BIG IDEA: Human rights, as expressed in international conventions, are being incorporated into Australian law and increasingly followed and promoted by law-makers, the courts, the media and the community. Are human rights violations something that only occur overseas? Is it time to clarify the law by creating an Australian Bill of Rights? Violations of natural human rights continue and the system of state sovereignty often seems unable to cope. International conventions on human rights are becoming influential in the courts and Federal Parliament. The adequacy of the common law, the Constitution, and other statutory law , to protect human rights is in question. H1 – H10: Specifically, the relationship between Australian and international law; the effectiveness of the legal system in addressing violations of human rights; analysis of information from a variety of sources; analyses differing perspectives. Jigsaw task: Students, in groups of 4, will research one international human rights issue with implications for Australian law and prepare a lesson for the class on their topic. The lesson will include recommendations on how Australian law needs to be reformed to deal with issues of promotion and enforcement. Students will also submit an individually prepared one page summation of their topic and lesson. Linguistic, and interpersonal learning. Creative activity. Formative and summative assessment. Writing task: Compare the differing perspectives on whether Australia needs a Bill of Rights, critique each case and propose a way forward. 1,000 word exposition. Linguistic and intrapersonal learning. Evaluation activity. Summative assessment. Debate: That genocide was committed in Australia. Using 20th century international covenants and declarations, assess whether white Australia’s treatment of indigenous peoples amounts to genocide or something else. Two 30 minute debates, prepared simultaneously during one lesson, and conducted with four speakers per team and three judges in a second lesson. Linguistic, interpersonal, and kinaesthetic learning. Analysis activity. Formative assessment. Short movie (60 seconds) or cartoon: Make a short movie maker or animoto presentation , or sketch a cartoon, that highlights one International covenant or declaration: the behaviour it proscribes and its incorporation into Australian law (i.e. the role of legislation, common law and court interpretations). Spatial, musical and intrapersonal learning. Creative activity. Formative assessment. Hypothetical: present an issue that highlights the contentiousness in the promotion and enforcement of human rights internationally: state sovereignty and the effectiveness of the legal system. The role of media and the community. Kinaesthetic and linguistic learning. Apply and evaluation activity. Formative assessment. Universal Declaration of Human Rights quiz: http://www.knowyourrights2008.org/index.php?nave=home Linguistic and mathematical learning. Recall activity. Summative assessment.