Email 1. Provided by your Internet Service Provider Monthly fee for internet connection often includes email service. • BOL- ...@bol.com 2. Free Web-Based Service Providers Advertising on the site pays for the service. • Gmail - …@gmail.com • Hotmail - …@hotmail.com
Two Ways People Check Email 1. Web-Based Email • Login to a web site • Messages stay on the mail server • Can be accessed from any computer with internet connection 2. Using Email Software • Open and login to your email software application (e.g. Outlook) • The application retrieves your messages from the mail server and saves them to your computer’s hard drive
Signing up for an email Account How to Sign Up for a Email (Gmail)Account • Go to www.gmail.com • Click on “Sign Up for Gmail” 3. Fill in the Registration Form
Opening a mail(gmail) account Should I provide accurate person information or is it OK to lie? Unique login name Passwordregistration boxes and password strength Description of Google’s Web History Security question Answer to the security question
Cont’d Email address for authenticating account Location of person creating an account Word verification Terms of Service policy and links to other user policies Button for creating Gmail account
Sending and Receiving Email • Go to www.gmail.com • Type in your username and password • Click on the ‘sign in’ button
Sending and Receiving Email MAIN MENU INBOX CONTACT LIST
Sending and Receiving Email Sending an Email To: Type full email address of your class partner Subject: Type a title for your message Message: Type your message in this box Send: Used to send emails
Sending and Receiving Email Confirmation message: Confirmation message and link to sent message
Sending and Receiving Email Checking for New Email Messages The number of new messages in your account appears beside the Inbox link. Main Menu
Sending and Receiving Email The Inbox Un-read message in bold font Messages already opened
Sending and Receiving Email Your Messages Sender Title Date Double click on a subject to read a message
Sending and Receiving Email Reading a Message (Without header information) Show details link Sender’s name and email address Message
Sending and Receiving Email Reading a Message (With header information) Sender’s name and email address Receiver’s email address Date sent Message