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Agenda. Implementation Schedule
1. Washington Medicaid ProviderOne Actions Needed by Physicians� Practices!
2. Agenda Implementation Schedule & Phases
6 Steps of Provider Readiness
Opportunities for Provider Training
Overview of Client Outreach Plan
Cutover Schedule � Transition to ProviderOne
August 13, 2009 2
3. ProviderOne Implementation Phase 1: Replaces Current MMIS
Pharmacy Claims � implemented October 2008
Medical and Nursing Home Claims � Planned for December 6, 2009
Phase 2: Social Service and Remaining Medical Providers
Implement in 4 groups over 2.5 years after Phase 1 implementation
Goal: To support continuous services for clients and uninterrupted payments to providers
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4. 6 Steps to Provider Readiness
5. Activities by Billing Method
August 13, 2009 5
6. Step 1: Set up Security Activity Description
Establish user ID and password for staff to access ProviderOne
Why is this important? Security:
Is required to access ProviderOne via the web to:
Look up the new ProviderOne client ID
Verify client eligibility
Submit claims or check claim status
Complete registration and maintain your provider file
Access your Remittance Advice (RA) � RAs will only be available electronically once ProviderOne is operational
Can be set up directly in ProviderOne for smaller organizations
Can be set up using the security spreadsheet tool for larger organizations (see slide 8) August 13, 2009 6
7. Step 1: Set up Security (cont.) Links, Tools and Tips
Obtain security for staff completing registration first, add claims submitters and eligibility checkers later: http://hrsa.dshs.wa.gov/providerone/Security.htm
Security spreadsheet
List of ProviderOne security profiles and descriptions
Self-paced Tutorial
DSHS ProviderOne Provider Registration and Security Administration Manual (pg 119): http://hrsa.dshs.wa.gov/providerone/documentation/Registration/PRR%20Desktop%20Reference%20guide.pdf
If you have security questions or login issues, e-mail provideronesecurity@dshs.wa.gov, or call 1-800-562-3022 (select option 2, 4, 1) August 13, 2009 7
8. Security Spreadsheet� �an option for larger organizations
August 13, 2009 8
9. Step 2: Complete ProviderOne Registration Activity Description
Verify DSHS transferred your data from the current payment system to ProviderOne correctly
Why is this important? Registration:
Ensures payments are sent to the correct address or Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) account
Allows you to verify NPIs on file � inaccurate NPIs will result in denied claims
Allows you to verify taxonomy on record � incorrect or missing taxonomy will result in denied claims
Is required � eventually DSHS will terminate providers who have not completed registration and require re-enrollment
August 13, 2009 9
10. Step 2: Complete ProviderOne Registration (cont.) Links, Tools and Tips
Focus first on registration for your �pay to� NPIs, then on performing (servicing) providers: http://hrsa.dshs.wa.gov/providerone/Registration.htm
DSHS recommends that you complete registration activities by mid-October as the focus will then shift to training and final cutover
Use our E-Learning tool for provider registration: http://hrsa.dshs.wa.gov/ProviderOne/ELearning.htm
For questions about the registration process, or changing an NPI, NCPDP or Tax ID number, e-mail providerenrollment@dshs.wa.gov, or call 1-800-562-3022 (select options 2, 4, 2)
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11. Step 3: Learn about newclient ID requirements Activity Description
Understand and make plans for using the new ProviderOne client ID
Why is this important? The new client ID:
Is required on claims � claims without the new ProviderOne Client ID will deny
Meets HIPAA privacy rules since no personal identifying information is included
Does not change; it belongs to the client for life
Is printed on the client�s new Services Card
Can be downloaded � DSHS has developed a crosswalk to map a client�s former PIC to the new ProviderOne Client ID (see slide 13)
Is required on all adjustments after go live, regardless of when the service was performed
11 August 13, 2009
12. Step 3: Learn about newclient ID requirements (cont.) Links, Tools and Tips
To obtain the crosswalk, go to https://fortress.wa.gov/dshs/npicaphrsa
This is a test file
The format doesn�t change
Final data for payment purposes will be available 30 days before go-live
For more information, read the fact sheet �DSHS is Changing to a New Client Identifier,� at http://hrsa.dshs.wa.gov/providerone/Providers/Fact%20Sheets/P1PR010_Client_Identifier.pdf
For general questions, including information about the new ProviderOne client ID, contact the Provider Response Team at providerone@dshs.wa.gov (1-800-562-3022, select options 2, 4, wait)
12 August 13, 2009
