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This briefing provides information on the changes in teacher assessment and standards for Year 2, including the new curriculum, assessment emphasis, and moderation preparation.
Year 2 teachers briefing on teacher assessment and standards 15th March 2016 Primary Assessment and Moderation Year 2 and 6 Agenda Messages from STA re exemplification materials and TA Top tips for TA and moderation preparation Moderation
We will go through the changes this morning and how we can best prepare ourselves for teacher assessment and potential moderation
The new curriculum and assessment – messages from STA • An emphasis on knowledge rather than skills • Mastery of annual objectives rather than progression through a learning continuum • Deeper learning and enrichment rather than extension and acceleration Standards and testing agency video on the changes in tests
Teacher assessment • Best fit judgement replaced by mastery model to secure key learning • Level descriptors are replaced by ‘pupil can’ statements in the interim TA frameworks • Children must be secure in all statements & those preceding to receive that judgement • Moderators will be verifying that the learning is secured in that judgement KS1 webinar based on teacher assessment and making judgements this year
Materials available to date • Assessment Reporting Arrangements for EY, KS1 and KS2 • Exemplification materials for writing and maths at KS1 and KS2 (awaiting reading) • Sample test papers • Teacher assessment clarification document
The interim TA frameworks: points for clarification (KS1) • Handwriting – it is not a limiter this year except for when judged as ‘greater depth’ • The qualifier words – some, many and most • Consistently – mostly correct • Common exception words (no longer known as high frequency words) You can use evidence in handwriting books for working towards and at standard Some- seeing it occasionally but does not need to be secure or consistent Most- seeing it regularly and consistently, usually correct with occasional errors Many- is in between some and most
Some statements contain supplementary detail - see page 5 for example in KS1 writing • Teachers need to be aware of the distinction between those statements containing supplementary detail in the following two ways: • as italicised examples, such as the 2 statements about suffixes at expected and greater depth, where acceptable evidence could include any of the suffixes referenced in the national curriculum KS1 programme of study • as bracketed detail, such as the statement about co-ordination and subordination at the expected standard, where evidence must include some of those specified. • using co-ordination (or/and/but) and some subordination (when/if/that/because) • adding suffixes to spell some words correctly in their writing,e.g. –ment, -ness, -ful, -less, -ly*
Subject knowledge – an exclamation • Look at the ‘working at’ judgement • using sentences with different forms in their writing (statements, questions, exclamations and commands) • An exclamation only starts with the words What or How What big teeth you have Grandma! How lucky I am!
Webinars on Friday – updates on assessment • http://head.simondesenlisblogs.org/2016/02/26/ks1-assessment-clarification-webinar-february-2016/ • http://head.simondesenlisblogs.org/2016/02/26/ks2-assessment-clarification-webinar-february-2016/
Teacher assessment –top tips • There is no requirement to use the grid as in the back of the exemplification materials • All evidence should be coming from the children’s books and their everyday work • The tests at KS1 are not the final result – it is teacher assessment as previously – no requirement to report test results to parents • Edited writing – we can use the editing process as part of teacher assessment providing the final edit is completed by the child independently • Spelling – the children can use word lists, classroom displays and dictionaries (this is of course part of the teacher’s judgement as to whether the child has met the standard independently)
Moderation • KS1 moderation is likely to take place in groups as previously – venue tbc • You will know the day before which children are to be moderated • You will find out after 20th May whether your school is being moderated • All teacher assessments to Local authority by 30th June • No requirement to complete the grid for evidence • Teachers will be present for the moderation in KS1
Writing moderation in groups • Writing exemplification • Maths exemplification