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Learn about OCAN (Ontario Common Assessment of Need) and its importance in providing mental health services to consumers. Explore OCAN terms, the consumer self-assessment, and the assessment conversation process. Gain insights into the quality of information entered into the automated OCAN and the principles of recovery.
A community mental health program that is involved in providing services to the consumer. • OCAN Terms 10 pts Slide 1 What is Mental Health Functional Centre? CMH CAP | OCAN TRAINING
A health service provider who contributes assessment information of a consumer, but is not responsible for completing OCAN. • OCAN Terms: 20 pts Slide 1 What is an OCAN contributor? CMH CAP | OCAN TRAINING
I will gather consumer-consented information from all contributing community mental health functions and complete the fullest OCAN. • OCAN Terms: 50 pts Slide 1 What is an OCAN Lead? CMH CAP | OCAN TRAINING
Consists of Consumer Information Summary and Mental Health Functional Centre Use. • OCAN Terms : 100pts Slide 1 What is Core OCAN? CMH CAP | OCAN TRAINING
The first time the automated OCAN is used in a “live” setting with consumers in a HSP. • OCAN Terms : 200 pts What is Go Live? CMH CAP | OCAN TRAINING
OCAN Consumer Self Assessment asks consumers about this in every “domain”. What is need? Consumer Self Assessment: 10 pts CMH CAP | OCAN TRAINING
In each domain, consumers can expand on their answers in this section. • Consumer Self Assessment: 20 pts What is the Comments section? CMH CAP | OCAN TRAINING
Despite any help I am given, this area remains a serious problem for me. • Consumer Self Assessment: 50pts What is an unmet need? CMH CAP | OCAN TRAINING
The number of life domains in OCAN. • Consumer Self Assessment: 100 pts What is 24? CMH CAP | OCAN TRAINING
Evaluation has shown that these questions were highly valued by consumers. • Consumer Self Assessment: 200 pts What are the Hopes, Dreams, Culture and Spirituality questions? CMH CAP | OCAN TRAINING
Tyler has moved to your community and enters your HSP for services that he received in his previous location in Ontario. I complete a _____ OCAN • Reason for OCAN: 10 pts What is re-assessment? CMH CAP | OCAN TRAINING
I have been discharged from one HSP and re-enter another HSP after 3 months of discharge. The worker and I complete a ______ OCAN. • Reason for OCAN: 20 pts What is Initial OCAN? CMH CAP | OCAN TRAINING
Lucy has been living with her mother who has suddenly taken ill and has been hospitalized. I may complete a _______ OCAN • Reason for OCAN: 50 pts What is Significant Change? CMH CAP | OCAN TRAINING
Terry had an OCAN assessment completed 1 month ago and now requires services from your functional centre. I may complete a __________ OCAN. • Reason for OCAN: 100 pts What is Review OCAN? CMH CAP | OCAN TRAINING
AsLisa has provided your HSP with a copy of her most recent OCAN, you would like to enter this information into your automated solution. You may complete a _____ OCAN • Reason for OCAN: 200 pts What is Re-key? CMH CAP | OCAN TRAINING
OCAN is based on these principles. • What are recovery principles? Exploring OCAN: 10pts CMH CAP | OCAN TRAINING
I reviewed the completed consumer self-assessment in preparation for the conversation with the person who completed it. I am … • Exploring OCAN: 20 pts Who is the Assessor? CMH CAP | OCAN TRAINING
Changing a consumer-identified unmet need into a met need improves this. • Exploring OCAN: 50 pts What is quality of life? CMH CAP | OCAN TRAINING
In each domain, consumers can expand on their answers in this section. • Exploring OCAN: 100pts What is the Comments section? CMH CAP | OCAN TRAINING
The quality of reports are only as good as this. • Exploring OCAN: 200pts What is the quality of information entered into the automated OCAN? CMH CAP | OCAN TRAINING
OCAN Consumer self-assessment is this type of assessment. • Consumer Self Assessment Continues: 10pts What is a needs assessment? CMH CAP | OCAN TRAINING
This engages the person with lived experience and the person with assessment knowledge. • Consumer Self Assessment Continues: 20pts What is the assessment conversation? CMH CAP | OCAN TRAINING
This is the numerical scale for scoring need. • Consumer Self Assessment Continues: 50pts What is 0, 1, 2 and 9? CMH CAP | OCAN TRAINING
“I am concerned about leaving my pet cat alone while I am in the hospital,” can be recorded in this domain. • Consumer Self Assessment Continues: 100pts What is the “Other Dependents” domain? CMH CAP | OCAN TRAINING
Identification by a staff person of an unmet need in any of these three domains may lead to a legally required action that must be taken. • Consumer Self Assessment Continues: 200pts What are Safety to Self, Safety to Others and Childcare Domains? CMH CAP | OCAN TRAINING