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EUROPREV. European Network for Prevention and Health Promotion in Family Medicine and General Practicewww.europrev.org. EUROPREV (www.europrev.org) . European network of national colleges of general practice/family medicine established in 1996 and affiliated to WONCA-Europe (at the present t
1. Second European InfluenzaConferenceMalta, September 11-14, 2005Recommendations and guidelines on influenza vaccination and treatment
Dr. Carlos Brotons
EUROPREV chairman
The role of European general practitioners in influenza vaccination
European Network for Prevention and Health Promotion in Family Medicine and General Practice
3. EUROPREV (www.europrev.org)
European network of national colleges of general practice/family medicine established in 1996 and affiliated to WONCA-Europe (at the present time 22 countries in Europe are represented)
general aim: promote evidence-based prevention in general practice.
4. The role of European general practitioners in influenza vaccinationEUROPREV Survey Objective
To explore the policies of national colleges of GPs regarding recommendations and guidelines on influenza vaccination
5. The role of European general practitioners in influenza vaccinationEUROPREV Survey Methods Email survey (june-august 2005)
16 questions about :
Specific questions about influenza vaccination
Specific questions about the role of GPs and EUROPREV network
6. The role of European general practitioners in influenza vaccinationEUROPREV Survey National colleges of GPs from 14 European countries participated in the survey:
Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Cyprus, Greece, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, The Netherlands, Turkey
7. The role of European general practitioners in influenza vaccination
Does your National College of GPs have its own guidelines/recommendations on influenza vaccination?
8. The role of European general practitioners in influenza vaccination
Has the Department of Health of your country published guidelines/recommendations on influenza vaccination and treatment?
9. The role of European general practitioners in influenza vaccination
The Netherlands: http://nhg.artsennet.nl; www.gr.nl
Spain: www.papps/recomendaciones/esperto1.pdf; www.gencat.net/salut/depsan/units/sanitat/pdf/guiavagrip.pdf
Belgium: www.wvvh.be/files/influenza_kb_engels-htm
Austria: www.impf.at
Croatia: www.hzjz.hr
Portugal: www.dgsaude.pt/upload/menmbro.id/ficheiros/i006516.pdf
Switzerland: www.grippe.admin.ch
Greece: www.mohaw.gr
Sweden: www.sos.se/sosfs/1997_21/1997_21.htm
10. The role of European general practitioners in influenza vaccination Is the following recommendation for influenza vaccination the one that is being used in your country?:
‘Annual influenza vaccination for people older than 6 months with chronic respiratory disease, chronic heart disease, chronic renal failure, diabetes mellitus, inmunosuppression due to disease or treatment, and for everyone older than 65 and people who live in care homes. Also health care workers in contact with high-risk persons; household contacts of high-risk persons.’
(Ref: WHO. Influenza vaccines: Recommendations for the use of inactivated influenza vaccines and other preventive measures. Weekly epidemiological record, 2000, 75, 281–288. http://www.who.int/docstore/wer/pdf/2000/wer7535.pdf - accessed 13th June 2005)
11. The role of European general practitioners in influenza vaccination Reasons for discrepancies with the WHO recommendation:
over 60 years
only people > 65 years
children > 2 years
not in patients with chronic renal failure, immunosuppression, not in health care workers
12. The role of European general practitioners in influenza vaccination
What are the usual distribution channels of influenza vaccination in your country?
GPs 11 (78%)
Primary Care Services 8 (57%)
Public Health Authorities 6 (43%)
Occupational Health Authorities 3 (21%)
Others: local pharmacists, companies who promote vaccination for their employees,..
13. The role of European general practitioners in influenza vaccination
What is the reported influenza vaccination uptake among the elderly (age 65 and older) in your country?
Ranging from 18% to 82%
Not known: 8 (57%)
14. The role of European general practitioners in influenza vaccination
Do you know the national uptake target in your country for people aged 65 and older?
Ranging from 50 to 85%
Not known: 9 (64%)
15. The role of European general practitioners in influenza vaccination
Are there any strategies in your country intended to increase uptake rates?
YES 12 (86%)
Financial incentives for GPs 3 (21%)
Personal invitations to patients 5 (36%)
Personal reminders to GPs 4 (28%)
Vaccination free of charge 6 (43%)
Mass media campaigns 11 (79%)
Others: price reduction, coordinated national programme, leaflets,..
NO 2 (14%)
16. The role of European general practitioners in influenza vaccination
In your country, are vaccination rates of different risks groups monitored?
