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Annual Review Meeting of SC activities October 19, 2008 Winnipeg

Annual Review Meeting of SC activities October 19, 2008 Winnipeg. Study Committee C4 System Technical Performance Danielle McNabb, Hydro-Québec -TransÉnergie. C4 System Technical Performance. SC Subject Area: Methods and tools for analysis : Power Quality Performance (AG1)

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Annual Review Meeting of SC activities October 19, 2008 Winnipeg

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  1. Annual Review Meeting of SC activitiesOctober 19, 2008Winnipeg Study Committee C4 System Technical Performance Danielle McNabb, Hydro-Québec -TransÉnergie

  2. C4 System Technical Performance • SC Subject Area: Methods and tools for analysis : • Power Quality Performance (AG1) • Electromagnetic Compatibility EMC/EMF • Insulation co-ordination • Lightning • Power System Security Assessment (new modeling tools and methods)

  3. C4 System Technical Performance • SC Members : 43 members

  4. C4 System Technical Performance :AG’s Chairman C. A. Nucci (IT) Secr. P. Pourbeik (USA) AG C4.5 Org. & Liaison M.T. Correia de Barros • AG C4.1 • Power Quality • ____ • R. Koch (SA) • ________ • 5 WGs • 3 TFs • AG C4.2 • EMC/EMF • ____ • J. Hoeffelman (BE) • __________ • 4 WGs • AG C4.3 • Insulation coordination • ____ • C. Neumann (DE) • ____________ • 3 WGs • AG C4.4 • Lightning • ____ • M. Ishii (JP) • __________ • 6 WGs • AG C4.6 • Power System Security Assessment • ____ • K. Uhlen (NO) • ________ • 2 WG • 4 TF

  5. C4 System Technical Performance • Organisation and General concerns • Strategic plan updated • Added flexibility needed – Restructuring AGs (Number and Nature of AGs may change) • Moving to a Web-based process • Need to implement means to keep contact with experts after WGs have been disbanded • Need to renew WGs memberships (Renewed workforce in the industry)

  6. AG C4.1 Power Quality 2009 2007 107 Economic Framework (J.L. Gutierrez Iglesias) JWG C4.103 Emission Limits for Disturbing Installations (G. Beaulieu) 2009 108 Review of Flicker Objectives (M. Halpin) 2007 TF C4.102 Voltage Dip Simulation Tools (J. Martinez) 2009 • Equipment Dip Immunity (M. Bollen) 2009 2008 Work to start in 2009 105 Benchmarking PQ Perform. Trans. syst.. (M. McGranaghan) 2008 - Temporary Over-voltages - Power Quality improvement programs - System PQ performance measurement and assessment 106 Instrument Test Protocols (E. Gunther) 2009 109 Emission Assessment Meth. (E. De Jaeger)

  7. AG C4.1 - Power Quality Deliverables: JWG C4.106 : No WG meeting held– No recent progress - Meanwhile - IEC TC85 PQ Instrument Product Standard and protocols to be issued - Proposal to disband JWG C4.105: “Guidelines for benchmarking technical performances in transmission systems” Daft document Dec 2008 JWG C4.107:“Economic Framework for PQ” CIRED Paper (May 2007) Expected completion date - Dec 2009. TF C4.108: CIGRE report “Review of flicker objectives in EHV/HV/MV&LV systems” 1st draft completed, meeting held with C4.109 CIRED paper 2009 JTF C4.109: CIGRE report “ Emission Assessment Techniques for Harmonics, Flicker, and Unbalance” Drafts Version of Harmonics and Flicker, Unbalance to be Developed, CIRED paper 2009 WG C4.110: CIGRE report “Dip immunity of equipment in Installations” 7 conference publications, Expected completion date Jan. 2009

  8. AG C4.2 EMC/EMF 2008 2009 TF C4.203 ELF field measurement techniques (F. Deschamps) WG C4.201 EMC in HV substations and generating stations TF C4.204 Magnetic Field Mitigation Techniques E. Salinas 2008 2009 JWG C4.202 EMC with communication circuits, LV systems and metallic structures (L.E. Juhlin) Work to start in 2009 WG C4.206: Protection of the High Voltage Power Network Control electronics against intentional Electromagnetic interference WG C4.209: Assessment of Contact current related to ELF electric field exposure

