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Cybersecurity News: Eu General Data Protection Regulation

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Cybersecurity News: Eu General Data Protection Regulation

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  1. C Y B E R S E C U R I T Y N E W S : E UG E N E R A LD A T AP R O T E C T I O N R E G U L A T I O N

  2. WiththeGeneralDataProtection Regulation (GDPR) nowonlyafewdays away, businessesacrossEuropeare preparingforoneofthebiggestshiftsin dataprivacylawssincethe2003CAN- SPAMAct. Manycompaniesarepanicking overthechanges. Totalcompliancemay stillbeimpossibleformanyonMay25 despitenumerouscountdowns, guidesand predictionsfromeveryvendorandexpert ontheplanet. Thequestionis, areyou ready?

  3. W H A TI SG D P R ? AccordingtoInfoGovBasics, theGeneralDataProtection RegulationorGDPRisaregulationinEUlawondata protectionandprivacyforallindividualswithinthe EuropeanUnion. ItextendsthescopeofEUdataprotection lawtoallforeigncompaniesthatprocessthepersonaldata ofEUresidents. TheGDPRaimstogivethecitizensandresidentscontrol overtheirdata. Italsoaimstosimplifyandunifythe regulationwithintheEU.

  4. H O WD O E SG D P RA F F E C TY O U ? AccordingtoSearchEngineJournal, sinceGoogleisaglobalentity, ithas beenfollowingtheGDPRprocessascloselyaspossible. GoogleAnalyticsintroducedtheabilitytocollectdemographicandaffinity dataafewyearsago. Theanalyticsownerneedstoaffirmthattheirwebsite privacypolicynotifiedcustomersabouttheirdatause. Holdingthe customer’sdatainperpetuityputsthematriskofviolatingtheGDPR. Googledecidedtohaveallpersonaldata (includingdemographicand affinitydataandexcludingthingslikesessionsandgoalcompletions) to expirein26monthsfromthedateofcollection. Googleisgivingeachsite ownerstheabilitytochangethedefaultof26monthstosomethingelse.

  5. W H A TS H O U L DY O UD O ? IfyouarenotaEuropean-basedcompanyorhavenoEuropeancustomers, youhavetheoptiontochangeitbackto “donotautomaticallyexpire.” Itisa manualtaskthatGoogleAnalyticsownersmustdothemselves. IfyouhaveorplanstohaveanyEuropeanwebvisitors, youneedtoconsult withyourattorneyregardingthis. Youshouldalsotakethenecessarysteps toensurethatthedatacollectedisnotrecordedanywhereelseotherthan Analytics.

  6. C O N C L U S I O N CybersecurityiscrucialforyourSEOstrategy. Youneedto understandyourdatamoredeeplythanbefore. Bydoing this, youwouldknowwhatitis, whereitis, whereit’s goingandwhatitslimitationsare. Thiswillequipyou betterinnavigatingthroughtheGDPRcomplianceand futuredata-driveninnovation.

  7. S O U R C E : https://anythingseo.wordpress.com/ 2018/05/16/cybersecurity-news-eu- general-data-protection-regulation/

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