13. PIC-to-Client ID CrosswalkClients Seen in Last 24 Months 13 August 13, 2009
14. Step 4: Learn about new taxonomy requirements Activity Description
Understand and make plans for using new national taxonomies
Why is this important? Taxonomy:
Is required on claims � claims that are missing taxonomy will deny
Is required on claims for billing and servicing providers (if applicable)
Identifies a provider�s type and area of specialization for the services being billed
Was assigned by DSHS in ProviderOne based on the way you�ve done business with us in the past
Can be viewed, updated and printed by provider during registration process
Will soon be available in a downloadable report (watch for more details)
14 August 13, 2009
15. Step 4: Learn about new taxonomy requirements (cont.) Links, Tools and Tips
DSHS is developing a Web tool for providers to download their DSHS-approved taxonomies
For more information, read the fact sheet �Using Taxonomy in ProviderOne� at: http://hrsa.dshs.wa.gov/providerone/Providers/Fact%20Sheets/P1PR009%20taxonomy.pdf
For general questions, including questions about the new national taxonomies, contact the Provider Response Team at providerone@dshs.wa.gov (1-800-562-3022, select options 2, 4, wait)
15 August 13, 2009
16. Step 5: Submit new Trading Partner Agreement, if needed Activity Description
Submit a Trading Partner Agreement (only if your organization sends/receives HIPAA electronic batch files directly to/from DSHS)
Why is this important? A Trading Partner Agreement:
Is required for exchanging HIPAA electronic batch files directly with DSHS (all transaction types � 837, 835, 270/271, etc.)
Is a required step in registration for electronic batch submitters � registration will not be approved until a TPA is submitted
Must be printed, signed and mailed to DSHS, if needed
Is required for WINASAP users as well
Links, Tools and Tips
Find the new Trading Partner Agreement posted under �What�s New� at http://hrsa.dshs.wa.gov/providerenroll/
For questions about Trading Partner Agreements, e-mail providerenrollment@dshs.wa.gov, or call 1-800-562-3022 (select options 2, 4, 2)
16 August 13, 2009
17. Step 6: Modify & test HIPAA electronic batch files, if needed Activity Description
Test electronic batch files for HIPAA format compliance (only if your organization sends/receives HIPAA electronic batch files directly to/from DSHS)
Why is this important? Electronic/HIPAA testing:
Ensures file structures have been modified and pass format testing before you can submit transactions to ProviderOne after go live
Is required for each HIPAA transaction type (837, 270/271, etc.)
Is described in the HIPAA Companion Guide for each transaction type
Allows both format and content to be tested for your own purposes
Took pilot providers 4+ weeks to pass � don�t delay this process
Links, Tools and Tips
Carefully read and follow the Companion Guides � posted at: http://hrsa.dshs.wa.gov/dshshipaa/
For help with HIPAA testing issues, e-mail hipaa-help@dshs.wa.gov, or call 1-800-562-3022 (select options 2, 4, 4)
17 August 13, 2009
18. Upcoming Provider Training Links, Tools and Tips
Carefully read and follow the Companion Guides � posted at: http://hrsa.dshs.wa.gov/dshshipaa/
18 August 13, 2009
19. Plan for Educating Clients Educational materials being developed
Fact sheets and letters
Informational inserts with MAID mailings
Services Card video and brochure for DSHS offices, providers, and advocates
On-hold telephone messages for DSHS offices and call centers
Public service announcements
Materials will be available to providers to assist in the education effort, such as:
Fact Sheets
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20. Client Services Card Features
20 August 13, 2009
21. Preparing for Cutover
21 August 13, 2009
22. Need Assistance? Telephone and e-mail support system implemented to address questions � 1-800-562-3022, option 2, 4, then press:
1 for security questions and login issues, or provideronesecurity@dshs.wa.gov
2 for registration questions, change to NPI or Tax ID number, or providerenrollment@dshs.wa.gov
3 for HIPAA set-up questions (SFTP site, missing/bad 997 file, etc.)
4 for HIPAA testing questions or hipaa-help@dshs.wa.gov
5 for providers participating in the test pilot, or provideronepilot@dshs.wa.gov
Stay on the line for general questions or providerone@dshs.wa.gov
22 August 13, 2009
23. How can providers get info? Visit ProviderOne internet: http://hrsa.dshs.wa.gov/providerone/providers.htm
Fact Sheets
Training Resources
Security and Registration instructions and resources
Join the e-mail distribution list for ProviderOne Countdown Newsletter & updates
E-mail questions directly to:
Call toll-free telephone line (1-800-562-3022)
Select �2,� then option �4� (see previous slide for prompt options)
23 August 13, 2009
24. For more ProviderOne information, including Provider Training Opportunities, visit our Web site at: August 13, 2009 24