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Presentation Basics. Lesson 2. Objectives. Software Orientation: PowerPoint’s New Presentation Dialog Box. PowerPoint’s New Presentation window gives you many choices for creating a new presentation. The figure on the next slide shows the New Presentation window.
Presentation Basics Lesson 2
Software Orientation: PowerPoint’s New Presentation Dialog Box • PowerPoint’s New Presentation window gives you many choices for creating a new presentation. The figure on the next slide shows the New Presentation window. • It is accessed by clicking the File tab to enter Backstage view, then clicking New. • This window enables you to create a new, blank presentation; work from a template or theme stored on your computer; search for templates online; or create a new presentation from an existing one.
Software Orientation: PowerPoint’s New Presentation Dialog Box
Creating a New Blank Presentation • When you start PowerPoint, a new, blank presentation appears, containing a single slide. • The fastest and simplest way to create a new presentation is to start with a blank presentation. • You can add text to the presentation, and then format the slides later.
Creating a Blank Presentation • You can use the single slide that opens with a new, blank presentation to begin creating your new presentation. • In the next exercise, you will learn how to open a blank presentation. • There are two advantages to using a blank presentation to start a slide show. • First, PowerPoint displays a blank presentation every time the program starts, so you always have immediate access to the first slide of a new presentation. • Second, because the presentation is not formatted (meaning there are no backgrounds, colors, or pictures), you can focus on writing your text.
Step-by-Step: Create a Blank Presentation • Before you begin these steps, make sure that your computer is on. Log on, if necessary. • STARTPowerPoint, if the program is not already running. • Click the File tab. Backstage view opens. • Click New. The New Presentation window opens, as shown previously in the figure on slide 4. NOTE:You need to use the New Presentation window only when another presentation is open, when no presentationis open, or when you want to create a new presentation based on a template or theme.
Step-by-Step: Create a Blank Presentation • In the Available Templates and Themes pane, click the Blank Presentation icon, then click the Create button in the lower-right corner of the New Presentation window. A new, blank presentation appears inNormal view,as shown in the figure. • LEAVEthe blank presentation open to usein the nextexercise.
Changing a Slide’s Layout • Most slides have a layout—a predefined arrangement of placeholders for text or objects (such as charts or pictures). PowerPoint has a variety of built-in layouts that you can use at any time. • Layouts are shown in the Layout gallery as thumbnails––small pictures showing each available layout. Choose the layout that is best suited to display the text or objects you want to place on the slide. • You can change a slide’s layout at any time to arrange text or objects on the slide exactly the way you want. • The following exercise shows you how to apply a different layout to the current slide.
Step-by-Step: Choose a Different Layout • USE the new, blank presentation that is still open from the previous exercise. • Click the Home tabto make it active, ifnecessary, then clickLayout. A drop-downmenu (called a gallery)appears, displayingPowerPoint’s defaultlayouts, as shown in the figure. The title of the gallery is Office Theme, indicating that all these layouts come from the default theme(named Office).
Step-by-Step: Choose a Different Layout • Click the Titleand Contentthumbnail inthe gallery.The gallerycloses andPowerPoint applies thechosen layoutto the currentslide, asin the figure. • LEAVE the presentation open to use in the next exercise.
Adding Text to a Blank Slide • If a blank slide has one or more text placeholders, you can easily add text to the slide. • To enter text, just click the sample text in the placeholder, and then type your text. • In the next exercise, you will enter text into a blank slide’s placeholders to create a set of discussion points for a meeting of store managers. The slide you work with in this exercise has a title placeholder and a content placeholder that can hold text and other types of content.
Step-by-Step: Add Text to a Blank Slide • USEthe slide that is still on the screen from the preceding exercise. • Click the title placeholder at the top of the slide. The text Click to add title disappears and a blinking insertion point appears in the placeholder. • Type Discussion Points. • Click the text at the top of the lower placeholder. The words Click to add text disappear and the insertion point appears.
Step-by-Step: Add Text to a Blank Slide • Type Customer surveys, then press Enter to move the insertion point down to a new line. • Type Inventory tracking and press Enter. • Type Absenteeism policy and press Enter. • Type Break and press Enter. • Type Store security and press Enter. • Type Store closing procedures and press Enter.
Step-by-Step: Add Text to a Blank Slide • Type Cash drawermanagement,then clickanywhere inthe blank areaoutside theplaceholder toclear its bordersfrom the screen.Your slide shouldlook like the onein the figure. • LEAVE the presentation open to use in the next exercise.
Saving a Presentation • When you create a new presentation, it exists only in your computer’s memory. • If you want to keep the presentation, you must save it on a disk or to a network location or flash drive. • After you save a file, you can close it, then reopen it again later and resume working on it. • The following exercises show you how to save a new presentation to a disk, how to save the presentation in a different file format, and how to work with PowerPoint’s Save options.
Saving a New Presentation for the First Time • When you save a presentation for the first time, PowerPoint displays the Save As dialog box so you can give the presentation a name before saving it. • In the next exercise, you will name and save the presentation you created earlier.
