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Excerpt from Lorraine Nielsen ’ s presentation PEA AC. By the end of this session…. You will know Why we are fore fronting explicit instruction The components of an explicit instruction lesson Support and planning. What makes a difference to learning?. John Hattie – Visible Learning
By the end of this session… You will know • Why we are fore fronting explicit instruction • The components of an explicit instruction lesson • Support and planning
What makes a difference to learning? John Hattie – Visible Learning A HUGE research project based on… 800+ meta-analysis 50 000 studies, and more than 200 million students!!! Hattie, John. Visible Learning Routledge 2009
Theory v Practice The theory suggests EI works. More importantly the practice proves it works! • Every teacher can develop the skills • Students’ outcomes improve • Change is quick, it doesn’t take years • Students and teachers love it • It’s not a fad, but it has diminished as we have experimented… • Brain research supports the success of explicit instruction
Central Queensland Region Explicit Instruction Regional Strategy CQ Regional Expectations – End of 2013 • The school leadership team have fully embedded their school wide pedagogical framework with a specific emphasis on Explicit Instruction. • The school leadership team has kept abreast of research that can inform teaching practice. • The school leadership team has established and communicated clear expectations concerning the use of highly effective teaching strategies throughout the school which are in line with the school wide pedagogical framework and Explicit Instruction. • All teachers are implementing teaching methods that have been shown to be effective in promoting successful learning for all and are in line with the school wide pedagogical framework.
Central Queensland Region Explicit Instruction Regional Strategy Regional Goal To ensure that all schools in the Central Queensland Region are appropriately supported to develop and embed effective teaching methods, including Explicit Instruction, to maximise student learning.
LESSON SEQUENCE Rapid Recall Routines (Warm up) Activate Prior Knowledge (Tune-in) Lesson Intention Success Criteria I Do We Do You Do Review (Ploughback)
Rapid Recall Routines • Short to long term memory • Core material that has been taught • Automaticity • Build confidence, concentration and skill • May stand separate to lesson content • Recite, recall, apply powerpoint, quiz, name the.. flashcards
Activate Prior KnowledgeTune-in, hook, anticipatory set • To stimulate and engage • Activates students prior knowledge to make connections • Checks misconceptions
Lesson Intent • Learning goal in student friendly language • Concept achievable in a lesson • Visible on board; written in books Learning Goal Success Criteria
Learning Goal Learning Goal We Are Learning To –
Success Criteria What I am Looking For – This is because –
I Do Red = stop and listen - age+1 Use concise language Model/demonstrate (≤ 1 mode) Think aloud Provide examples and non-examples
We Do • AMBER = getting ready • Guided practice –- 50% of lesson • High rates of success - threshold 80% • CFU - Check for understanding • Teacher can see all responses • Ask questions; provide feedback - TAPPLE • Move on when fluent or return to “I Do”
We Do Use your whiteboards/paper to write your answer
You Do • Green = off you go • Independent practice • Teacher circulates room checking and correcting • Differentiated work
Ploughback What was our learning goal? What did you learn today? Review questions Preview
I am confused.I do not understand.It does not make sense. I understand.I know when to do this.I can do it. I am starting to understand.I need more examples. I need more help.
We Learn: • 10% of what we read • 20% of what we hear • 30% of what we do • 50% of what we both see and hear • 70% of what we discuss with others • 80% of what we experience personally • 95% of what we teach to others Tell me and I will forget. Show me and I will remember. Involve me and I will understand.Aristotle
An explicit lesson • Structured • Unambiguous • Direct • Engaging • Success oriented • Maximises learning time
Explicit instruction is absolutely necessary in teaching content that students could not otherwise discover. Archer, A., & Hughes, C. (2011). Explicit Instruction: Effective and Efficient Teaching. NY: Guilford Publications. Without explicit input how would an individual discover… The sound associated with a letter The quantity associated with a number The steps in an efficient math algorithm The order of operations in algebra The process for sounding out words The elements in scientific inquiry or A spelling rule for dropping the final e?
Explicit instruction is helpful not only when discovery is impossible, but when discovery may be inaccurate, inadequate, incomplete, or inefficient. Archer, A., & Hughes, C. (2011). Explicit Instruction: Effective and Efficient Teaching. NY: Guilford Publications. For example: A students may generate a strategy for taking notes on text but the strategy may be laborious and the notes incomprehensible. This student would benefit from explicit instruction on a more effective alternative.
Answering some criticisms…Explicit Instruction IS NOT: • All teacher talk/didactic • Rote learning • The death of creativity • Reductionist (decontextualised) • Difficult
Explicit Instruction IS: • About teaching NOT facilitating • Based on student needs and performance • Focused on teaching discrete skills and/or subskills • Unashamedly about judicious drill and practice • About to take off in Queensland