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Leadership Development

Leadership Development. Developing the Workforce “Did curiosity really kill the cat?” JISC Information Skills Consultation Workshop. Martin Barnes The Leadership Foundation for Higher Education www.lfhe.ac.uk 020 7841 2816. Higher Education Leadership Labyrinth.

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Leadership Development

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  1. Leadership Development Developing the Workforce “Did curiosity really kill the cat?” JISC Information Skills Consultation Workshop Martin Barnes The Leadership Foundation for Higher Education www.lfhe.ac.uk 020 7841 2816

  2. Higher Education Leadership Labyrinth Widening Access Increased Accountability Knowledge Transfer Brand Management Diversifying Income Streams Governance Risk Management Sustainability Globalisation Fundraising Improving Research Rankings Succession Planning Leadership Characteristics Diversity Learning from Benchmarking Collaboration/Partnership Inspiration Strategic Leadership Transformation Devolved/Enabled Followership Managing ‘Super-stars’ personal humility and professional will

  3. Strategic Leadership Context (Drivers for change) • Continuing expansion of student numbers (UK and worldwide) • Widening participation • The HR agenda • ICT and eLearning strategies • Resources and Estates development • Governance • Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility • Funding • Marketing • Competition in UK • Enhancing the student experience • Management of Research • Internationalisation • Business, Regional and Community interactions

  4. LF Leadership DevelopmentOptions for Intervention • Developing individual leaders at all levels • open programmes • coaching, mentoring, etc • key skills • ‘governors’ development • Institutional capacity building • Customised programmes • Benchmarking • Needs analysis - inc regional needs • Networks and communities of learning • Alumni networks • Working with specific professional groups (eg AHUA/BUFDG/UPA/SCOPPOG/AUDE/SCONUL/UCISA etc) • International links • Futures Lab / Research Championing leadership – conferences, seminars

  5. Flagship LF Projects www.lfhe.ac.uk • Top Management Programme (Top team - DVC/Deputy Principal/PVC/Registrar) • Senior and Strategic Leadership (new)(Deans/Directors) • Preparing for Strategic Leadership (new)(Deans/Directors) • Heads of Department Programme (new)(Heads of Department) • Middle and First Line Manager Programmes (new) • Leadership Series and seminars • National Mentoring Scheme • Governance and Governor training • Equality and diversity projects • Change Academy • HR/Finance/Knowledge Directors - Leadership programmes • Research programme and LF Fellowships scheme • Publications – ‘In Practice’ and ‘Engage’ • Leadership development needs analysis

  6. Defining i-Skills • The ability to identify, assess, retrieve, evaluate, adapt, organise and communicate information within an iterative context of review and reflection

  7. Core leadership behaviours • Developing and communicating vision • Setting direction • Modelling values • Inspiring colleagues and team members • Motivating, challenging, supporting • Promoting innovation • Being a pivotal change agent (“energy”) • Creating the freedom for others to lead

  8. Giving purpose and direction –creating and communicating a vision of the future Ineffective behaviour • Looks to others to provide direction • Takes an overly cautious approach • Assumes people know what is required of them without being told • Loses sight of the big picture • Allows a culture which is intolerant of diversity Effective behaviour • Is clear what needs to be achieved • Involves people in deciding what has to be done • Communicates a compelling view of the future • Sets clear short and long term objectives • Creates practical and achievable plans • Establishes standards of behaviour which promote diversity • Agrees clear responsibilities and objectives to deliver results • Initiates change to make things happen

  9. Learning and improving –Drawing on experience and new ideas to improve results Effective behaviour • Aware of own strengths, weaknesses and motivations • Applies learning from own and others’ experience • Builds productive relationships with people across and outside the organisation • Understands, values and incorporates different perspectives • Seeks new or different ideas and opportunities to learn • Readily shares ideas and information with others • Encourages experimentation and tries innovative ways of working Ineffective behaviour • Can’t see things from other people’s perspective • Assumes at the outset different perspectives need not be taken on board • Does not listen • Sticks to outdated methods • Unwilling to be exposed to risk or uncertainty

  10. Connecting i-Skills with Leadership • Leadership “big picture”__________ “using the magnifying glass” • Leadership ____________________ Management • Vision _________________________ Implementation • Creativity_______________________ Innovation • Development of staff is key competence

  11. Leadership • Defines and communicates what to be achieved • Supports empowered and enabled people in determining how to do it • Utilises systematic processes for monitoring and reviewing progress

  12. Critical enquiry • What do we need to achieve • When do we need to achieve it by • Who else has done it • Where can I find out about it • Why did they do it the way they did • How might we benefit/use this information 5 Whys - Critical examination technique

  13. New leadership competencies • Client partnering • Collaborative influence • Embracing challenge • Earning trust • Enabling performance and growth • Passion for organisation’s future • Strategic risk-taking • Informed judgment • Thinking horizontally Hay Group survey “excellent leadership role models” for IBM 2005

  14. How do you form your “big picture” • Where do you place yourself on the curiosity index? • Are your sources of information and perspectives broad enough? • Do you encourage curiosity amongst your co-workers? “smart leaders don’t have all the answers – they just know where to find them.”

  15. Summary • “ What we sell, and what adds value to our clients, is the people who work here. It is all about talent. Talent has proven to be the most important asset for the success of our endeavour now and in the future. So developing talent requires the organisation to look seriously at how it discovers, assists and enables its current and future leaders”. Donna Riley IBM

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