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8. Dept. of Labor: 1913, protect well-being of American workers (OSHA). Labor: Seth Harris (Acting) (D). 9. Department of Health and Human Services: 1953, direct programs for health/social service needs of Am. people. HHS: Kathleen Sebelius (D).
8. Dept. of Labor: 1913, protect well-being of American workers (OSHA).
9. Department of Health and Human Services: 1953, direct programs for health/social service needs of Am. people.
10. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development: 1965, preserve nation’s communities and ensure equal housing
11.Dept. of Transportation:1967, regulate all aspects of American Transportation needs
12.Dept. of Energy:1977, Plan energy policy, develop technology. • 13.Dept. of Educ:1979, Federal assistance program for schools. (except college) • 14.Dept of Vet. Affairs:1989, Administer benefit to vets and families.
15.Dept. of Homeland Security: 2002, oversee all agencies depts. relating to protecting the US. • a. Largest reorganization in US History. • b. Incorporates 22 agencies!
C. Independent Agencies: More than 100 that are not part of exec. branch. • 1.Environmental Protection Agency • 2.National Aeronautics and Space Administration • 3. The Federal Reserve • 4.Selective Service • 5.National Labor Relations Board
D. Government Corporations: Gov’t businesses. • 1.US Postal Service • 2. Amtrak: Railroad. • 3. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation: Protects bank deposits.
Regulatory Commissions: Independent, almost 4th branch, 5-11 people, Pres. Appoints, Senate approves, bipartisan, can’t fire. • 1.Interstate Commerce Commission • 2.Federal Trade Commission: Enforces anti-trust laws. • 3.Securities and Exchange Commission: Regulates Stock Market.
4.Federal Communications Commission: TV/Radio • 5. Consumer product Safety Commission: Directs recalls.
Sec2B: Civil Service System • A. The Origins • 1. spoils system. • 2.Results in 2 things. • a. Inefficiency • b. Corruption
3. 1881, Pendleton Act ends Spoils (Garfield). • a. Employment based on open, competitive exams and merit. • b. Run by 2 agencies. • 1)Office of personnel Management: Recruitment • 2)Merit System Protection Board: Settles Disputes/Complaints
4. The Civil Service System Today • a. Jobs attractive due to stability and benefits. • b. Hatch Act: Can’t participate in elections/endorse candidates. • c. 90% of jobs=Civil Service. • d. Civil Service jobs usually careerists.
Sec3B: Bureaucracy and Public Policy • A. Federal Bureaucrats perform many functions and in doing so, they help make policy in several ways • 1. Implement laws
2. Prepare laws • 3. Issue licenses • 4. Give out welfare/social services. • 5. Advise Pres/Cabinet
B. Why has role and size expanded? • 1. Growth of nation and technology • 2. International crises • 3. Economic Problems • 4. Citizen Demands • 5. Nature of Bureaucracy: Once agency created, hard to get rid of it.
Sec.1: US Foreign Policy • A. Definition of Foreign Policy • 1.Foreign: Beyond US boundaries • 2.Policy: Decisions/Programs that guide behavior or achieve goals. • 3.Foreign Policy: Decisions about people/places beyond boundaries, w/ intent to effect behavior of the other place.
B. Aims of Foreign Policy: Insure balance of power by creating allies so we are as strong as likeliest attacker. • 1.National Security: Free/Independent & secure from foreign influence/invasion. • 2. Promote World Peace: Settle disputes, supply economic aid, keep strong military. • 3. Promote and Protect Democratic Gov’ts. • 4. Promote Free & Open Trade: Access to natural resources, encourage new markets. • 5. Protect Human Rights: Humanitarians • 6. Stop Terrorism
C. Development of US Foreign Policy • 1. Early Years to Present • A. Isolationism • 1. Washington: No entangling Alliances • 2. Monroe Doctrine: Europe out of W. Hemisphere • a. Americas no longer colonies • b. Warning to Europe regarding Latin Amer. • c. No US interference in Europe.
B. Continued Territorial Expansion through mid-1800s • 1.Texas (1845) • 2. Oregon (1846) • 3.Mexican War: CA, West (46-48) Manifest Destiny • 4. Gadsden Purchase (SAZ 1853) • 5. Alaska (1867)
C. Imperialism: Building a world empire through Colonies. US Policy goes from interventionism to expand US businesses thru world markets. • 1.Spanish-Am War (1898) • a.Phillipines, Guam in Pacific • b.Puerto Rico, Cuban Indep in Caribbean • 2. Annexation of Hawaii (1898) Samoa (1900)
D. Policy towards Latin America • 1. Roosevelt Corollary (1904): Extends Monroe Doctrine, US policed W.Hemisphere (Big Stick) • 2. Led to resentment by L.A.: Yankee Imperialism, Gunboat diplomacy, dollar diplomacy. • 3.Good Neighbor Policy: FDR (1933) stress cooperation, no military intervention.