YES 10 (71%)
Surveys among general population 6 (60%) Surveys among health professionals 2 (20%)
Compulsory reports made to health authorities
by providers of vaccinations 4 (40%)
Data from sentinel networks 5 (50%)
NO 4 (29%)
17. The role of European general practitioners in influenza vaccination
Is influenza vaccination in your country free of charge for population at risk?
NO: fixed price ranging from 5,61 euros to 20 euros
18. The role of European general practitioners in influenza vaccination
Is influenza vaccination in your country free of charge for healthy population?
NO: fixed price from 5,10 euros to 35 euros
19. The role of European general practitioners in influenza vaccination
Is influenza vaccination being used in your country as one of the clinical quality indicators in primary care (i.e. % of patients older than 65 immunized against influenza …)
20. The role of European general practitioners in influenza vaccination
Are you aware of any of the following changes (recently implemented or to be implemented in the future) in relation with influenza vaccination policies in your country?
Lowering the age limit for
vaccination from 65 to 60 (or even to 50) 6 (43%)
Immunisation of all children
age 6-23 months 4 (29%)
Immunisation of people in close
contact (parents, ..) with children
age 0-23 months 0 (0%)
Others: vaccinating pregnant women 1 (7%)
21. The role of European general practitioners in influenza vaccination What do you think could be the role of GPs (or your national college) in your country to protect populations against epidemic and pandemic influenza?
Inform patients and promote vaccination
Know % of patients at risk
Health education in local communities (jointly with nurses)
Participate in sentinel networks
National Colleges of GPs
Developing guidelines
Collaboration with governments
Organising training
Implementing QA criteria/influenza vaccination as clinical quality indicator
22. The role of European general practitioners in influenza vaccination
What do you think could be the role of the EUROPREV network to protect European populations against epidemic and pandemic influenza?
Acting as a means for carrying out research, communicating and collaboration within the European General Practice.
Keeping European GPs (through their colleges) up-to-date with information and guidelines for their use and for the use of the general public.
Disseminate best practices based upon the existing guidelines and protocols in countries with a high vaccination rate.
Support national guidelines development
Monitor regulations, praxis, vaccinations rates,.. among different European countries.
Lobbying for free vaccination for population at risk
23. The role of European general practitioners in influenza vaccination
Are you and your immediate family immunized against influenza?
Yourself YES 9 (64%)
Parents YES 9 (69%)
Partner YES 9 (64%)
Children YES 4 (31%)
24. The role of European general practitioners in influenza vaccination
If an influenza epidemic/pandemic strikes your country:
Do you feel that as a GP you are trained to handle the situation? YES 6 (43%)
Would you undergo training in handling such an emergency situation? YES 12 (86%)
Would you volunteer your services to the government free-of-charge? YES 6 (43%)
Would you require financial support to offer your services to the government?
YES 8 (57%)
25. The role of European general practitioners in influenza vaccination
In 5 countries neither the National College nor the Department of Health have published guidelines/recommendations
There are discrepancies with the recommendation on influenza vaccination.
In 43% of the countries influenza vaccination IS NOT free of charge for population at risk
It would be important to incorporate influenza vaccination as one of the clinical quality indicators in primary care (only 21% of the countries are using it as indicator)
26. The role of European general practitioners in influenza vaccination
The most important role of :
GPs : to inform patients and promote vaccination
National Colleges of GPs: to develop and implement guidelines and clinical quality indicators
to collaborate with national colleges to develop and disseminate guidelines, to promote communication and research at European level
to lobby jointly with other organisations/institutions for free vaccination for population at risk
27. The role of European general practitioners in influenza vaccination Acknowledgements
Austria: Ingrid Pichler, Anita Rieder
Belgium: Frans Govaerts
Croatia: Jasna Vucak, Ivan Stipanov
Cyprus: Valia Markou
Greece: Eleftherios Thireos_
Malta: Mario R Sammut, Tanya Melillo-Fenech
Poland: Maciek Godycki-Cwirko
Portugal: Carlos Martins
Slovenia: Mateja Bulc
Spain: Carlos Brotons, Ramon Ciurana, Pilar Kloppe,
Rosa Piñeiro, MJ Álvarez Pasquín, Javier Gómez
Sweden: Cecilia Bjorkelund
Switzerland: Maxime Mancini, Ueli Grueninger
The Netherlands: Ton Drenthen, Louwrens Boomsma, Fieke Molster
Turkey: Suleyman Gorpelioglu