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Fourth European Space Weather Week 5-9 Nov . 2007 TEC F ORECASTING D URING D ISTURBED S PACE W EATHER C ONDITIONS : A P OSSIBLE A LTERNATIVE TO THE IRI-2001 Yurdanur Tulunay 1 , Erdem Turker Senalp 2 , Ersin Tulunay 2 ODTU / METU Ankara, TURKEY
Fourth European Space Weather Week 5-9 Nov. 2007 TECFORECASTINGDURING DISTURBED SPACE WEATHER CONDITIONS: A POSSIBLE ALTERNATIVETOTHE IRI-2001 Yurdanur Tulunay1, Erdem Turker Senalp2, Ersin Tulunay2 ODTU / METU Ankara, TURKEY Dept. of Aerospace Eng.,ytulunay@metu.edu.tr (2) Dept. of Electrical and Electronics Eng. ESWW4, 5-9 Nov. 2007, Brussels 1
CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. METU-NN-C 3. Data Organisation 4. Results 5. Conclusions 6. Acknowledgements 7. References ESWW4, 5-9 Nov. 2007, Brussels 2
INTRODUCTION Ionospheric processes:highly nonlinear and dynamic TEC: key parameter in navigation and telecommunication METU Group:specialized on data driven modelling since 1990’s Recently developped: NN and Cascade Model based on the Hammerstein system modelling ESWW4, 5-9 Nov. 2007, Brussels 3
Objective: • to forecast TEC with higher accuracy under the influence of the extreme solar events. A case study: Solar Events of April 2002 • A possible alternative to IRI-2001? ESWW4, 5-9 Nov. 2007, Brussels 4
Why and How? • Mathematical models of the ionospheric parameters (i.e. TEC)DIFFICULT • Data-driven approaches (i.e. NN modelling) employed in parallel with the mathematical models • Therefore, METU-NN-C using Bezier curves to represent nonlinearities ESWW4, 5-9 Nov. 2007, Brussels 5
METU-NN-C • TEC map over Europe constructed by METU-NN in 2004 and 2006 (Tulunay et al. [2004a, 2006] ) • to increase the performance, a new technique, • METU-NN-C developped[Senalp, 2007] ESWW4, 5-9 Nov. 2007, Brussels 6
1 2 3 Fig. 1. Construction of the METU-NN-C Models [Senalp et al., 2007] ESWW4, 5-9 Nov. 2007, Brussels 7
k : Discrete time index uDp(k) :Inputs xDq(k) : the internal variables of the METU-C Block 1: METU-NN model estimates the state-like variables for the METU-C ESWW4, 5-9 Nov. 2007, Brussels 8
Block 2: Construction of Nonlinear Static Block of METU-C ESWW4, 5-9 Nov. 2007, Brussels 9
Block 3: Construction of Linear Dynamic Block of METU-C ESWW4, 5-9 Nov. 2007, Brussels 10
The Generic METU-NN-C Model ESWW4, 5-9 Nov. 2007, Brussels 11
Phases of Application of METU-NN-C: • ‘Training’ • ‘Test’ Inputs: • Present value of TEC: TEC(k) • Temporal parameters: Trigonometric comp. of time Bezier curves to represent NONLINEARITIES METU-NN: State-like variable estimator Output: • Forecast TEC values one hour in advance ESWW4, 5-9 Nov. 2007, Brussels 12
DATA ORGANIZATION • 10-min GPS-TEC data of Chilbolton (51.8˚N; 1.26˚W) Hailsham (50.9˚N; 0.3˚E) • Development Step: • Training: Chilbolton TEC(April; May 2000, 2001) • Validation: Chilbolton TEC(April-May 2000, 2001) • Operation Step: • Validation: Hailsham TEC (April; May 2002) • 2000-2002 SSNmax. years ESWW4, 5-9 Nov. 2007, Brussels 13
Fig. 2 Observed and one hour ahead Forecast HailshamTEC values for April, May 2002 [Senalp et al., 2007] ESWW4, 5-9 Nov. 2007, Brussels 15
Fig. 3. METU-NN-C and IRI-2001 during disturbed conditions (Hailsham) ESWW4, 5-9 Nov. 2007, Brussels 16
METU-NN-C IRI-2001 • Fig. 4. Scatter diagrams and best-fit lines: in 18-19 April 2002 at Hailsham ESWW4, 5-9 Nov. 2007, Brussels 17
Table 1. Performance of models (18-19 April 2002; Hailsham) ESWW4, 5-9 Nov. 2007, Brussels 18
CONCLUSIONS • During disturbed SW conditions, METU-NN-C seems to show better performance over IRI-2001 • METU-NN-C Model - more versatile and has got advantages provided that the representative data are available ESWW4, 5-9 Nov. 2007, Brussels 19
Acknowledgements This work is partially supportedby • EU action of COST 296 (Mitigation of Ionospheric Effects on Radio Systems) • TUBITAK-ÇAYDAG(105Y003) • GPS-TEC data are kindly provided by Dr. Lj. R. Cander ESWW4, 5-9 Nov. 2007, Brussels 20
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