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Transnational workshop Transitions into Higher Education: Can the Use of Digital Media, Serious Games and Virtual Worlds Support Learning to Learn Competencies?.

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  1. Transnational workshopTransitions into Higher Education: Can the Use of Digital Media, Serious Games and Virtual Worlds Support Learning to Learn Competencies? Alessandra Tomasini, Politecnico di Milano - METID, Italy, Ildiko Mazar, EDEN Secretariat, United Kingdom, Gerard Casanova, Université de Lorraine, France, Anna Zoakou, EllinogermanikiAgogi, Greece,


  3. Whatwe are doingtoday? Objective: to explore, identify and describe some of the practices, tools and methodologies in the application of ICT to the development of learning to learn competencies conducted in eLene2learn projectwe are experimenting and collecting your opinions and approaches to be integrated into the expanding 'how to' guide. Activities: Project introduction Practices put intopractice in 3 of eLene2learn countries collaborative and interactiveactivities Discussionaboutwhatemerged and comparisons with participantexperiences

  4. Italianimplementation Alessandra Tomasini METID – Politecnico di Milano

  5. Webinar evaluation survey https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/eLene2learn_evaluation_webinar_WGB

  6. http://www.facebook.com/groups/337054472985447/

  7. Thankyou…and see you in September with the next webinar on Blogs and ePortfolio

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