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11th WORLD PROCESSING TOMATO CONGRESS Carlos Descourvières Gómez Proyecto June 2014. Summary:. Chapter I Chile: some characteristics Capítulo II Chilealimentos Capítulo III Chilean Tomato Industry Capítulo IV 12th World Processing Tomato Congress. Capítulo I. Some figures
11th WORLD PROCESSING TOMATO CONGRESS Carlos Descourvières Gómez Proyecto June 2014
Summary: • Chapter I • Chile: somecharacteristics • Capítulo II • Chilealimentos • Capítulo III • ChileanTomatoIndustry • Capítulo IV • 12th WorldProcessingTomatoCongress
Capítulo I • Some figures • Geographiccharacteristics • Photos CHARACTERISTICS OF CHILE
CHILE: Some figures • Population: 17.460.000 • Languaje: Spanish • GDP: US$ 18.945 • Main exports: copper, food • Capital: Santiago with 6.000.000 inhabitants • Main cities: • Santiago, Concepción, Valparaíso, La Serena, Antofagasta.
North: Atacama Desert South: Antartica East : The Andes Mountains West : Pacific Ocean CHILE: Geographiccharacteristics Natural isolation against plagues and illness
Chapter II • Whowe are? • Foodexports CHilealimentos
Chilealimentos Since 1943 gathers Chilean food processing companies. Chilealimentos seeks to promote proper integration of its associates in our country and world markets, as well as facilitate the positioning of “Chile, Food power”, leader in competitiveness and responsibility before the national and international community.
Chilealimentos Members GVF Alimentos
Chile: Food Exports Value: US$ Thousands 16.510 Source: Elaborated by Chilealimentos A.G., in formation obtained from Chilean Central Bank information.
US$ Thousands Chile: Exports by Sector Source:: Elaborated by Chilealimentos A.G., information obtained from Chilean Central Bank.
Chile: ProcessedFoodExports Value: US$ Thousands
US$ Thousands Chile: Food Market US$ US$ US$ 2013 US$ 37.537 1997 US$ 17.870 2007 US$ 20.080 Exports Retail in Chile
Chile: 50 Food Exports Ranking (value) Source: Trademap
Chapter III • TomatoExports (tomato paste and tomatopreparations) Chileantomatoindustry
ChileanProcessed Tomato Exports Value: US$ Thousands 106.555 55.720 Source: Chilealimentos A.G
ChileanProcessedTomatoExports Value: US$ Thousands
ChileanProcessedTomatoExports Tons 98.792 79.153
Chapter IV • Programme • Website 12th WorldProcessingTomatocongress
WPTC Congress Thursday 17 March Bus towards Sugal Chile Plant - Talca. 240 km from Santiago Field/factory visit Bus towards Santiago Dinner in the hotel or in a restaurant Friday 18 March (Field/factories visit if none on the Wednesday) or Bus towards Andes Mountains (Maipo or Farellones). 40 km from Santiago Lunch in a restaurant PM Bus towards Hyatt in Santiago. or Bus towards Valparaíso and Viña del Mar Lunch in a vineyard Casablanca Valley vineyard visit PM Bus towards Santiago Saturday 12 March Arrival in Chile (Santiago, Hyatt) Sunday 13 March Registration All day: ISHS symposium Afternoon: WPTC meeting Evening: Cocktail Monday 14 March All day: congress & ISHS symposium Dinner in the hotel or in a restaurant Tuesday 15 March All day: congress & ISHS symposium Evening: Gala dinner Wednesday 16 March Morning: congress Afternoon: tourism in Santiago or Bus towards Sugal Chile Plant - Quinta Tilcoco. 120 km from Santiago - field/factory visit Dinner in a vineyard Night in hotel near factories