Step-by-Step: Save a New Presentation • USEthe presentation that is still on the screen from the preceding exercise. • On the Quick Access Toolbar, click Save. The Save As dialog box appears. • Navigate to the folder where you want to save your files. • Select the text in the File name box by dragging the mouse pointer over it, and then press Delete to delete it.
Step-by-Step: Save a New Presentation • Type Managers Meeting,as shown in the figure. • Click Save. PowerPointsaves the presentationin the folder you chose,under the name youhave given it. • LEAVEthe presentationopen to use in the nextexercise.
Choosing a Different File Format • PowerPoint can save presentations in several different file formats. • In the next exercise, you will save your presentation in a format that is compatible with earlier versions of PowerPoint. • By default, PowerPoint 2010 saves presentations in a type of XML format, which is not compatible with earlier versions of PowerPoint.
Choosing a Different File Format • If you want to be able to use a presentation with an older version of PowerPoint, you can save it by using the PowerPoint 97-2003 Presentation file format. • You can save a presentation in other formats as well. For example, if you select the PowerPoint Show format, the presentation will always open in Slide Show view, rather than in Normal view. • You can also save a presentation as a template, or as a series of graphics, or in a macro-enabled format.
Step-by-Step: Choose a Different File Format • USEthe Managers Meeting presentation that is still open from the previous exercise. • Click the File tab, then click the Save As command. The Save As dialog box reappears. • Next to Save as Type, click the current type: PowerPoint Presentation. A menu of file types opens.
Step-by-Step: Choose a Different File Format • Click PowerPoint97-2003 Presentation.The file type changes.See the figure. • Navigate to the folderwhere you want to saveyour files. (This step isnot necessary if youwant to save the file inthe same folder youused in the previousexercise.)
Step-by-Step: Choose a Different File Format • Select the file’s name in the File name box, delete the name, and then type Old Format Discussion Points. • Click Save, and then close the presentation. • LEAVEPowerPoint open to use in the next exercise. NOTE:Because you are saving the presentation in a different file format, it is not necessary to give it anew name. Files of different formats can have the same file name. This exercise renames it anyway.
Working with Save Options • PowerPoint has settings that control the default file location, the default file format, and more. • If you find yourself frequently changing the file location or file type when you save a presentation, it may be worth your time to change the settings in PowerPoint that specify the defaults. • In the following exercise, you learn how to modify the application’s save settings.
Step-by-Step: Set the Save Options • To set the save options, do the following: • Click the File tab and then click Options. The PowerPoint Options dialog box opens. • Click the Save category inthe left panel of the dialogbox. The Save Optionsappear in the right panel. • Open the Save Files In ThisFormat drop-down list andexamine the available filetypes. See the figure. Donot change the current setting (PowerPoint Presentation).
Step-by-Step: Set the Save Options • In the Default file location text box, take note of the location referenced. • (Optional) Change the location in the Default file location text box to the location where you are storing your completed work for this course. If you do this, you will not have to change the location for saving and opening files every time you want to save or open files for class exercises and projects. • Click OK to close the dialog box. • Click Save, then close the presentation. • LEAVEPowerPoint open to use in the next exercise.
Creating a Presentation from a Template • PowerPoint’s templates give you a jump start in creating complete presentations. A template is a reusable sample file that includes a background, layouts, coordinating fonts, and other design elements that work together to create an attractive, finished slide show. • Templates may (but are not required to) contain sample content, too. • The templates in the Themes category in the New Presentation window contain no sample content—only formatting. • You can insert your own text and objects (such as charts or pictures) and build a finished presentation very quickly.
Using a Template as theBasis for a Presentation • Each template employs one or more themes. A theme is a collection of settings including colors, fonts, background graphics, bullet graphics, and margin and placement settings. • PowerPoint has several built-in templates, and you can create your own templates or download new ones from Microsoft Office Online. • In the next exercise, you will use a built-in template to start a presentation that, when finished, will help you show pictures and descriptions of new products to a group of store managers.
Step-by-Step: Create aPresentation from a Template • To create a presentation from a template, do the following: • Click the File tab. • Click New in the left panel of Backstage view to open the New Presentation window.
Step-by-Step: Create aPresentation from a Template • Under AvailableTemplates andThemes, clickSample Templates.Thumbnail imagesof the templatesstored on your PCappear, as shownin the figure. Apreview of theselected template appears in the Preview pane on the right side of the New Presentation window.
Step-by-Step: Create a Presentation from a Template • Click the Classic Photo Album thumbnail, then click Create in the Preview pane. PowerPoint opens a new presentation based on the selected template. It contains several sample slides with text and graphics. • On slide 1, select CLASSIC PHOTO ALBUM and type NORTHWIND TRADERS to replace it.
Step-by-Step: Create a Presentation from a Template • Click the textin the subtitleplaceholder to place theinsertion pointthere, andthen type New Product Preview. Seethe figure.
Step-by-Step: Create a Presentation from a Template • On the Quick Access Toolbar, click Save. The Save As dialog box appears. • Navigate to the folder where you want to save your files, then save the presentation with the file name New Product Preview. • LEAVEthe presentation open to use in the next exercise. NOTE:You can change a presentation’s theme fromthe Design tab; you don’t have to create a newpresentation based on a template just to get a newlook. You will learn how to change themes in Lesson 4.
