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Division Avenue Bus Rapid Transit Project

Division Avenue Bus Rapid Transit Project. August 2012. Project Background. 2003 – Great Transit Grand Tomorrows (GT2) study initiated Purpose: Identify potential needs for future transit investment

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Division Avenue Bus Rapid Transit Project

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  1. Division Avenue Bus Rapid Transit Project August 2012

  2. Project Background • 2003 – Great Transit Grand Tomorrows (GT2) study initiated • Purpose: Identify potential needs for future transit investment • Process: task force of community leaders and stakeholders examined needs of the area’s population, considered multiple transit modes, corridors, and alignments to develop a wide range of options • Funding sources: Federal Transportation Administration (FTA), Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT), Urban Cooperation Board, Wege Foundation • 2003-2007 – Alternatives Analysis • Priority recommendation: Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) on Division Avenue • 2007 – Locally Preferred Alternative • Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) was selected and approved

  3. Analysis Criteria • Evaluation of future transit needs was based on: • Population growth and employment areas • Population growth in southern Kent County; Michigan Street in downtown Grand Rapids: largest employment center in West Michigan • Location of major activity centers • Congestion and mobility • Commuting alternative to US-131 • Economic development potential • Multiple locations for redevelopment and revitalization along Division Avenue • Travel patterns and existing transit use • Route 1 (Division) ridership = 3,283 rides/weekday • Opportunities for future connectivity on east/west thoroughfares • Location or potential of transit supportive land use • Cost effectiveness • Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) is approximately 1/3 of the cost of equivalent Light Rail (LRT) • Land use benefits

  4. Project Timeline • Each step in this process • required full federal • approval from the FTA • (Federal Transportation • Administration) and was • subject to financial, logistical, • and regulatory standards • for viability. • In addition, Rapid staff has • worked with staff at the federal • level that has spanned two • presidential administrations.

  5. What is Bus Rapid Transit? • From the National Bus Rapid Transit Institute (www.nbrti.org): • “BRT is an innovative, high capacity, lower cost public transit solution that can significantly improve urban mobility.  This permanent, integrated system uses buses or specialized vehicles on roadways or dedicated lanes to quickly and efficiently transport passengers to their destinations, while offering the flexibility to meet transit demand.  BRT systems can easily be customized to community needs and incorporate state-of-the-art, low-cost technologies that result in more passengers and less congestion. ” • BRT in West Michigan: • Shared (non-rush hour) and dedicated (rush hour) lanes for bus use on Division Avenue (no exclusive or separated lanes) • Several operational features to decrease travel times

  6. Benefits of Bus Rapid Transit • Travel Benefits: • Faster commute (fewer stops, quick boarding, signal priority) • Improved regional mobility and community cohesiveness • Cost effectiveness • Community Benefits: • Increases access to employment; construction and transit job creation • Improves air quality, reduces congestion • Stimulates economic development: transit oriented development, efficient land use • Cost effectiveness, potential for high return on investment • Streetscape improvements • Utility upgrades • Police and Fire access to Traffic Signal Priority (TSP) and safety surveillance

  7. Project Elements • 9.6 Miles from downtown Grand Rapids to Division and 60th St. • 18 stations (33 independent platforms) • Pre-pay fare vending and level boarding • Real-time arrival information • 10-minute peak frequency and 20-30 minute off-peak frequency • Hours of service from 5:30 AM – 12:30 AM on weekdays • Dedicated lanes during weekday peak hours • Traffic Signal Priority (TSP) at intersections • Unique branding of stations and vehicles • 10 hybrid-electric vehicles

  8. Project Budget • Capital Budget: • Federal Transit Administration: $31,885,617 • Michigan Department of Transportation: $7,971,405 • Local: $0 • Total project budget: $39,857,022 • Operating Budget* (estimated cost): • Local property tax millage $1,224,243 • *Operational funds for the Bus Rapid Transit project will come from the public transportation millage approved in May 2011. Of the total approved millage increase, operational costs of the BRT represent approximately 32% (shown in the following chart). Compared to the overall operating budget for The Rapid ($35,639,300 in 2010), the operating costs of the BRT represent approximately 3.5%.

  9. Operational Funding • As a percentage of the May 2011 Public Transportation Millage

  10. Project Alignment • Directly connects downtown Grand Rapids and South Division to major employment areas and activity centers • Total travel time from Division and 60th street to Michigan Street will be less than a half-hour • This is approximately 40% faster than current service on Division

  11. Station Elements • Platforms are 60’ long • Shelters are either 48’ or 36’ depending on available space • Platforms are raised 14-15” for quick and level boarding • Lighting • Snow melt system • Emergency phone • Close circuit television • Real-time bus arrival signs • Fare vending machines • Bike racks and benches

  12. Station Design – Shelter and Platform

  13. Station Design – Real Time, Fare Vending, and Bike Racks

  14. Vehicles – 40’ Hybrid Electric

  15. Landscape/Streetscape – Division & 28th

  16. Landscape/Streetscape – Division & 36th

  17. Landscape/Streetscape – Division & 44th

  18. Landscape/Streetscape – Division & 54th

  19. Landscape/Streetscape – Division & 60th

  20. Project Schedule and Next Steps • Schedule • October/November, 2012 – Project Construction Grant Agreement • November/December, 2012 – Final Design • April, 2013 – Construction Begins • August, 2014 – Revenue Operations • Next Steps • Continued public outreach and preconstruction activities • Open channels for feedback, questions, and concerns at: • 616-456-7514 • www.ridetherapid.org • www.facebook.com/therapid • @TheRapid on twitter

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