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Bibb County School District Student Technology Fair. February 6, 2010 Howard High School. Registration. Bibb County School District students in grades 3-12 Opens November 2, 2009. Closes January 8, 2010 Students must provide: Name of sponsoring teacher who has verified project
Bibb County School District Student Technology Fair February 6, 2010 Howard High School
Registration • Bibb County School District students in grades 3-12 • Opens November 2, 2009. Closes January 8, 2010 • Students must provide: • Name of sponsoring teacher who has verified project • Project category • Software application type and version • Signed forms due to Technology Services by January 15
Tentative Schedule • Friday, February 5th • Pre-judging (sign-up only) • Optional project set-up: 4:30-7:00 pm • Saturday, February 6th • Registration - 7:30 am • Judging begins - 8:00 am • Awards ceremony - approximately 1:00 pm
Project Teams and Judging • Teams – no more than two students • Grade levels - All categories are grouped in grades 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10, 11-12 except Multimedia, which is judged by individual grade levels (3,4,5, etc) • Students may participate in a maximum of 2 project categories. The only exception is for the Technology Literacy Challenge (TLC). Students may enter 2 projects AND participate in the TLC. • Teams and individuals will compete against each other in all categories except multimedia applications
Project & Presentation Requirements • Each project can only be entered in one category • Must be original - created entirely by the student/team and cannot include un-credited graphics, artwork or photographs • Students MUST attend and present the project • Teams must have both students in attendance • Students will have 15 minutes to present to the judges
School Technology Fair Coordinators • Attend Orientation session (today) and January meeting to review entrants • Answer questions about categories, appropriate software, proper citations, etc from sponsoring teachers • Verify and enter registration information for each participant • Print registration forms and distribute to sponsoring teachers for parent signature • Confirm registration form data & update online registration as needed
School Technology Fair Coordinators • Signed forms to Technology Services by January 15 • Drop students unable to attend • View all projects with technology specialist to confirm correct category, credits and content • Confirm student participation and transportation to the Fair two weeks prior to
Sponsoring Teachers • Obtain signed permission forms • Work with student to select proper category • Review rubric and guidelines with student • Ensure project complies with the Acceptable Computer Use Policy (ACUP) in the Student Code of Conduct. Judges have the right to disqualify any project that does not follow the ACUP or which is inappropriate.
3D Modeling Animated Graphic Design Case Modification Digital Photography Digital Video Editing Hardware Intranet/Internet Applications Multimedia Applications Non-Animated Graphic Design Non-Multimedia Applications Project Programming Robotics Technology Literacy Challenge Categories
Category exclusions • Hardware is open to grades 7 or higher only • Case Modification is an individual competition only • Technology Literacy Challenge is an individual competition only • All individuals and teams will be judged together except Multimedia Applications • Students may not “switch” categories at the Fair! Sponsoring teachers are responsible for assisting the student in selecting the appropriate category. The School Technology Fair Coordinator can assist if necessary to ensure the category is appropriate for the project.
Category Descriptions 3D Modeling: Any original artwork/graphic that can be modeled in three dimensions Software may include: AutoCAD, SketchUp Individual and 2-person teams will compete against each other Animated Graphic Design:Original design showing the motion of an object(s) Software may include: Flash, KidPix Individual and 2-person teams will compete against each other Case Modification: Decorate, paint, add lights or otherwise adorn any WORKING computer. Individual only – no teams
Category Descriptions cont. Digital Photography: Computer-created project using original photographs. Project must be displayed using the software program it was created with. Software may include: PhotoShop, Microsoft Photo Editor, CorelDraw Individual and 2-person teams will compete against each other Digital Video Editing:This category is defined as any original video project that has been edited on a computer with digital video editing software and exported into a digital video format. The project must be displayed for viewing on a computer. Final project should be exported into a digital video format such as AVI or MPEG. Videos must be viewed on a computer – VHS/DVD formats are not acceptable. Software may include: iMovie, MovieMaker, Pinnacle Individual and 2-person teams will compete against each other
Category Descriptions cont. Hardware: Student-built computers. May be constructed from kits or published schematic drawings, modified from other devices to create new applications or constructed from the student’s own concepts/designs. Parts do not have to be new, but the operating components should be essentially built or put together by the student. Student must be able to demonstrate that the system recognizes and accesses all components. 7th grade and up only. Individual and 2-person teams will compete against each other Intranet/Internet Applications: Creation of web pages, web sites, chat rooms, interactive games. Internet access will be available. Software may include: Word, FrontPage, DreamWeaver Individual and 2-person teams will compete against each other