  9. AG C4.2 - EMC Deliverables : WG C4.201 :New Convenor appointed Mr Siew (UK) Update Guide TB 124 – New T.o.R. to be approved WG C4.202 : Guide for “Measurement of Radio frequency Interference from HV and MV substations” approved and ready for publication (2008) Guide for “Assessment of Transferred EPR on telecommunication Systems due to fault in a.c. power systems –New Convener and T.o.R WG C4.203 : Guide for “Measurement of low frequency electric and magnetic fields near overhead power lines” Final draft ready WG C4.204 : Guide for “Mitigating Techniques of Power Frequency magnetic Fields originating from Electric Power Systems” Final draft ready TF C4.205 : Published as TB 320 in APRIL 2007. TF disbanded

  10. AG C4.3 Insulation Coordination 2009 2007 WG C4.301 Procedures for station and OHL insulation coordination (A. Xémard) WG C4.303 Pollution and Environmental Influences on Electrical Performance of systems (C. Engelbretch) WG C4.302 Insulation Coordination related to internal insulation SF6 & N2/SF6 GIS (G. Muhr) Work to start in 2009 JWG A2-C4.39 Electrical Transient Interaction between Transformers and the Power System (A. da Costa oliveira Rocha)

  11. AG C4.3 - Insulation Coordination Deliverables : WG C4.301 : • Application guide for line arresters, Final version at the end of 2008 • Study of resonance and ferro-resonance. Draft under preparation. To be transferred to new WG WG C4.302 : • Paper to be published in 2008: Insulation coordination in SF6 and N2/SF6 WG C4.303 : • Brochure “Outdoor Insulation in Polluted Conditions : Guidelines for selection and dimensioning- Part 1 General Principles and AC case“Just published and can be downloaded from CIGRE website • Brochure part 2: DC case - Paper in progress

  12. AG C4.4 Lightning WG C4.401 Lightning (C.A. Nucci) WG C4.407 Lightning Parameters for Engineering Applications (V.A. Rakov) 2008 JWG C4.402/Cired 05 Protection of MV and LV networks against lightning (F. Rachidi) TF C4.405 Lightning interception (V. Cooray & T. Shindo) 2007 WG C4.404 Lightning Location System Data for Engineering Applications (G. Diendorfer& H. Torres) TF C4.406 Performance of grounding electrodes for lightning currents (S. Visacro)

  13. AG C4.4 - Lightning Deliverables : WG C4.401: Draft of “Lightning-Induced Voltages on Overhead Power Lines – Part IV “Application of theory to distributed lines” almost complete (was prepared by disbanded TF C4.403 WG C4.402: Protection of MV and LV networks against Lightning – Draft of Part 2almost complete. WG C4.404: Report: Cloud-to-Ground Lightning Parameters Derived from Detection Systems – The effects of System Performance”. Final draft to be approved WG C4.405: Lightning Interception – Survey on literature - Report under preparation, Document on ESE devices Report under preparation WG C4.406: Electra paper on “Performance of Transmission Lines Grounding Electrodes for Lightning Currents” draft waiting for approval WGC4.407Lightning Parameters for Engineering Applications – Kick off meeting in June 2008 Next meeting in Brazil Nov. 2008

  14. AG C4.6 New name : Power systems dynamic performance models and analysis 2004-8 • WG C4.601 • Power System Security Assessment • (P. Pourbiek)__________ • Unformal TF’s : Wide-area Monitoring and Control (C. Rehtanz) On-line Power System Security Assessment tools and techniques (K. Morrison) Modeling and Performance of Wind Generation (P. Pourbeik) 2009 WG C4.603 Analytical Techniques and Tools for Power Balancing Assessments (K. Ulhen) Review of Potential Tools and Techniques for Risk based and Probabilistic Planning in Power Systems (P. Pourbeik)

  15. AG C4.6 Power System Security Assessnt. Deliverables : Technical Brochuresin the last 2 years: • “Modeling and Dynamic Performance of Wind Generation as it Relates to Bulk Power System Control and Dynamic Performance”, by WG C4.601. • “Wide-Area Monitoring and Control for Transmission Capability Enhancement”, by WG C4.601. • “On-Line Power system Security Assessment Tools and Techniques: Application of Intelligent Technologies”, by WG C4.601. • "Coordinated Voltage Control in Transmission Networks", by TF C4.602.

  16. SC C4 System Technical Performance • Preferential Broad Subjects 2010 • EMC/EMF and Power Quality for future networks – compatibility requirements, assessment techniques/tools and technical performance improvement programs; • Advances in Insulation coordination and Lightning knowledge for improved performance of EHV-UHV power systems; • Advanced techniques and Tools for Power balancing assessments and Risk-based security assessment • Next SC4 meetings: • Second week of June 2009 in Japan in conjunction with Japanese Colloquium, • Sept. 2010 in Paris. • Prospective for 2011 SC4 meeting - Recife Brazil ______

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