Technology Fair The creative walkers
Define Problem Hi! we are students from the Instituto Anglo Britanicoand we are from 6th grade. The name from our team is THE CREATIVE WALKERS. The names from all of us are Alejandro, Guillermo, Juan Manuel and Katia. The problem that we want to define is the pollution in our world and the improper use from the people to the natural resources. The pollution is increasing every time more and more, only because the people never realize that they are polluting the earth, and they never think that one day the earth will be destroyed only because we don’t take care about the earth. We need to think now all the bad things that we are doing to our earth, that is our home. Because one day the earth will over if we continue like this. Also the people never realize that they don’t take care about the natural resources and give an improper use to them. Most of the people only think in their requirements and they don’t think that those natural resources can run out. Another problem that we want to define, that is totally different to the first ones, is that always when you want to buy some clothes you see that is so expensive and the you don’t buy it. And we want to solve that problem with our product. Our product is to make dresses or clothes with recycle things like plastic bags, newspaper, magazines, clothes that we don’t use now, etc. You will question how we will solve that problem. Our product is also more economic that the normal clothes.
Objective Our objective is to teach the people a creative way to recycle things and give to the trash a good use. One of our proposes or objectives is that we want to reduce the trash in our planet, creating our product, another objective is that this product can avoid the improper use of the natural resources. Another propose that
MarketSurveys: These surveys were realized in the social network facebook.
MarketSurveys: These surveys were realized in the social network facebook.
MarketSurveys: These surveys were realized in the social network facebook.
Arguments: The pollution cases 220 thousand dead's in the American Continent and 131 thousand happen on country's with less income. Another 96 thousand dead's happen on country's with high income in the American Continent At world lever the OMS says that in 2012 7 million people dead in this year because the pollution. http://www.elpais.com.uy/mundo/contaminacion-muertes-medio-ambiente.html Ourproductis a solutionforthepeoplethat are tiredof the clothes with high costs. people buy expensive clothes because it is a psychological necessity, because the brain is a tendency, meaning that if more than one person buys the clothes brand you bought your.
Material List: • We will use plastic bags. • We will use alsonewspaper an paperfrom magazines. • We will use also use bobbypins. • We will use alsoclothfromjeans.
Cost of theMaterials • We willnotbuyanything, wewill use the thingsthatwealreadyhave in our homes. But the onlythingthatwewouldbuy are the bobbypins.
Proccedure: Recollect trash, just like plastic bags, newspaper, magazines, plastic Take the measurements of the dress Prepare thematerials Sewontheplastic bags and thenewspaper Then, we do thedress of plastic Coveritwithcloth Decorteitwitheverythingelseyouwant, like magazine paper