Category Descriptions cont. Multimedia Applications: Computer-based reports or creative presentations using any combination of text, video, sound, and graphics. Videos should be entered in the Digital Video Editing category. Software may include: Powerpoint, KidPix, Astound, Storybook Weaver Individual and 2-person teams will compete separately Non-Animated Graphic Design: Computer-created original art (no photography or 3D projects) Software may include: Paint, KidPix, PhotoShop, CorelDraw, Illustrator Individual and 2-person teams will compete against each other
Category Descriptions cont. Non-Multimedia Applications: Desktop publishing, word processing, spreadsheet or database files. Software may include: Publisher, InDesign, Excel, Word Individual and 2-person teams will compete against each other Project Programming: Self-executing program created using a programming language such as Basic, C++, Pascal, Logo, etc. All parts of the program must be original. Programs must be identifiable in one of three categories (1) Computer-aided instruction or educational/learning games (2) Business or commercial applications (3) Personal applications that, with minor alterations, could be marketing for larger commercial audiences Software may include: Basic, Cobol, C++, Pascal, Logo Individual and 2-person teams will compete against each other
Category Descriptions cont. Robotics - Projects may be created from kits or published schematic drawings, modified from other devices to create new applications or constructed from a student’s own concepts/designs. Project must have some obvious relationship to the computer and be controlled through student-created programming. All entries must have a working, functional piece of electronics. Kits may include: Lego, K’Nex, Capsella, Technics Individual and 2-person teams acceptable and will compete against each other
Category Descriptions cont. Technology Literacy Challenge: Computerized exam given at the Fair, by grade level, on the following: 1. History of computers 2. Parts of the computer 3. Peripheral computer devices 4. Uses and limitations of computers 5. General uses of common computer applications software 6. New and emerging technologies 7. The Internet 8. Social implications of computers 9. General programming (Grades 9-12 only) 50 multiple-choice vocabulary and concept-orient questions will come from information generally available in textbooks and reliable sources on the Internet. Computer magazines and television programs may have information regarding some of the implication of computers in today’s society. An oral exam may be used as tie-breaker. Individuals only.
Judging • Projects will be judged based on the following: • Originality – Was the project original (not copied off the Internet or created by parents), creative and imaginative? • Clarity – Was the student’s explanation to the judge clear? (being nervous will not count against the student) • Documentation – Did the student cite references if applicable? • Appropriateness – Did the student use the correct software for the project and category? • Design – Did the project design fit with the purpose of the project? • Technical Expertise – Did the project demonstrate an understanding of the software used?
Judging cont. • Rubrics contain the following: • Presentation – Did the student demonstrate a solid understanding of the software for projector development? • Documentation – Did the student document non-student produced materials? • Software Usage – Was the software suitable? • Project Design – Do all elements of the project work together? • Background Design – How well does the project use lighting and shadow techniques? Levels include none (0 points), some (1), most (2), mastery (4)
Judging cont • When the judges (2 per project) arrive to view the project, students have 15 minutes to do the following: • Use the application to demonstrate the project • Explain the steps taken to create the project • Explain why they used the selected software program • Defend their choice of software • Answer judges’ questions
Computers & Software at the Fair • Students will have access to a computer with the following: • Windows XP • Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint 2003 • Google SketchUp, MovieMaker, Flash, Java • Students who wish to bring a computer or laptop will be provided a table and electricity • Projection devices are not allowed • Students MUST indicate the software needed if it is not listed above. The software will be loaded prior to the Fair. • Students are responsible for the security of any computer brought on the premises.
Registration Form • Student name • Sponsoring teacher • Technology Fair Coordinator • Grade • School • Category • Individual or team • Team member name (if applicable) • Team member grade • Bringing own computer or laptop? • Select software application • Signature
Schools with more than six (6) entries in any one grade level division or category will need to hold a School-Based Technology Fair byDecember 18, 2009email Julie Christopherfor recommendations for prizes, judges School Technology Fairs