Adding, Deleting, and Organizing Slides • A template’s sample slides can provide a basic structure as a starting point, but you will probably want to make some changes. • In PowerPoint it is easy to add, delete, and reorder the slides in a presentation to suit your unique needs.
Adding a New Slide to a Presentation • You can add as many new slides as you want to a presentation. • The following exercise shows you how to insert a new slide into the current presentation in two different ways: using the New Slide command, and using the Slides/Outline pane.
Step-by-Step: Add a New Slide • USEthe New Product Preview presentation that is still open from the previous exercise. • On the Home tab,click the New Slidebutton drop-downarrow. A gallery opens,showing thumbnailimages of the slidelayouts that areavailable for thistemplate, as shownin the figure.
Step-by-Step: Add a New Slide • Scroll down to the bottom of the gallery, then click Title and Content. • On the new slide, click the title placeholder and type THIS YEAR’S NEW PRODUCTS. • Click the sample text at the top of the second placeholder, and then type the following items, each on its own line: Women’s jacketsMen’s jackets Boots Backpacks Flannel shirts Fleece Turtlenecks Underwear Socks
Step-by-Step: Add a New Slide • Click in the areasurrounding theslide to clear theplaceholder’s border. Whenyou are done,your slide shouldlook like the oneshown in the figure. • On the View tab, click the Normal button to switch to Normal view, and in the Slides/Outline pane, click the Outline tab.
Step-by-Step: Add a New Slide • Click to place the text insertion point after the word Socks in slide 2 and press Enter, creating a new paragraph. At this point the new paragraph is a bullet on slide 2. • Press Shift+Tab. The new paragraphis promoted into a new slide title. • Type Clearance Items and press Enter. A new paragraph appears. Because the previous paragraph was a slide title, the new one is too. • Press Tab. The new paragraph is indented so that it is a bullet on the Clearance Items slide.
Step-by-Step: Add a New Slide • Type the following items, pressingEnterafter each one to place it in its own paragraph: Biking accessories Camping supplies Spelunking gear • After all the text is typed in for thenew slide, it appears in the Outline asshown in the figure. • LEAVE the presentation open to use inthe next exercise.
Duplicating Selected Slides • If you want several similar slides in a presentation, you may be able to save some time by duplicating some of the slides and then modifying the copies. • The following exercise shows how to select the slides you want to duplicate, even when they are non-contiguous, and make copies of them. You also learn how to use the Duplicate Selected Slides command to make duplicates of slides. • Contiguous means “together.” Non-contiguous slides are not adjacent to one another in the presentation. Hold down Ctrl as you click each one you want.
Duplicating Selected Slides • To select contiguous slides, you can use the Shift type. Click the first slide in the group, and then hold down Shift as you click the last slide in the group. All the intervening slides are selected also. • You can also select slides from the Slides/Outline pane. On the Slides tab, select slide thumbnails just as in Slide Sorter view. On the Outline tab, click thesmall rounded rectangle (the Slideicon) to the left of the slide titleto select everything on that slide.See the figure.
Step-by-Step: Duplicate Non-Contiguous Slides • USEthe New Product Preview presentation that is still open from the previous exercise. • Click the Slide Sorter button on the View tab to switch to Slide Sorter view. The presentation’s slides appear together in a single pane.
Step-by-Step: Duplicate Non-Contiguous Slides • Change the Zoomlevel to 90% forthe Slide Sorterpane by clickingthe minus signbutton at the leftend of the Zoomslider. See the figure.
Step-by-Step: Duplicate Non-Contiguous Slides • Click slide 4. A yellow outline appears around it, indicating that it is selected. • Hold down Ctrl and click slide 7. A yellow outline appears around it too. • Click the Home tab and click Copy. The two slides are copied to the Clipboard. • Click to the right of slide 9. A flashing vertical line appears there.
Step-by-Step: Duplicate Non-Contiguous Slides • On the Home tab, click Paste. The copied slides are pasted after slide 9, as in the figure.
Step-by-Step: Duplicate Non-Contiguous Slides • Click slide 2 to select it. • On the Home tab, open the New Slide button’s drop-down list. • Click Duplicate Selected Slides. A copy of slide 2 is pasted directly following the original slide 2. • SAVEthe presentation file and CLOSE it. • LEAVEPowerPoint open for the next exercise.
Rearranging the Slides in a Presentation • It is important to organize your slides so they best support your message. • In PowerPoint, reorganizing slides is a simple drag-and-drop procedure. • In Slide Sorter view (or on the Slides tab in Normal view), you can click a slide and drag it to a new location in the presentation. • A line shows you where the slide will be placed when you drop it. • Moving a slide is a simple procedure, as you will learn in the following exercise.
Step-by-Step: Rearrange theSlides in a Presentation • To rearrange the slides in a presentation, do the following: • OPENthe Management Values presentation and save it as Management Values Final. • Click the View tab, then click the Slide Sorterbutton to switch to Slide Sorter view. The presentation’s slides appear together in a single window. • Use the Zoom control in the Status Bar to set the Zoom to 70%.