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AAUW Texas UPDATE. *State Board re-alignment. *District Meetings: Bringing the Convention Home. *University Woman Texas. *News from National. *2012 AAUW Texas State Biennial Convention. AAUW Texas State Board. Executive Board . President Jeannie Best, Abilene Branch.
AAUW TexasUPDATE *State Board re-alignment *District Meetings: Bringing the Convention Home *University Woman Texas *News from National *2012 AAUW Texas State Biennial Convention
Executive Board President Jeannie Best, Abilene Branch Vice President, Programs Mary Edwards, West Harris Co. Branch Vice President, Membership Stephany Compton, Denton. Branch Financial Officer Susan Alami, West Harris Co. Branch AAUW Funds Lucy Barrington, Lubbock. Branch Recording Secretary/ Historian Rosemary Marrow, Austin Branch
District Representatives North District Jan Domarackl, Farmers Branch/Carrollton Branch Martha Matthews, NE Tarrant Co Branch West District Elizabeth Matarazzo,El Paso Branch Branch Services Officer Jackie Littleton, Tyler. Branch Central District Elizabeth Newell,Austin Branch South District, North Enny Schissler, West Harris Co. Branch South District, South Rosemarie Herrmann, Harlingen. Branch
Your AAUW Texas $$$$ at work • Membership Services • Travel to Branches, University/College campus • Conferences to promote AAUW • Branch Services • Programs • AAUW Funds, Public Policy, • By Laws, International, • Branch New Program start-up Grants • Communications • UWT printing/Mailing • Aweber email service • Website Biennial State Convention • Executive Board • 4 yearly Board Mtgs (travel, lodging, meals, mtg room fees) • National & Regional Convention expenses for Board President,
Fall, 2011 Edition mailed to over 2,000 members January, 2012 Convention Issue
Branch Presidents Branch Official Contact
One Member One Vote The polls closed on Friday, June 17, at 9 p.m. in the historic AAUW One Member, One Vote election. It was the first time AAUW members voted in a popular election—rather than using a delegate system—to elect national officers and approve bylaws amendments and amendments to the Public Policy Program. Members voted to pass all the proposed bylaws amendments and all the amendments to the Public Policy Program.
Congratulations to the newly elected AAUW Board of Directors.AAUW President: AAUW Vice President: Carolyn Garfein Patricia Fae Ho AAUW Directors-at-Large: Kathy Anthon, Tx Amy Blackwell Kathryn BraemanJulia T. Brown Sandra Camillo Kathleen ChaCharmenGoehring-Fox Connie M. Hildebrand Millie Hoffler-FousheeDavid Kirkwood Betsy McDowell Dot McLanePeggy Ryan Williams
Post Convention Update October, 2011 • Dozens of members of Congress have signed on to two bills lobbied for at the 2011 AAUW National Convention in June. Almost 700 AAUW members took to the Hill to advocate for an anti-campus sexual assault bill called the Campus SaVE Act and a bill that would allow the creation of the privately funded National Women’s History Museum on the National Mall. AAUW members also lobbied for protecting and strengthening Social Security. • The Campus SaVE Act has 30 cosponsors in the House (H.R.2016), 24 of which have been added since AAUW’s convention, and 14 cosponsors in the Senate (S.834), 11 of which signed on post-convention. • The provisions from the National Women’s History Museum Act of 2011 were added to the National Women's History Museum and Federal Facilities Consolidation and Efficiency Act of 2011 (H.R. 2844), which passed out of committee in the House. AAUW has concerns about the other provisions in the new bill and is monitoring its progress as we continue to push for passage of the National Women’s History Museum Act of 2011. • The National Women’s History Museum Act of 2011 has 66 cosponsors in the House (H.R.1269), 19 of which are new since the convention. The bill has 21 cosponsors in the Senate (S.680).
Your AAUW records are valuable! They are your state or branch's institutional memory. They document specific achievements of your state, branch, or individual members. They illustrate the contributions local women volunteers make as part of AAUW's mission. • Guidelines for Preserving State and Branch ArchivesYour records may be in a variety of formats, including paper and electronic documents, books and other publications, photographs, audiovisual materials, and artifacts. • Download our manual and learn everything you need to know about preserving your branch or state history.
The 2012 election is a chance for AAUW and our allies to clearly show that we will seize and protect our rights, to remind Congress and the public that women will be heard — and we will be heard. That's why AAUW is doubling our effectiveness by focusing on women's voices and women's votes, and that's why we're part of the HERvotes coalition to focus on preserving women's advances and rights that are now under threat. My Vote... I will be heard AAUW PSA videohttp://youtu.be/o_R60EhDJaQ
I voting Get your “I Voting” Twibbon and spread the call. http://twibbon.com/join/MyVote
Student Advisory Council, 2010 Josefina IbarraTexas State UniversitySan Marcos, TXJosefina Ibarra is a senior at Texas State University. She is currently working on a bachelor of arts in political science with a minor in business administration. Josefina has worked closely with the Texas Department of Transportation, Guadalupe County Commissioners, various media outlets, Texas State and Texas Lutheran Universities in a campaign she lead aimed at safety improvements to a Texas state highway. During this process, she worked with various organizations on campus and now holds the position of vice president of the Latino Student Association at Texas State University. She was also a participant of the Institute for Leadership Education and Development 2010 conference at Northern Kentucky University and is a 2010 HSC Scholar. Josefina is currently interning at a congressional office in Washington DC, and she plans to pursue a dual degree with a master's in public affairs and law.
AAUW is offering to file the required electronic IRS Form 990-N (e-postcard) for the fiscal year that ended June 30, 2011, on behalf of AAUW 501(c)(4) branches and states that elect to use this service.* All 501(c)(4) branches/states can access instructions through the AAUW website on how to submit updated 990-N information through the Member Services Database (MSD) using the Group Tax-Exemption Survey and Authorization Form (GEN5649 form). You can also refer to the Branch/State Finance Tool Kit for more information, which is also posted on the AAUW website. This convenient AAUW service will save time and assist you with meeting the required annual Form 990-N filing while simplifying the process for everyone who takes advantage of it. If you have any questions regarding this notice, e-mail us at allfinance@aauw.org or contact Connect2AAUW by phone at 800/326-2289 or e-mail at connect@aauw.org for assistance.
AAUW ReceivesFour-Star RatingCharity Navigator awards AAUW its highest rating for nonprofits.
AAUW FUNDS • As we near the end of the calendar year please be mindful that the deadline for contributions for 2011 credit is December 31, 2011. • Any gift postmarked by that date will be credited to that calendar year. Any gift postmarked January 1, 2012 or later regardless of its contents will be considered a contribution for 2012. • Last year National saw a large uptick of branches and states complying with this rule so please spread the word again this year!
AAUW Texas 2012 Biennial State Convention April 13 – 15, 2012 Austin
American University WomenDrawn together by sharedValues of Equality,Opportunity and LearningChallenging one another toAccomplish goals, answering theCall of education…..YOU are the present and the future Margaret Mayberry San Antonio Branch 2011