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Chapter 1. Introduction to Islamic Management. Islamic Worldview. Islam means “The Surrender”, that is, man surrendering to God’s will and purpose. Islam is an Arabic word that connotes submission, surrender and obedience.
Chapter 1 Introduction to Islamic Management
Islamic Worldview • Islam means “The Surrender”, that is, man surrendering to God’s will and purpose. Islam is an Arabic word that connotes submission, surrender and obedience. • Another literal meaning of the word Islam is ‘peace’ and this connotes that one can achieve real peace of body and mind only through submission and obedience to Allah. • Islam consists of submission and obedience to Allah, the Lord of the universe (Mawdudi,1960).
Islam created a unique management paradigm nurtured civility, prosperity, diversity and happiness among people of different creeds and ethnic origins around the globe for more than 1000 years (Abbasi et al.2010). • Islamic perspective on management studies is an important area of research for modern management scholars (Abbasi et al., 2010). • Islamic perspectives are described and discussed on the basis of revealed sources of Islamic knowledge, al-Qur’n and Hadith, considering them as valid for the purpose of research (Kazmi, 2003)
Management in Islamic Perspective • The concept of management in Islamic perspective is to manage all things • To know yourself: We as a man is a khalifahof Allah (God vicegerent) -To believe in God -To manage & to administer everything on the earth according to the will of Allah -to manage oneself, family, belonging, position & so on
Islamic management " Integrated activities of thinking, planning, organizing, leading and controlling, interconnected with decisions, involving the use of resources - human, financial, time, information, and physical, with the objectives of attaining the goals of Maqasid al-Shariah, by means of effective and efficient methods“ SHAYA’A OTHMAN
Management today is defined as • “Getting things done through others.” • Following this concept, A Manager is now understood as the person who works through others. A good manager, therefore, is a person who not only knows what is to be done but exactly how to get it done. TheHoly Quran confirms: • “…We raise some of them above others in ranks, so that some may command work from others...”[43:32
“Management is coordinating work activities so that they are completed effectively and efficiently with and through other people.” • The word “Efficiently” it means that proper usage of resources and less wastage of them. This is one of very important aspect of management. • Wastage—either in terms of: material, human capital, energy, machine utilization, or processing time, creates inefficiencies resulting in the increase of costs and consequent decrease in profits. • Theholy Quran has spoken against wastage and lavish expenditure in followingwords: • “And render to the kindred their due rights, as (also)to those in want, and to the wayfarer. But waste not (your wealth,time, health, Talents, opportunities etc) in the manner of a spendthrift.”[17:26] • “For the wasteful are the brothers of Satan; and Satan is ungrateful to his Lord.”[17:27]
Planning • Principles of Planning • Forward thinking based on the past • Rational use of resources • Consultation before decision making decision- • Apply fairness to others
Organizing • Authority: Given by Allah • Shura: Consultation or collective decision: decision • Responsibility • Accountability
Leading • Qualities of an Islamic Leadership • Knowledge and wisdom • Taqwa • Adl (justice) • Rahmah (compassion) • Forgiving • Courage and bravery • Shura (mutual consultation) • Sabr (patience) • Spirit of self secrifice
Motivation • Motivating • The purpose of motivation in Islam is to have a good worker and to produce an excellence service • To understand that working is not only to get the salary but to do virtuous deed (amalamalsalihsalih) • Working is ibadah • To attain alal-Falah (true success)
Motivation through Reward and Punishment • Salary • Position • Incentive • Bonus • Reward- Jannah and Jahannam • Sense of “losing face’; shame for self and family Sense family
Controlling • Basic control –Amarma’rufNahimungkar • Job specification • Establish standard performance • Keep the performers informed prior to their action • Caring sense • Simple language • Remedial action